Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 135: Design of the Clipper Ship! The sword points to the Fukushima Islands!

"Your Majesty, the paper mills in the counties have been completed and started to operate."

"In addition, the two counties have already completed the coordination of the Northern Xinjiang Coal Mine, and a notice will be posted in the near future to mine coal."

"At the same time, the two prefectures of Mobei and Dayuan in the north have been completed, and the people are moving in an orderly manner. 99

"The Chu army prisoners of war have been evacuated from the three projects and assembled, the armored and war horses have been prepared, and the steel weapons are being made.

"The construction of the new dock on the Weishui River has begun. In addition, according to His Majesty's instructions, General Wang has ordered the Daqin Navy to empty all the ships and is now rushing to the port of Kuaiji County."

"Xianyang City's sewer line has been excavated, the septic tank has been built according to the method given by His Majesty, and now the pipeline is being laid."

"The school has also been implemented. The site is a ready-made courtyard in the west of the city. Now Master Fusu is coordinating Confucianism and various scholars. The textbooks mentioned by His Majesty are also in the process of printing."

Listening to Feng Quji's report, Zhao Tuo nodded again and again.

"Very good, how about the crops that I dispatched to various places before I ascended the throne?"

"Report to Your Majesty that the first crops in three counties are about to mature. 35

"Well...the date of the newspaper's publication has been adjusted recently. It's better to stick to the time when the crops are mature and try to spread the news as soon as possible."9


"By the way, there is one more thing." Zhao Tuo stopped Feng Quji who was about to leave.

"I passed my oral order to Qing Meng, ordering his subordinates to draw up a circular to be published in the newspaper. 35

"It's just that I want to convene the world's famous doctors and medical experts and scholars to compile a world-class medical manual together to find a good remedy for my people in Daqin."

"Everyone who participates in the compilation can leave a name on the medical skills and pass it on to the world with medical books."

"Also... Those who have unfinished medical books in their hands can compile the medical books into the Unparalleled Medical Canon, and I will have many rewards!"


Hearing Zhao Tuo's idea, Feng Quji was shocked.

For Da Qin, this is definitely a great deed that benefits the country and the people!

It was compiled by famous doctors from all over the world... What kind of a masterpiece of medicine does this have to be?

Just one item, Feng Quji trembled with excitement.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! This minister rushed to Lord Meng's mansion to convey this matter to him.


Looking at the back of Feng Quji quickly leaving, Zhao Tuo sighed slightly.

If this time I can really find the fragments of "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", it will really make a lot of money...

At the same time, like Feng Quji, he had some vague expectations in his heart.

In history, it seems that there is no such thing as ordering the world to co-author medical books.

I don't know if this will work on my own...

Shaking his head and throwing the messy thoughts out of his mind, Zhao Tuo flipped through the "Heavenly Creation" in front of him.

"This time, it's really worth it. Just the manufacturing method of these things in the system, the total price in the system is definitely more than the price of this heavenly craftsmanship. 39

"Let's see what the current Da Qin can use..."

"Well...soy products...saponins...cotton fabrics."

"Write it all down. It just so happens that some people in Lingnan have already started to plant cotton. This cotton is a good idea for the people of Daqin."

"Ceramic, this is also a big baby..."

"Even the machine! It has to be recorded quickly, and in conjunction with the harvest of Da Qin, how much will the efficiency be improved?"

"Ship... sigh, this is not very good..."

Zhao Tuo frowned slightly while watching the boat and car movie of "Heavenly Creation".

There are very few types of boats here.

There are only three types of boats, sea boats and miscellaneous boats.

Although it describes in detail the zigzag way of "grabbing the wind" when sailing against the wind.

But the boat was not as big and fast as Zhao Tuo wanted.

"It seems that this can only be bought in the system... 35

While muttering, Zhao Tuo opened the system mall.

.......... ask for flowers · 0

Now, the dock has begun to be established, and after this battle of Oluo, Da Qin's awareness of marine transportation should gradually awaken.

Therefore, when it comes to shipbuilding, the sooner the better.

[Flying Clipper Design]: 3980,0000 Prestige Points

It is known as the fastest sailboat in history, with a speed of 12-14 knots and a displacement of up to 3,400 tons.

Remarks: Once transported tea and opium, it also carried the dream of gold diggers.

[Design of Zheng He's Treasure Ship]: 2050,0000 Prestige Points

The treasure ship that Zheng He rode on his voyages was 44 feet and 4 feet long, 18 feet wide, had a displacement of 800 tons and a speed of 8-10 knots.

Note: The Santa Maria, the flagship of the Columbus voyage nearly a century late, is not even a toy in front of it.

[Design drawing of Da Song vehicles and ships]

[Design drawing of building ship in the Eastern Han Dynasty]

Looking at the eight-digit prices above, Zhao Tuo was a little jealous.


If I hadn't purchased two books before, the design of the clipper ship would have arrived!

"It seems that I can only wait for the next newspaper release to see how much prestige it will bring me."5

Zhao Tuo's eyes were burning.

Clipper boat, he is bound to win.

With the design of this ship, it is equivalent to having the capital to sail around the world.

At that time, he will be able to expand and collect resources aggressively in this era when most of the regions have not yet formed combat power!

"Using the Fukuo Islands as a springboard, Daqin's footsteps will surely step on the American continent!

Zhao Tuo looked at the sky in the southeast.

The Fau Islands was his first target.

Sin should be strangled in the cradle.

Today, that land is in the early period of Yayoi, and the people are not yet civilized.

The most advanced ones are just people from all over the world who traveled eastward to escape the war.

As long as there is a boat, here... at your fingertips! 10.

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