Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 136 Treasure sent to the Peacock Dynasty? Tears of the fairy?

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Far in the ancient conch city, the tranquility before the storm shrouded the city.

In the palace, the King of Anyang was quietly admiring the two objects in his hands.

A crystal clear wine bottle.

The two are equally crystal clear, like teardrops, a magical thing called fairy tears.

"Baby! Such a good baby!"

The King of Anyang sighed.

A few days ago, a businessman who secretly traveled between Daqin and the Peacock Dynasty was robbed by him.

This person gave him a lot of money and property management many years ago in order to be able to travel freely in Ou Luo...

But he didn't even think about it.

Being a dignified king of Ou Luo, Anyang, can't you tell the difference between the noble and the low?


Credit can also be eaten? Can it make Ou Luo stronger?

Until some time ago, this person finally "837" began to travel between the two places for business.

I heard that what this person delivered this time was to first give to the Mauryan Dynasty King Sarishuka, and the good treasure of the high officials in the court.

He was immediately moved.

After some inquiries, after learning that King Sharipuja didn't know about the matter, he directly detained the merchant and grabbed the treasure.

"King! Someone brought it up!

Hearing the voice of the guard, King Anyang gently put down the object in his hand and looked at the peacock man who was brought up.

"What's your name?"

"I... my name is Sanjay Dutt, and I have met King Anyang.

The Peacock man was speaking in a suffocated Daqin dialect, but he was barely able to express his meaning.

"Yo... Can you speak Daqin dialect? It seems that you have worked hard for these things?"

King Anyang was instantly interested.

"Come on, let me introduce these two treasures, what are they?


Dutt nodded again and again, and he couldn't help recalling what Ba Qing had told him.

"No matter what happens, your own life is the first, try your best to survive."

Thinking of the characteristics of these two treasures, Dutt rolled his eyes and suddenly came to an idea.

"The great King of Anyang, these two things are the treasures left by the immortals of the Qin state!


Hearing this word, Anyang King was slightly taken aback.

He and his father, King Pingyang, were exiles from the ancient Shu Kingdom.

Naturally, I have heard the legend of the "immortal".

But...that's just a legend.

"Yes, yes, it is called a fairy, similar to the Buddha of our Peacock Kingdom...

"Don't talk nonsense! Pick the key points!"

"Yes, yes... Those two little things are called fairy tears, and they are the gems that the tears left by the fairy fell and turned into gems before they landed!

"Oh? 35

Anyang King looked at the "Immortal Tears" in the box and couldn't help rubbing his chin.

This crystal clear... It really looks like tears.

Is it possible...

"Then you say that he is the tears of an immortal, but what evidence is there?" King Anyang asked with a frown.

Dutt nodded again.

"I have! This fairy's tears are very magical. Its head is indestructible, and it can't be hurt even with a sword."

"But his tail is very fragile, as long as you squeeze it lightly, the entire fairy's tears will be crushed!"

"Heh... there is no such thing in this world, it's just a rumor."

"No no no! It's not a rumor! It's true!" Duterte said quickly: "Great King Anyang, if you think I'm telling a lie, you can kill me now."

"But before that, let me show you what makes this fairy tear unique!"

King Anyang hesitated for a moment, looking at the guards around him, Dutt didn't seem to be able to run, and he finally nodded.

"Well... show it well, or this king will throw you into the snake cave!"

With that said, King Anyang waved his hand and motioned for the waiter to bring the things to Dutt.

Dutt took the "Tear of the Immortal" and carefully placed it on the ground, and said to the guards on both sides: "You can slash hard at his head and see if he does."


The two guards looked at each other and finally looked at King Anyang.

He pondered for a moment, thinking that there were two immortal tears, one had a problem, and it seemed that nothing was wrong.

So King Anyang nodded slightly.

After receiving the signal, the guards had no scruples in their hearts.


The rough short copper sword was unsheathed, aimed at the "Immortal Tears" on the ground, and chopped it down...


There was an ear-piercing crisp sound, and then a few pieces of metal fragments flew out.

The guard raised his sword in surprise.

I saw that there was a big gap on the blade.

And look at the "Immortal Tears" on the ground

Still intact and crystal clear...

"Really so hard?"

King Anyang stood up, his face full of surprise.

Immediately before it was sent, Dutt leaned over to pick up the tears of the fairy, and pinched its tail...


It was just that the two fingers exerted a little force, and the clear immortal tears shattered into crystal powder all over the sky in an instant.

In this scene, the guards on the side and the King of Anyang above were completely dumbfounded.

"you you you you……"

The King of Anyang pointed at Dutt, unable to say a word for a long time.


It turned out to be true!

The tears of the immortals, which can't even be cut by a sword, are completely shattered with just a slight squeeze of the fingers.

Needless to say! What else could be possible but that the tears of a real fairy could be so magical?

In addition to the surprise, King Anyang looked at Dutt's eyes and became a little unkind.

"After all, you broke this king's treasure, how do you want to die!

"King Anyang, you won't kill me.

At this moment, Dutt changed his panic and seemed not to be afraid of the angry Anyang King at all.

He said calmly: "The person who crushed the 'Immortal Tears' will be blessed by the Immortals to protect all evil and ward off evil. If you kill me, you will be haunted by bad luck after this 1.0!""


The king of Anyang was startled, and then tentatively said: "Do you think this king will reply to your nonsense?"

"Oh...don't believe it? If you don't believe me, you can take some poisonous insects and poisonous snakes to see if they will hurt me!""

Upon hearing this, the King of Anyang came to his spirit.

"Come here! Bring ten poisonous snakes, and bring some poisonous insects from this king's gu cup!

"Yes! 39

After a while, poisonous snakes and poisonous insects arrived.

Dutt stood calmly in place, while the guards carefully opened the bamboo basket...



In an instant, ten venomous snakes of all kinds snaked out.

A poisonous insect crawled all over the ground.

However, in the next second, a scene that shocked everyone happened!

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