Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 137 Is it really possible that there are immortals blessing and shelter?

As a large number of poisonous insects and poisonous snakes poured out, a scene that shocked everyone happened!

I saw that, whether it was poisonous insects or poisonous snakes, all of them would avoid them within five steps of approaching Dutt.

Or turn your head to the side, or turn around and go back the same way.

In short, no poisonous insects or poisonous snakes are willing to approach Dutt.

After a while, a vacuum was formed around him.

"This...is it really possible that there is a blessing and protection from immortals?""

The King of Anyang was shocked.

"You! Put a viper on him!


The guard who received the order of King Anyang was stunned.

But thinking of the fate of refusing the order, he still dared to hold the seven inches of the tip of a soldering iron.

Then slowly approach Dutt with this soldering iron tip.

However, just when the guard with the soldering iron head approached Duter within five steps, the soldering iron head suddenly struggled violently.

The terrifying intensity of its intensity made the guard's hands subconsciously loosen...


The tip of the soldering iron bit directly into the guard's hand.

Then he turned his head and quickly left within five steps of Dutt.


19 The guard screamed and held his hands, his face pale.

Everyone here is very clear.

Once this kind of poisonous snake bites, there is only one way to end!

"Come on, carry him down.

King Anyang waved his hand and let the unfortunate be taken away.

Immediately, he looked at Dutt with a bright smile on his face.

"Look, you really didn't lie to me. 35

"I really didn't expect that such a magical thing really exists in this world.

"The blessing of the immortal... tsk tsk."

King Anyang carefully pinched the last immortal tear and appreciated it contentedly.

"Since there are immortals blessed, then this king will not kill you. 35


Before Dutt had time to be happy, King Anyang changed the conversation.

"However, you can stay in my Ou Luo for the time being."

"If you go back and tell the truth, it will be bad.

Dutt breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I can't go back, at least my life is temporarily saved...

Thinking of this, Duterte showed a signature smile on his face: "That's all up to the arrangement of King Anyang.

"Take the man down."

After leaving the palace, Dutt's heart skipped a beat.

The breeze blew, and he realized that the vest was soaked with sweat.

What a fairy shelter.

It was all because the deworming sachet and realgar bag that Ba Qing gave him before he left were working.

Unexpectedly, it actually helped a lot.

"Your Majesty, the Southern Border Army has assembled and can go to war at any time."

"Xiang Yu also rushed to the port with the Chu army, which was restructured from prisoners of war in the state of Chu."

In the Qin Palace hall, Wang Ben was reporting the preparations of the army at this time.

Wang Ben knew very little about Xiang Yu, the general of the Chu army.

It's not just him.

Basically, everyone in the court, including Ying Zheng, had never heard of this person.

But no one doubts Zhao Tuo's ability to select and recognize people.

Lu Bu and Huo Qubing were examples before them.

What's more, this feather is also the grandson of Xiang Yan, a general of the Chu State after the famous family.

I heard that his skill is going to press Lu Bu's head.

There is absolutely no doubt about his ability.

Only this guy Li Xin, after hearing Xiang Yan's name, his face turned a little green...

"Your Majesty, everything is ready."

Wang Ben grinned and saw Zhao Tuo nodded slightly before returning to his position.

"very good……"

Zhao Tuo looked at the map drawn in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Father, General Wang, what do you think of my proposal?"

Ying Zheng laughed and said: "Attack it in this way, Ou Luo will be destroyed! 55

"The old man thinks that this Ou Luo can't last for five days." Wang Jian was full of confidence in Zhao Tuo's tactics.

Zhao Tuo nodded.


"Wang Ben, pass our military orders to the Southern Border Army, ordering the commander of the county to assume the post of general Zhao Tuosi, and make preparations.

"Two days after the arrival of the military order, Ou Luo will be attacked by Xiang County!"

"At the same time, the military order was sent to the army of Chu, and all members boarded the ship. Immediately follow the chart drawn by me, take the waterway to the southeast coast of Ou Luo, and be sure to arrive on the third day, neither early nor late!"


Wang Ben led the order to leave.

Zhao Tuo looked at the Oluo area on the map, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes.

"Dare to hack Daqin's materials and ruin my plan, do you really think that Oluo is too far away, and Daqin will be out of reach?"

"It just so happened that you had long been in love with your piece of blessed land for growing rice, and since this is the case, I will be disrespectful!

"Hey... I really don't know if I can return to the Peacock Dynasty, how should I explain this to Madam Qing?" 35

Duterte was bored lying in the residence arranged for him by King Anyang.

Although it is said that there is no worries about food and clothing now, there is no worry about life.


Dutt looked at the two guards in the room who were staring at him with helplessness written on their faces.

Isn't this the way to go?

However, just when he was worried, two dark shadows that were indistinguishable to the naked eye suddenly flashed across the window...


The two guards touched their necks suspiciously.

Suddenly, a silver needle with a blackened front was found, and it didn't know when it pierced them.

Just as they were about to turn around to look for it, their eyes suddenly turned black...




The two guards both fell to the ground.

"This... what's the matter? Hey... wake up!""

Dutt stepped forward and pushed the two of them.

no movement...

"Don't cry, they're dead. 99

The icy voice appeared behind Dutt at an unknown time, which made him shudder suddenly.

Look back.

It was a guy with a blue mask and cold eyes.

Isn't it the Oluo sent by Zhao Tuo before, looking for Dutt's Dong?

"Don't ask, just follow me."

After saying a word, Dong turned around and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, Dutt could only keep up.

He is no fool.

Although the identity of this person is not clear, it can be judged from the clothes that this masked man should be from Qin.

It must be the person Ba Qing sent to him.

Leaving the room, Dutt just wanted to ask, but after seeing the scene in the courtyard, his eyes suddenly widened.

The dozen or so guards in the original courtyard had all fallen silently to the ground at this time.

In addition to the masked man, there was also a yellow masked woman with a yellow mask who was playing with a silver needle in her hand.

It's autumn!

"Anyone found? Then let's go. 55

"It's estimated that this Ou Luo... If you take it, it will be messed up, giggle."

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