Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 138 Your so called leader will definitely kneel down and beg my forgiveness!

"King! The big thing is bad! Year

"What the fuck is up again! 99

The King of Anyang roared angrily.

He just received a report from his side, saying that Dutt actually escaped!

If he let this guy run back to the Peacock Dynasty, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat!

"Fuck your ass! Don't get in the way of this king's eyes!"

"Wang, Daqin...We are at war with us!"

"What did you say!!!" Wang Anyang stood up suddenly, his face full of fear and anxiety.

He was worried that the Peacock Empire was coming, but the stronger Daqin came to declare war... This is a horse.

"Wait... don't tell me..."

King Anyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly remembered the immortal tear that was crushed by Dutt.

"Yes! It must be so!

"It must be that this kid was blessed by the immortals, but this king imprisoned him, so he was plagued with bad luck like he is now.

Thinking of this, King Anyang quickly took out the two treasures that he treasured.

Wine cups, and fairy tears.

Putting the tears of the immortal close to his body, the King of Anyang quickly poured the wine into the wine cup, and then drank it all in one gulp...

Listen to that unique.

This wine cup is an object of the fairy family, and it is contaminated with fairy energy.

If you drink it with this wine, you will also be able to get immortal, and you will have good luck.

"Um...this feels..."

The King of Anyang let out a long sigh. I don't know how.

After drinking the wine in this Immortal Family utensil, his whole person seemed to have a little bit of energy.

Cheering up, the King of Anyang ordered: "Order all the troops of Ou Luo to enter the mountains and forests!"

"Dare to make such a fuss on our territory, it seems that these Qin people have not learned the lesson of attacking Baiyue before.

"Hit! Hit this king hard!""

"Follow your orders!

After the guards left, Anyang King happily poured himself a glass of wine.

It's just that before he could drink, he saw a man with a half-black and half-white mask pacing into the palace.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into this king's palace!

"Someone! Somebody!"

"Te mother, where have everyone gone!?"

"No need to shout." Wuming suddenly said lightly.

"If you're calling those guards outside, I don't think they might be able to respond to you.

The expression of King Anyang changed.

No matter how stupid Rao is, he can understand the meaning of this person's words.

"King Anyang, come with us, the head of the family wants to see you. 55 Wuming stepped forward, grabbed King Anyang's shoulders, and carried him out.

"Let go of this king! You are so courageous!"

"This king knows! You must be sent by the Qin people, right?

"Tell you guys, do you think Ou Luo can be destroyed by capturing this king? Impossible!""

Wuming smiled and said: "Of course we know that when you die, someone else will take your place.

"It's just... it doesn't matter who is on the top. 99

"Because soon, there will be no more wolves in this world!""

"You fart! 99

The King of Anyang was angry.

Thinking of the magical fairy tears in his arms, he suddenly smiled coldly.

"Look, when the time comes, your so-called leader will definitely kneel and beg me for forgiveness, and respectfully send this king back to Oluo."

"When the time comes, this king wants you to die!"9

The five suddenly stopped and looked at the strangeness of King Anyang's eyes.

Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?

What gave him such courage?

Liang Heru in the mouth of the leader?

Ignoring King Anyang's mad words, Wuming took King Anyang quickly towards the gathering place of the five people...

At the same time, the entire Ou Luo's troops were rapidly being mobilized.

Ou Luo is not big, but not very small either.

Shutting between the mountains and mountains, it took the army a whole day to arrive at the mountains and mountains that had been caught in the chaos of war.

Throughout the rolling hills, the sound of fighting and screaming could be heard occasionally.

Countless Daqin Southern Border troops swept away the Ou Luo troops in the mountains with incomparable precision.

It took years of getting used to and getting used to.

Today, these southern Qin troops are all good at fighting in the jungle.

In addition, there are many Baiyue people in the Qin army now, and for a time, the two sides fought on the same level in the jungle!

However, with the arrival of reinforcements from Ou Luo's side, the war began to become anxious.

But this situation did not last long.

Although the news of the disappearance of King Anyang was blocked by the officials of Ou Luo, something unexpected happened!

On the southeast coast of Oulao, there were even a hundred and ten Qin people's building ships!

Immediately, the fleet sailed directly into the Red River, followed the tributaries of the big river, and hit the ancient snail city on the Red River Plain...

At this moment, the entire Ou Luo, whether it was the common people or the bureaucrats, was dumbfounded.

There is no other reason (of money).

Just yesterday, they had mobilized their entire army to the mountains in the northeast to resist the Qin people's attack from Xiang County!

Today's inland... there is simply not enough troops stationed there!


Get back on defense!!!

However, this news came back and forth, coupled with the slow march in the mountainous plateau area.

How could the speed of the army returning to help keep up with the speed of the ships?

In less than a day, the fleet came directly to the vicinity of Guluo City, and immediately tens of thousands of extremely ferocious Qin troops rushed out...

But without the support of the reinforcements, coupled with the unusually precise targeted killing of the Qin army, the jungle defense line in the northeast collapsed quickly...

|| Your Majesty! Good news from Southern Xinjiang!!!”

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