Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 139 I, the 2 Emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty is also!

Chapter 139

"Your Majesty! Good news from Southern Xinjiang!!!"

Wang Ben strode into the hall, his face full of joy.

The rest of Ying Zheng and others were also present.

There is no reason for him.

Just because Zhao Tuo said that the southern border war will be rewarded in the past two days, and everyone is here to wait and hear the good news.

Unexpectedly, they were really waiting for them!


"The Chu army entered the Red River as planned, and within a day, they captured the ancient city of snails and captured Oluo and all the officials alive."

"The next day, the southern Xinjiang army broke through the defense line in the northeastern mountainous area of ​​Ou Luo, and Ou Luo announced its surrender!"



Hearing the turning point in Wang Ben's words, the smiles on everyone's faces froze.

"It's just that Ou Luo's King Pingyang hasn't been caught, right?" Zhao Tuo leaned his chin lazily, his eyes clear.

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes.

Based on what they knew about this young majesty, generally this situation must be within their plan.

Wang Ben nodded: "To be honest, Your Majesty, the battle report said that King Pingyang was kidnapped and disappeared on the day of the war.

"Well...it's mine, you don't have to worry about that.

840 "Do the math...they should be arriving soon."

The smile on Zhao Tuo's face was even wider.

"Li Xiang, Feng Xiang, now that the territory of Great Qin has been expanded again, let's start a new county planning.

"By the way, this area where Ou Luo is located must be used well, especially the Red River Plain... it is a treasure land."

Treasure land?

Everyone looked at each other.

"Don't wonder..." Zhao Tuo couldn't help recalling the great role played by the Red River Plain in Yuenan in later generations.

"If you make good use of it, just plant the rice seeds I brought out in that place, and the food produced..."

"Enough to support the entire Great Qin!"


Hearing this shocking news, everyone stood up suddenly in shock.

For a time, in the entire hall, only Zhao Tuo was able to sit still.

Zhao Tuo's eyes flickered.

In memory, the Red River Plain is located south of the Tropic of Cancer, and the climate is humid and rainy.

It is an excellent place to grow rice.

Even exaggerated to the point that it can be made three times a year!

Two thousand years later, it is one of the highest rice-producing regions in the world!

Just the rice grown in the Red River Plain can feed more than 20 million people!

And how many people are in Daqin now? Twenty-seven million!

Plus, it's not just the Red River Plain that is fertile throughout the region.

Further down to the Mekong River Basin, the entire coastal plain is a great place to grow rice and a variety of high-yielding crops!

To say it is a treasure is an understatement!

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo's eyes became hot.

"Feng Xiang and Li Xiang, no matter what method they use, they must complete the remediation of the Ou Luo area before autumn, and start planting crops!"

"If it goes well, even if it does not rely on other crops, next year's Daqin will be able to achieve the goal of all the people, three meals a day, all-you-can-eat!

All the people, three meals a day, all-you-can-eat...

In an instant, the tip of everyone's nose was slightly sore.

This was once, but their elusive dream...


Feng Quji and Li Si took the lead.

The two have made up their minds at this moment.

Even if they don't eat or sleep, they must complete the planning and remediation of this area as soon as possible.

Strive for this batch of rice to mature, and it can be planted to the Red River Plain as soon as possible!

After arranging the rest, Zhao Tuo changed his clothes and went straight to the outside of the palace.

Now the war has ended for more than two days.

Counting the distance, no matter how slow it is, the people who were waiting for the midnight (bjba) who succeeded the day the war started, should have returned to Xianyang soon.

as predicted.

Here, Zhao Tuo had just arrived at Ba's house on the front foot, and there were five more people in the spring, summer, autumn and winter on the back foot, so he rushed back with Dutt and the black-faced King of Anyang.


When they entered the door and saw that Zhao Tuo was actually there, everyone's faces showed joy.

This work is done clearly and plainly, and when you see the boss, you must be smiling.

"You guys did a great job.

Zhao Tuo couldn't hide a smile on his face.

Originally, he had already prepared for the worst, but he didn't expect that this dark pile was really rescued by five people.

"As a reward, come to Mrs. Qing tomorrow night, and I'll treat you to a good meal!"


Hearing this, Qiu Niang took the lead in cheering, and the other four also showed more or less smiles on their faces.

The leader's terrifying craftsmanship, they have never forgotten it for so many years.

Especially now that there is a layer of identity.

It will definitely taste even more amazing...

After speaking with the five, Zhao Tuo turned his attention to Dutt first.

"Are you the hidden stake that the Ba family planted in the Peacock Dynasty?"


Dutt nodded respectfully.

Although the existence of Zhao Tuo is not known.

But he keenly saw some clues from Ba Qing's attitude towards Zhao Tuo.

Perhaps this young man is the real behind-the-scenes control...

"Remember everything Mrs. Qing told you, and forget everything you have seen and heard during this time. 99

"When the big event is completed, the benefits will inevitably come from you, do you know?"

"I know, I know!"

Dutt nodded again and again.

"Okay, let's go and return to the Peacock Dynasty as soon as possible, it will inevitably become suspicious for a long time.

Zhao Tuo waved his hand and dismissed Duterte.

It was not until Dutt disappeared in the Bajia courtyard that Zhao Tuo looked at King Anyang again.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It's better to be famous than to meet.

"King of Anyang, I have long admired the great name.

Zhao Tuo's mouth curled into a smile.

"I didn't expect that you would still have such determination, the country under your command would perish, and you would be trapped in the enemy's camp, and you could not change your face.

"I admire you……"

"Humph..." King Anyang snorted coldly, looked at Zhao Tuo and said with disdain: "Although he is the king of a subjugated country, this king is also the king of a country.

"Wait for the junior to report your name quickly! When I return to my country, I will spare you not to die!

Hearing this, the smile on Zhao Tuo's face became even brighter.

"I, Da Qin... the second emperor is also!

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