Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 141 The world shattering treasure fired from borax limest1, I call it glass!

"No...impossible...it's impossible!

The King of Anyang shook his head again and again, muttering to himself.

It seemed completely unacceptable to the sight in front of him.

"This...is the fairy tears you said?"

Zhao Tuo smiled and took the Rupert Tears handed by the craftsman.

This thing has been played badly in future generations, and Dutt took it away because he wanted to see if he could come up with some tricks in this world.

Unexpectedly, he really did it by accident.

Immortal Tears... Tsk tsk, the name is strangely like Daqin.

"Absolutely impossible!"

King Anyang suddenly roared and snatched Rupert's Tears from Zhao Tuo's hands.




After a few bursts of "840", these Rupert tears turned into crystal powder in the sky just like the fairy tears in the hands of King Anyang.

This time, King Anyang was completely stupid.

"Why...why! Then Duterte was obviously blessed by the immortals! Otherwise, why would those poisonous insects and poisonous snakes keep their distance from him!

"You said this..."

Ba Qing slowly took out a strange-smelling sachet from his sleeve and explained:

"In this sachet, there are a lot of flowers and plants that mosquitoes fear, and some realgar.

"If King Anyang needs it, I have a few left here, do you want it?"


King Anyang completely collapsed.

And seeing the appearance of King Anyang, and the performance just now.

Zhao Tuo already vaguely knew what method Dutt used to save his family's life and rescue him in the middle of the night.

"This Dutt is really a bit of a brain.

Zhao Tuo complimented secretly, then immediately looked at King Anyang and said, "How is it, now you're giving up?


"I've come here, I'll give you an introduction. After all, I have to know why I died when I get down there."

"This thing is not an immortal's tears at all, and it does not have the ability to get the protection of immortals after crushing it. 66

"Actually, this is just something made by mixing borax and limestone, I call it glass!


Even in despair.

King Anyang couldn't help feeling suffocated after hearing that this thing, which was more crystal clear than any gem, was actually made of such a cheap thing.

At the same time, as the monarch of a country, he was also keenly aware of what was wrong.

That Dutt is the one who takes home.

The Ba family belonged to the second emperor of Qin.

And Dutt, a businessman, went to the Peacock Dynasty with the seemingly incomparably expensive but in fact very cheap things produced from here...

Could it be that……

Thinking of that terrifying possibility, Dutt's pupils suddenly shrank.

And all of this, naturally, could not escape Zhao Tuo's attention.

"Looks like you've guessed something.

Zhao Tuo smiled brightly, and immediately picked up a glass bowl, walked outside the house and put it in the sun to examine it carefully.

"Tsk tsk, it's hard to imagine how much this kind of thing would be worth in this era...

Ba Qing on the side interrupted: "Your Majesty, I am fortunate to have a taste of that priceless crystal cup.

"But it's far from this glass bowl, it's crystal clear."

"Yeah, I've seen it..." Zhao Tuo smiled slightly, remembering his surprise and emotion when he saw the Warring States Crystal Cup in the museum in his previous life.

In terms of real value, this glass naturally cannot be compared with that real national treasure.

But today people don't understand this.

I only know that this glass bowl is more crystal clear and purer.

As long as you don't say it, no one will think that this thing is man-made.

"I am very curious. How much would the Maurya King Sarishuka of the Mauryan Dynasty be willing to spend on such a beautiful thing?"

"Well... by the way, the price of the immortal tears now is estimated to be more evil than this cup and bowl.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Zhao Tuo's face.

After crushing it, you can get a blessing... It's good that Dutt can think of it.

However, this statement, combined with the peculiar characteristics of Rupert's Tears, is indeed bluffing enough.

It is estimated that the price of this thing will be exaggerated due to the unique words of Dutt's businessman...

"Qin Ershi... what a good trick!"

At this time, King Anyang was already fully aware of Zhao Tuo's plans.

With this kind of thing that can be called zero cost, it is made into such a thing and sold at a very high price, and then replaced with materials.

This motherfucker is naked plunder!

If there is trade between countries, they may also think cautiously about each other.

But there is Dutt, a peacock, who should cooperate inside and outside to conduct secret trade.

It is estimated that the Peacock Dynasty will be hollowed out by then, and the King of Relic Suga has not yet reacted!

"Since King Anyang knows everything, then you can stay in my Daqin with peace of mind."

"Hi... Forget it, I have always been more cautious, there are still accidents in living people... You say so, King Anyang.

Zhao Tuo bared his teeth and smiled, seeing that King Anyang's complexion suddenly changed.

The motherfucker is going to kill him!

"You can't kill this king!"

"Let go of this king! This king expresses a secret about you, Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo, the governors of Hainan County!""

Facing the request of King Anyang, Zhao Tuo shook his finger slightly.

"I know what you're trying to say, it's just that these two have the intention to rebel against independence, right?"

"You...you actually...the finished product

"Oh, what I know is far more than you think 1.0.

"Don't worry, Zhao Tuo's affairs will be dealt with slowly, as for you..."

"Take it away!"

"As ordered!"

Zhao Tuo waved his hand, and the five people in the middle of the night directly pressed the gagged Anyang King and left the backyard...

When only Zhao Tuo was left, Ba Qing stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the king of Anyang just said about the matter of Ren Xiao, the governor of Hainan County, and Zhao Tuo, the magistrate of Longchuan County...

"Don't worry." 5

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly.

"Since I know about this, I naturally won't let it go."

"This time, just by taking this opportunity, I have already summoned the two of them to return to Xianyang to resume their lives."

"At that time, I will naturally find these two people... have a good chat.

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