Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 142 Since you are my hero of Qin Dynasty, then... retire and return to your hometown

"Army Triumph!!!""

"His Majesty is here!!! 99

With two shouts, Zhao Tuo's Luan driver appeared in front of the Qin army camp outside Xianyang City.

Not far away, on the banks of the Weishui River, a building ship is also docked on the shore.

Tens of thousands of the Qin and Chu troops poured out like a tide, and then quickly formed a team, and finally approached the Qin army camp.

At this time, in the Qin army camp, hundreds of thousands of Qin troops were already ready.

After all, it is really necessary to investigate, the original identity of these large Qin and Chu troops are prisoners of war of the Chu army.

In case of a sudden reversal at this time, Chengqian will defect.

The threat to Xianyang City is a small matter, but what danger is the second emperor of Daqin is a big deal!

So don't miss out at this time.

Simply, it turns out that this is a lot of people worrying about.

After a war, the remaining 60,000 Chu troops stopped before Zhao Tuo Luan.

The three leading men also got off their horses and walked quickly towards Zhao Tuo.

"Xiang Yu, the commander of the Chu army! 35

"Zhao Tuo, magistrate of Longchuan County and commander of the Southern Xinjiang Army!"

"Hainan County Commander Ren Xiao."

"Meet Your Majesty!! 19!

"Very good..." Zhao Tuo slowly stood up from the luan car, looking down at the three people below and the 60,000 troops behind him.

"Today, the Chu army and the southern Xinjiang army are fighting together, annexing Oluo, and doing great work for us to expand the territory of the Qin Dynasty! It should be rewarded! 39

"The two armies have a total of 170,000 soldiers, each of whom will be rewarded 50 dollars. Those who are disabled due to the war will be rewarded 200 dollars, and the victims will be given 500 dollars to their homes, so as to comfort my Daqin Ying's soul in the spirit of heaven!"

"Order, from now on, the army of Fanchu and Southern Xinjiang, those who have participated in this war and retired, will have their family tax halved within five years!"


The 60,000 Chu soldiers instantly boiled.

Before they set off, they had heard that during the First World War, Da Qin would treat them as prisoners of war from the state of Chu with the same treatment as the Qin army.

But in this regard, everyone is just holding the attitude of listening and forgetting.

As for the real military merit titles and post-war awards, no one thought about it at all.

Anything can be said as long as they can be brought home.

But I didn't expect that Qin Ershi actually fulfilled his promise!

"Your Majesty today... it is indeed possible!"

"I am exempted from the status of prisoners of war, and there are rewards for military exploits, and even the deceased can receive condolences, anyway, I am convinced!

"After returning home, I will definitely farm the land honestly and never do anything.

"Brother, go back, I want to continue to make contributions in this Qin army."5

"I never imagined that we prisoners of war would see the light of day again."

"Father! Mother! I can finally go back to see you..."

The army was boiling and cheering one after another.

And Zhao Tuo also turned his attention to Xiang Yu and the three at this moment.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly changed his previous style and said: "I ordered the army of Chu to enter the camp for rectification, and the three of you will follow me back to the palace to hear the seal. 99


The three of them didn't think much of it when they arrived, and went straight back to the army to arrange a rest.

Not long after that, they returned to Xianyang Palace together with Zhao Tuo's Luan.

As everyone took their seats, Meng Yi and the others looked at the eyes of the three of them, somewhat subtle.

According to Zhao Tuo's temperament, the reward was awarded at one time before the army.

Now that the three of them are called back to the palace, this matter... is definitely not just a reward!

"The chief general of Beidi County, Xiang Yu listened to the seal.

"The last general... is in"

Xiang Yu stepped forward with a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

Until now, he still somewhat resisted the fact that he was a general of the Qin army.

But Zhao Tuo didn't care about it.

"You led the army to attack Guluo City, and you have meritorious deeds. You are brave and good at fighting, and now I will make you the Marquis of Jiangdong, and you will have five thousand households in the food town!

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xiang Yu composed the compilation and retired sadly.

"Seat, you just sit... um, sit next to Li Xin.


Xiang Yu bowed his head sullenly, and came to the seat next to Li Xin and sat down.

The whole person can't see the slightest joy after being sealed.

Li Xin, who was on the side, looked at Xiang Yu and looked at him in disgust.

"General Xiang, I heard that you are Xiang Yan's grandson, but I don't know how much you have inherited from Xiang Yan? 99

Xiang Yu glanced at Li Xin and hummed, "Li Xin, I heard my uncle talk about you. 35

"Xiang Yu is not talented, young and playful, and he didn't inherit much of his grandfather's skills.

"But... it's more than enough to defeat you.

"you you you……"

Li Xinba stood up in a flash, annoyed that he pointed at Xiang Yu, you kept going, but he didn't say anything else for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Tuo almost burst into joy.

Isn't this Xin Zhao hitting someone's blade on his own?

But think about it.

The worst battle in his life was the defeat of 840 at the hands of Xiang Yu's grandfather Xiang Yan.

Now that he is in the same dynasty as Xiang Yu, it is no wonder that he can pass this hurdle in his heart.

"Okay, the two of you have a chance to compete, but this hall is not the place for you to quarrel."


Li Xin suppressed his anger and sat down, forcing himself not to look at Xiang Yu, who had a stinky face next to him.

Otherwise, you can't help but punch up when you can't tell.

"After talking about Xiang Yu, let's talk about the two of you."

Turning his eyes to Ren Qi and Zhao Tuo, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth.

"Ren Xiao, the governor of Hainan County, was once ordered by the emperor to lead his troops to defeat Baiyue, right?

"Yes, yes, this is what a subordinate should do." Ren Xiao smiled, looking extremely humble.

Ying Zheng on the side looked at Zhao Tuo suspiciously.

He suddenly had a premonition.

It is his own son, who seems to do something unexpected next.

Hearing Zhao Tuo's answer, Zhao Tuo nodded with a smile.

"Yes, you can be regarded as a hero of my Qin Dynasty, since that's the case..."

"Then just step down from office and return to your hometown.

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