Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 143 You recruit yourself? Or shall I tell you for you?


Faced with such a turning point, everyone present was a little dumbfounded.

In the last moment, he said that he was a hero of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the next moment he would let him retire and return to his hometown.

Isn't this a bit...

Ren Qi forced an ugly smile on his face, Zuo Ji said: "Your Majesty, don't make jokes about the lower official.

"Xiaguan is in his prime now and should be able to fight for Daqin for a few more years.35

"You think I'm joking with you again?

The smile on Zhao Tuo's face slowly subsided, and a cold light flashed in his eyes looking at Ren Xiao.

This time, everyone present, including Ren Qi, noticed that something was wrong.

"Fight for a few more years... Hehe, if I guessed correctly, before I boarded the plane, or even for a while after ascending the throne, you have already thought about how to be independent in this troubled world?"

"If Daqin is in chaos, relying on Nanhai County, which is close to the mountains and the sea, and there is danger, you will declare independence to establish a country, instead of leading the army to help, right or not?"

"It's really a good plan to seal the five mountains in the north, close the three rivers, and cut off the four roads..."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Ying Zheng got up in anger, pointed at Ren Qi and cursed directly.

"Well, you are a arrogant! I trust you so much, and I hand over the entire Nanhai County to your management. I didn't expect you, such a wolf-hearted thing, to have such a plan in your heart! 99

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You are wronged!

Ren Xiao's face was pale, and his eyes were full of terror.

The rest of the people in the court are now clear.

Why did Zhao Tuo say that Yu Daqin had meritorious deeds, so he let him retire and return to his hometown?

I am afraid that if he hadn't defeated Baiyue, he would have dragged him out and beheaded if he dared to think like this.

"Wronged? I don't think you are wronged at all.

Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just using the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique, he has completely penetrated Ren Xiao's thoughts.

"So far, do you recruit yourself, or do I tell you for you?"

Ren Xiao twitched his lips, not knowing what to do.

At the same time as he was frightened, he was even more doubtful and frightened in his heart.

This matter, he obviously only told a few confidants.

Then there is the missing Anyang King.

He originally planned to join forces with King Anyang after his Nanhai County became independent.

Wait, don't tell me...

"It's King Anyang! It must be him!"

The gaffe Ren Xiao subconsciously cried out.

By the time he reacted, it was too late.

Everyone present except Xiang Yu was looking at him with extremely disappointed eyes.


Ren Xiao intuitively felt cold hands and feet and numbness on his scalp.

Even in a trance, he could feel the burning sensation from Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty, spare your life!

"Shut up..."

Zhao Tuo waved his hand irritably.

"Didn't I say it before, I thought you were successful in attacking Lingnan, did you let you retire and return to your hometown?"

"Why, I don't want to fight anymore now?"

"Uh... No, no, I suddenly remembered that my body has been very tired since this time, maybe I'm really old..." Ren Xiao smiled apologetically.

Zhao Tuo sneered and stopped looking at him.

Still very tired.

If nothing else, this Ren Xiao should have died of illness in two years.

This is also the main reason why Zhao Tuo intends to let him go.

Anyway, I will live for a long time, it is better to get a good reputation and let this arrogant go back to fend for itself.

At most, let the dark pile follow one, just in case.

As for this Zhao Tuo...

Looking at Zhao Tuo beside Ren Qi, Zhao Tuo once again remembered the information he knew in his previous life.

In fact, according to the normal historical development, Ying Zheng died, Qin II succeeded to the throne, the hidden danger of Da Qin broke out completely, and the world was in chaos.

After the Chu and Han eroded Daqin, and after Ren Xiao died of illness in Nanyue, the independence of Lingnan was basically provoked by Zhao Tuo.

After that, it was supported by the people of Lingnan to establish a country, and annexed Guilin County and Xiang County, and completely defeated Ou Luo a few years later, and finally surrendered to the Han Dynasty.


From the perspective of the emperor's qi-watching technique, Zhao Tuo couldn't help thinking when he saw that Zhao Tuo's qi was not related to Ren Xiao.

"Could it be that this Zhao Tuo didn't know about Ren Xiao at this time, but was just following orders? 99

"Yes, in history, it should have been before Ren Xiao's death that he entrusted this matter to Zhao Tuo.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo said: "Zhao Tuo, the defender of the Southern Border, has made great achievements in attacking Ou Luo, and you will continue to serve as the defender of Nanhai County today.

"I believe that Nanhai County will develop better under your governance.

"Ah... Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Tuo didn't react for a while.

He originally thought that he and Ren Xiao had a very close relationship.

Now that something has happened to Ren Xiao, don't you have to follow along?

I didn't expect that this pot roast was not eaten, but was promoted to an official position. This...

In fact, not only Zhao Tuo, Ying Zheng and others also looked at Zhao Tuo.

It stands to reason that this matter should be prevented together with Ren Xiao.

Could it be that His Majesty has something behind?

Everyone's thoughts just came to an end when they heard Zhao Tuo say: "||As for the Southern Border Army in your hands..."

"Follow first!"

"The end is here!

"From now on, the Southern Border Army will be under your command, and the Chu Army, plus 100,000 Qin troops will join the Southern Border Army camp, and the army will be expanded by 150,000.

"Mainly responsible for protecting the southeastern coast of Daqin, guarding against the Peacock Dynasty, and continuing to expand and advance southward along the coastline on the basis of Ou Luo."

"There should only be some extremely backward people living there at the moment, conquer them!"


Lu Bu led the order to retreat.

Hearing Zhao Tuo's order, Ying Zheng and others also suddenly realized.

As we all know, this general Fengxian has been with Zhao Tuo since before he ascended the throne.

It can be said to be his cronies.

Now let him lead the Southern Border Army, it can definitely be used to deter.

In fact, there is another point that Zhao Tuo did not tell everyone.

That is, what Lu Bu wanted to shock was not just Zhao Tuo (money).

And Xiang Yu's army of Chu...

After dealing with the Southern Border Army, everyone said goodbye and dispersed.

Zhao Tuo also walked outside the hall and stretched out a lot.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Ding, current location: the main hall of Xianyang Palace, do you sign in?


"Current remaining check-in times: 2"

Zhao Tuo shook his head and couldn't help thinking.

Ever since he learned that there are some special check-in locations in this world and can get a lot of special rewards, he has lost interest in these common check-in locations.

There is nothing missing right now.

Might as well leave these check-ins to special check-ins.

Maybe you can get something good...

Looking at Mount Li in the distance, Zhao Tuo suddenly moved in his heart.


Special sign in place.

I don't know if the soon-to-be-completed house is one.

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