Putting on plain clothes, Zhao Tuo directly asked Feng Quji and Li Si who had just walked to the gate of the palace to be called back.

"Your Majesty, are you?"

"Let's go, accompany me to the Epang Palace for a stroll. For so long, I have never seen a project that almost brought down Daqin once with my own eyes. 99

With a smile on his lips, Zhao Tuo led the two of them straight to the gate of Xianyang Palace.

It's just that the three of them were about to go out when Zhao Tuo suddenly stopped and fell back.

"Yo! Isn't this Wang Li?"

Looking at Wang Li, who was wearing a marching costume in front of him, the smile on Zhao Tuo's face was not to mention how bright.

"I have seen Your Majesty..."

Wang Li forced out a smile that was uglier than crying.

He is one of the five lieutenants of the 300,000 army in the northern border.

Now he has been reduced to standing at the gate of Xianyang Palace looking at the gate.

It's really embarrassing to say this.

And all of this was because of the nonsense he said when he woke up from a coma...

Zhao Tuo looked at Wang Li up and down, nodded, and patted Wang Li on the shoulder with satisfaction.

"The complexion is very good, and it seems to be recovering well."

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

"By the way, remember to help me bring it to General Wang when you go back. 35


After finishing speaking, Zhao Tuo took the long laughter and the smirking Feng Quji and Li Si away.

Only Wang Li was left, with a black face drooping.

At this moment, the guardsmen who were standing next to Wang Li poked Wang Li and said, "Hey, brother, 840, you are blessed! Your Majesty just said that he is optimistic about you!


Before Wang Li could speak, another soldier glared at the one who had just spoken to Wang Li, and then said in a low voice, "Are you stupid!

"Didn't you hear what His Majesty said? This brother is from the Wang family! Maybe it's a direct line of the Wang family. Didn't you hear that you know General Wang?"

"Ah!? Isn't such a person supposed to be a general in the army? Why would they be with them on the big post? 99

"Needless to say? Something must have happened... But I guess I'll be back in a few days.

"Oh, that."

Thinking of this, the soldier next to Wang Li suddenly stabbed him again.

"Brother, you see we are all in the same robe, don't forget the brothers when we develop in the future.

"If you don't speak, then I'll take it as your agreement.

Feeling the gazes of the guards around him, Wang Li's face was as dark as it was dark.

I can't wait to find a hole in the ground to dig into.

This time it's down.

Everyone knows that he was a dignified general and was demoted to Xianyang Palace to watch the gate...

"Lishan, Epang Palace, really deserves its reputation..."

Looking at the huge palace complex in front of him that he couldn't even see (bjba) in front of him, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but sigh.

Rumor has it that this imperial palace in the world, which cost Daqin a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to build, covers an extremely vast area, a full 22,500 acres!

The Forbidden City in later generations was only one thousand mu, which was less than one-twentieth of this Epang Palace.

One can imagine how grand the whole house is!

"Your Majesty, let's go, this minister will introduce you to the Epang Palace." Li Si took the lead, leading the way for Zhao Tuo.

"This Epang Palace was planned and laid out by the Emperor and many people from the Yin-Yang family, and there are quite a few who said.

"Look, Your Majesty, the front hall is the front..."

Li Si began to talk about it for Zhao Tuo, and Feng Quji added on the side.

Zhao Tuo nodded as he listened, but his attention was not at all on what the two were saying.

"Ding, current location: Epang Palace (tentative name, unbuilt, special sign in place, number of sign-in times: 1), whether to sign in.""

"It really is a special check-in position!

Zhao Tuo was overjoyed.

But after a little hesitation, he finally did not choose to sign in.

"The status is still unfinished after all, it is better to wait until it is completely completed, and then check in. God knows whether the unfinished status will have any effect on the reward. 39

Putting down the things in his mind, Zhao Tuo began to concentrate on visiting the entire Epang Palace with Li Si and Feng Quji.

And the more he visited, the more frightened Zhao Tuo became.

Even if he faced the grandeur of the Epang Palace, he already had a concept in his heart.

But he didn't know what a real shock was until he saw it with his own eyes!

That is a sight that is rarely seen even in modern times!

The front hall alone covers an area of ​​800 acres!

What is the concept of 800 acres? The sum of the area of ​​90 standard football fields!

The security measures for the gate of the front hall are also very outrageous. Two giant magnets are directly used as the gate of the palace to prevent assassins from breaking in with weapons.

As for the main palace of the front hall, it is even more exaggerated.

Five hundred steps from east to west, 50 feet from north to south... In other words, it is 750 meters long and 150 meters wide.

It can fully accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time!

It is truly the first palace in the world!

In addition, there are the Tiantai and the Earth altar used for worshipping the sky, and the Shanglin Garden, which is dedicated to keeping animals in captivity for hunting in leisure time.

"Your Majesty, in order to build this Shanglin Garden, the emperor put a lot of thought into it. 39

Li Si stroked his beard and looked at the magnificent scene in front of him with pride in his eyes.

And Zhao Tuo couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

Rao was originally a modern man two thousand years later.

After walking around in Shanglin Garden, I was completely shocked by the wisdom and methods of the ancient working people.

As described in Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu".

Although it is not as exaggerated as "all kinds of jade are piled up like stones, and the Jiaolong Chichi is wandering everywhere".

But it really attracted the Jing and Wei waters, piled up mountains, dug lakes, planted jungles, and even saw the valleys are empty.

Horses are galloping in the pasture.

Birds and animals play by the lake.

The wolves are running in the woods...

Wherever the three of them passed, ten thousand birds flew together, and all beasts chirped!

It is conceivable that if the Epang Palace in the previous life can be preserved, what a huge shock it will bring to the people of future generations!

Until he left Shanglin Garden, Zhao Tuo still didn't recover.

"Your Majesty, in front of you is Lanchi Palace, your future bedroom."

Hearing Li Si's voice, Zhao Tuo looked at the place that Li Si knew in a daze.

In the distance, is a lake island.

There are no walls or palace gates in the traditional sense.

Instead, it is clear lake water, and the quiet woods outside the lake.

Li Si introduced: "Your Majesty, this Lanchi Palace is also known as Xiandao. It draws the Jing and Wei waters into the Lanchi, and is surrounded by lakes. The dense forest is quiet, and the birds and flowers are fragrant."5

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Even Zhao Tuo couldn't help smacking his tongue.

It is estimated that in the world, only Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng has such courage.

In order to build a bedroom, so that Jing and Wei are no longer clear.

Looking at the unfinished main palace that was still laying its foundation in the distance, Zhao Tuo suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Feng Xiang, Li Xiang, tell them to stop work first!


The two of them had serious doubts.

Now this Epang Palace, just a few palaces such as Lanchi Palace, will be finished.

Why stop work at this time?

Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously and explained: "Since this Lanchi Palace is my bedroom...then it will naturally be built according to my method.

ps: Interested readers, gentlemen, can take a look at "Shanglin Fu" written by Sima Xiangru. Although it is from a critical point of view and has exaggerated rhetoric, it is really shocking after reading it.

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