Under Zhao Tuo's order, the construction of Lanchi Palace was temporarily stopped.

And Zhao Tuo himself, after giving the order, rushed back to Xianyang Palace without stopping.

"Since it is a place to live, it must be more comfortable..."

While muttering, Zhao Tuo took out from the system space the volume of [House Design] that he almost forgot.

This house design was the reward given by the system when he first got reputation points when he eliminated Zhao Gao and Hu Hai.

It's just that at that time, one of the treasuries was empty, and the other was in turmoil in Daqin, and he was entangled in trivial matters all day long and couldn't find the energy to do it.

So much so that the idea of ​​building a new residence can only be put on hold for now.

Now the house is nearing completion.

It happened that the Lanchi Palace was not built, and the treasury was still full.

Isn't this a great time to build your ideal palace?

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo slowly spread out the design drawings, and then the prototypes of various modern houses appeared in his mind.

The handwriting appears on the design drawing...

"Insufficient conditions to build. 99

"Insufficient conditions to build.""

"Insufficient conditions to build.""

"Ding, meet the conditions: material elements [primary glass production method], [primary cement production method], [primary steel smelting method]

"The drawings are being perfected..."


Zhao Tuo raised his eyes and saw that on Nuoda's drawings, a series of graphic and handwriting began to appear out of thin air.

Even the entire drawing began to expand and grow.

After a while, a design drawing full of patterns and messages appeared in front of Zhao Tuo.

Before he could think about it, Zhao Tuo quickly fetched a pen and paper to transcribe.

Simply put, this design is not time-limited like the fucking map of the Soldiers.

It took a whole night for Zhao Tuo to transcribe everything.

It was just dawn, when Feng Quji came over to report his daily affairs.

After finishing the business, Zhao Tuo directly handed the copied drawings to Feng Quji.

"Feng Xiang, give this picture to the people who will make the Shaofu, they should know what to do."

"Here! 35

Feng Quji took the blueprint.

Out of curiosity, he glanced briefly.

It doesn't matter at this glance, the whole person trembles with fright.

"It is built with cement and blue bricks, steel bars are used as bars, and glass is used as windows.

this this this...

Although he is not familiar with construction techniques, Feng Quji is also well aware of it.

This Daqin, even in the past thousands of years, has never built a house like this?

"Feng Xiang has other things?" Zhao Tuo asked subconsciously.

Feng Quji nodded again and again.

"Your Majesty! Fang Caichen accidentally glanced at this blueprint. Your method of forging palaces...isn't some of your swords slanted?"

"Rao is the magic of cement, but there are thousands of stone boulders hanging above your head..."

"You are the body of ten thousand gold, and the backbone of today's Da Qin, but you must not take unnecessary risks because of a palace!


"His Majesty?"

"I said Feng Xiang..." Zhao Tuo took a long sigh and explained: "Let's look forward and absorb all the advanced methods and technologies, so that only Daqin can make progress.

"There are countless ways to build a house. Isn't it only possible to build a house with rammed earth?"


"Nothing good but, tell the people who will be in the Shaofu. 35

"As long as it is built according to the method on this drawing, if something goes wrong, I will never blame them!

Hearing this, Feng Quji could only nod his head worriedly.

At the same time, he was also prepared in his heart that if there was any problem with the house, he would not be able to let His Majesty live in it even if he risked his life.

·Seeking flowers.0

On this side, Feng Quji had just left, and on the other side, Xiao Taozi came over.

"Your Majesty, the things you ordered yesterday are all ready, take a break and come and see?

"No need to rest, I'll go right now.


Xiao Taozi stopped directly in front of Zhao Tuo and said very sternly: "You work so hard on state affairs every day, and you often stay up all night like this. After a long time, your body will not be able to bear it."

Looking at Xiao Taozi's firm gaze, Zhao Tuo shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Okay, okay, listen to you, listen to you, I'll just sleep.


"By the way, let someone soak the bean curd in water in advance, and I can use it directly when I wake up."5

"I know~"

After two hours of sleep, the time has come to noon.

After washing his face, he was refreshed and exhausted, Zhao Tuo hummed a little song and came to the front yard of the bedroom.

At this time in the courtyard was a stone mill, a large basin full of soybeans soaked in water, and a jar of honey.


"Is Tuo'er busy?"

Just as Zhao Tuo was about to say something, Ying Zheng's voice came from the palace gate.

As soon as he entered the palace and saw these things placed in the courtyard, Ying Zheng couldn't help but startled, and then asked:

"Tuo'er, what are you busy tinkering with?

"The royal father came just in time..."

Zhao Tuo came up and explained: "The first season of this year is about to be harvested, and I am preparing to make a few things to make the food more valuable.

"At that time, relying on these, Da Qin's treasury and the pockets of the common people should be more enriched.

"Things that make food more valuable? Then I have to take a good look at it." Ying Zheng laughed.

At the same time, I couldn't help but be curious.

This grain is grain, how can it be more valuable? Ten.

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