Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 146 The value that Doushu can generate is far more than that!

Next, Zhao Tuo did not explain too much, and directly called several eunuchs to start the actual operation.

Watching the eunuch in the palace put soybeans into the stone mill according to Zhao Tuo's request and push them vigorously, Ying Zheng was full of doubts.

In Daqin, this stone mill is mostly used to grind rice flour.

Grinding beans?

It was the first time he had heard of it.


As the stone mill was pushed heavily by the eunuchs, a large amount of bean curd was crushed.

After a while, the milky white juice began to flow out along the stone mill, and finally entered the bucket that had been prepared below.

"Hey...is this?"

"Father, don't worry, just wait a while."

As time passed, the milky white bean juice in the barrel accumulated more and more.

Until "eight forty" until the whole bag of bean curd is grinded, a whole bucket of bean juice has been grinded out.

"Come on! Pour all the leftover bean dregs into the honey jar and stir well.

"A few more people will come with me with soy juice."

After that, Zhao Tuo took Ying Zheng straight to the backyard of the bedroom...

Today's bedroom, after Zhao Tuo's earlier renovation, can be regarded as everything.

Normally, everyone in the entire Xianyang Palace, including Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng, should have their meals provided by the Xianyang Palace's kitchen.

But now Zhao Tuo's bedroom is an exception.

Because there is a kitchen dedicated to Zhao Tuo's meals in the bedroom.

The chef inside was trained by Zhao Tuo and Xiao Taozi himself.

What about frying, steaming, frying, stewing and roasting, you are definitely proficient in everything!

So that Ying Zheng came to Xianyang Palace to have a meal when he had nothing to do.

no way.

Who made the food here really not comparable to the kitchen in the palace?

So much so that he even specifically asked Zhao Tuo for this, asking if he could let the dormitory in the palace teach other people in the palace as well.

"I have seen Your Majesty, Your Majesty!

Seeing Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng coming over, several cooks quickly put down their work and ran over to salute in an orderly manner.


"Come and cook this bean juice in two pots. 35


The bean juice was put into the pot and started to be boiled, and several cooks from the dormitory room gathered around.

Every time His Majesty came over in person, he would come up with some tricks.

I don't know what to do today, even the emperor came with me...

Soon, the bean juice in the pot rolled over.

According to Zhao Tuo's order, the cook turned off the heat in one pot and skimmed the foam and let it stand, and the other pot with less water began to cook.

"Well... the heat is almost over, turn off the pot with water and let it dry, this pot is too much..."

"Come here, bring the brine to me, and I will come in person."

Rolling up his sleeves and taking the brine, Zhao Tuo came to the pot.

Although it has been more than 20 years since the last time I did it myself at my own house, it is still a matter of my previous life.

But Zhao Tuo is not unfamiliar at all.

The brine is diluted with water, and then carefully pushed into the water with a spoon...

Soon, a lot of flocs began to appear in the bean juice.

Everyone watching this scene was amazed.

But a quarter of an hour of effort.

As Zhao Tuo kept feeding the brine into the bean juice, the bean juice had been filled with floccules.

The original milky white gradually faded into a translucent light blue.

"Go and prepare a piece of clean silk, and get a box over.


After a while, the cook ran back with something.

"Okay, let's continue..."

Zhao Tuo rubbed his hands and continued to operate.

From beginning to end, Ying Zheng watched with his eyes fixed and at the same time puzzled.

What is your son going to do?

It is said to make the food more valuable, but where is the value? So far, he has not seen anything?

Everyone here continued to watch, and Zhao Tuo continued to do it.

The washed brocade is put into a wooden box, the flocculent in the tofu is put in, and finally pressed with a heavy object...

"Okay, it should be almost the same in an hour.

"Let's try this soy milk first..""

"Soy milk?"

Hearing this unfamiliar term, everyone's eyes were full of doubts.

Zhao Tuo scooped a bowl for himself and Ying Zheng, and added some honey.

In fact, it is best to add sugar.

But he ran out of cane sugar that he had produced before he ascended the throne, and it would be too laborious to send people to find wild sugar cane in Lingnan.

It has always been this way to deal with it.

It is not too late to make sugar until the first planted sugar cane is mature.

"Suck yo..."

"Well, this is the taste! 35

After taking a mouthful of soy milk, Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes, his face full of enjoyment.

Upon seeing this, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to taste it.

Immediately, the rich and mellow bean fragrance, coupled with just the right sweetness, made Ying Zheng's eyes instantly light up.

"This soy milk... delicious! Much better than milk!"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have thought that this soy milk was actually made from bean curd?"

"Unbelievable...it's unbelievable! 35


After several mouthfuls, Ying Zheng directly killed the bowl of soy milk in his hand.

Seeing Ying Zheng's satisfied face, Zhao Tuo asked with a smile, "This time, the father and the emperor know, what do you mean by what I just said?"


Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

Make food more valuable, this will be completely possible!

Today's Daqin prices, he is not clear.

The bean curd is cheaper than the chestnut rice. One stone is one hundred and twenty catties, and it is sold for seventy or eighty dollars.

Grind and boil it and then add water, I am afraid that one catty can produce seven or eight catties of soy milk.

This cost is almost negligible.

And if this soy milk is sold...

Others don't know, anyway, Ying Zheng thinks, if you change to yourself.

Half a catty of this soymilk is a bowl, and it is absolutely acceptable to sell it for a dollar.

Looking at it this way, the profit...

Ying Zheng was secretly shocked.

Exactly as Zhao Tuo said.

This bean curd... suddenly became valuable!.

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