Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 151 Breaking the b1 and renewing it! What is cotton rape?

Looking at the big bucket of unknown paste in front of him, Feng Quji was a little confused.

All...all drunk?

Seeing that Feng Quji's face turned green, Zhao Tuo laughed and said, "Feng Xiang, Feng Xiang, can I really make you drink?

"Is it a long memory now?"

"Long memory, long memory..."

"Next time, remember that no matter what is the urgent matter, you should stabilize first and then talk about it. 35


Feng Quji nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

He can see it now.

Feelings just now, His Majesty, was frightening himself.

"Your Majesty, what's in this bucket is the Cold Water Stone?" Xia Wuqi looked at the paste in the bucket with curiosity written on his face.

Zhao Tuo nodded and explained: "This is the mud formed by smashing the cold water stone and adding the water shape "eight four three", anyway, I am more used to calling it gypsum.

Now that he said this, Zhao Tuo continued to exhort Xia Wuqi: "Don't look at this plaster, but it's definitely a good thing!"

"Please advise Your Majesty."

"In addition to reducing fever and eliminating infection in the body, taking it orally with water has a huge effect on the treatment of plague."

"Make sure to write this down, just in case!"


Xia Wuqi was shocked when he heard that the cold water stone could actually cure the plague.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if it is convenient to ask another question."

"It's not very convenient, don't ask.


Zhao Tuo skipped Xia Wuqi directly.

He counted with his heels, and knew what Xia Wuqi was going to do.

Just a meal why

Why does plaster cure the plague?

Then why is that.

Why is that so‥…

He had a deep understanding of this when he was treating Wang Li.

Although it is said that this plaster cures the plague, it is quite understandable.

It is nothing more than that calcium sulfate dihydrate is converted into calcium chloride under the action of gastric acid and becomes a soluble calcium salt, which flows with the blood.

Once these soluble calcium salts encounter the organic acids produced by the treating microorganisms, they will become insoluble calcium salts, and the amino acids lose their nutrients and functions, thereby inhibiting the treating microorganisms.

Equivalent to the effect of antibiotics.

Of course, it is easy to tell these things to modern people two thousand years later.

But to Xia Wuqi, the ancients who meant calcium sulfate dihydrate, what should I say?

"Yes, yes, hold down and don't let him move, I'm about to get started!"

Zhao Tuo rolled up his sleeves and gently held Feng Quji's short legs with both hands.

As early as when he fell just now, he had already checked.

Feng Quji is getting old, his bones are somewhat loose, and the fracture is not serious.

Correct the position and wrap it in a plaster and keep it up.

At most, those who are cloudy and rainy in the future will suffer a little bit. After all, it is difficult to fully recover at this age.

"Feng Xiang, hold on a little bit, it may hurt a little."

"Ah... Your Majesty, wait a minute and let me prepare, I'll do it right away, right away..."



Just hearing a muffled sound of bones, Feng Quji screamed before he could finish his words.

Ying Zheng, Wang Jian, and Feng Quji aside, they bared their teeth and grinned.

Tsk tsk tsk... this looks kind of painful.

Zhao Tuo clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's apply this plaster to Feng Xiang, remember to apply it after applying, and apply another layer after one layer is dry."


The eunuchs were busy here, and everyone sat down and chatted.

I just don't know why, after chatting and chatting, it came to Feng Quji.

Wang Jian patted Feng Quji's shoulder and persuaded him, "Feng Xiang, you say you are not too young, why are you so reckless."

"Look, my leg broke."

"...General Wang, isn't this a good thing, the old man is in a hurry to tell His Majesty. 39

When he heard something good, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up.

"Good thing? What good thing, tell me.

"Father, did Li Xiang tell you just now?" Zhao Tuo looked puzzled.

Ying Zheng and Wang Jian shook their heads.

"Li Xiang was in a hurry, but he didn't say anything..."

"Oh, that's right." Zhao Tuo was taken aback and explained, "That's right, the crops that I arranged to go to various counties and counties have been harvested, and the harvests seem to be pretty good.


Ying Zheng stood up abruptly, causing Wang Jian to shudder with fright.

"Those crops... harvested!?"

"Quick! Let's talk about the output! 33

When Ying Zheng was so excited, Wang Jian couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what kind of crops can make you so excited?

"Wu Chenghou doesn't know?"

Wang Jian shook his head, his eyes blank.

You...should you know?

Seeing this, Zhao Tuo directly stabbed Feng Quji, who was grinning in pain because the eunuch applied plaster.

"Feng Xiang, you know the situation best, talk to General Wang Lao."


As soon as the new crop was mentioned, Feng Quji's pain was swept away, and his face was full of joy!

"General Wang, these crops are special crops that His Majesty ordered to be brought to various places in Daqin before boarding the plane."

"You may not have heard of most of these crops, but without exception, they are of great use to Da Qin!

"What's the use, tell me quickly!"

"Okay! General Wang, you can sit tight!"

Feng Quji cleared his throat and took out a note from his arms.

"In the counties of Lingnan, 200 acres of cotton are grown, with an average yield of 1,900 catties per mu.

"Three hundred acres of sugar cane are planted, and the average yield per mu is 83,000 catties."

"In the second county of Bashu, 200 acres of rapeseed are planted, and the average yield of 1.0 acres is 1,600 catties."

"One hundred acres of peppers are planted, and the average yield per mu is 6,300 catties"

"Feng Xiang, you wait!"

Wang Jian hurriedly interrupted Feng Quji.

"Old Chili knows, it's the red stuff in the hot pot. 66

"But... what are these cotton and rapeseed items you're talking about? Seeing that the output is indeed quite large, you look so happy, could it be food?"

Feng Quji shook his head repeatedly and said, "General Wang Lao's food is behind, these things are not food.

"But in terms of function, it's definitely not smaller than food!

ps: Don't complain about the output, first look at the difference between ancient and modern units, these data are all obtained by the author after checking the data and then using the calculator to convert.

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