Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 152 Cotton is a good treasure! A special food crop?

Is it less effective than food?

Hearing this, Wang Jian was a little disbelieving.

As the saying goes, people take food as their heaven.

What else could be more important than food in Daqin?

"Wu Chenghou, what Feng Xiang said is not wrong at all."

Ying Zheng also continued: "As far as cotton is concerned, this is a crop similar to our hemp, which can be woven to make clothes and bedding."

"And in terms of lightness and warmth, cotton is much better than linen. 35

"The most important thing is that the yield per mu is high!

"Do you know what that means?"

Without Ying Zheng's reminder, Wang Jian clenched his fists in excitement just after hearing about the use of this cotton.

Otherwise he doesn't know.

All he knows is that this cotton... can keep you warm! The yield is high!

what does that mean?

It means that the people in the northern part of Daqin will come to winter... no longer have to suffer!

19 In today's Daqin, the linen clothes on the vast majority of the people are sewed and mended.

In the bitter cold season, the rich hunters may still have furs to keep out the cold.

But the people... can only rely on stuffing withered grass between the layers of linen to keep warm!

Plus the food issue.

Countless people freeze to death in one winter!

So much so that winter has become a pain in the northern part of Daqin!

This is also one of the reasons why the Huns were unable to attack for a long time.

But if there is this cotton...with a higher yield than hemp.

The people of Daqin, why don't you have clothes and bedding to keep out the cold?

Why can't you survive the cold winter?

"This cotton is a treasure! It's a good treasure! Wang Jian couldn't help but sigh.

As a general leading the army, he knew better than anyone how difficult the winter in the military camp was.

A temperature inside and outside the tent.

No one knew which unlucky fellow fell asleep the next day and never got up again.

But with this cotton, everything will be completely rewritten!

"Quick, quick, what's the use of rapeseed and sugar cane?

"9 General Wang, this rapeseed can be used to extract oil, do you know the oil?"6

"What? Isn't this oil only made from the fat of animals? What kind of rapeseed?

"Yes... and according to His Majesty, the oil production of this rapeseed is extremely high, and if more crops are planted in the future, every household in Daqin will be able to eat the oil!"


"Naturally true!"

"What about the sugar cane? And about the sugar cane! 55

"Your Majesty said that it is used for sugar making, which is much sweeter than our Daqin sugar.

"It's amazing...Feng Xiang, you should read on.

"Well, the emperor, General Wang, listen carefully...

Next, Feng Quji began to report the contents of the letter continuously, and did not explain the role of crops to Wang Jian.

What peanuts, aniseed, various fruit and vegetable crops.

Hearing Wang Jian exclaim in surprise.

Zhao Tuo on the side also nodded in satisfaction.

These things are the wealth he has accumulated for more than ten years.

From the beginning of a handful of seeds, after so many years of continuous planting and harvesting, planting and harvesting.

Now it has finally reached a scale that can spread all over Daqin!

Next, the last shudder,

Then wait to taste the fruits of victory!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, General Wang, the next thing is food!"

Feng Quji cleared his throat and took out a letter from his arms again.

Ying Zheng and Wang Jian also focused on listening to the next good news.

"The counties in Jiangdong and Lingnan have a total of more than 800 mu of rice, and the average yield per mu... 4,000 catties! 66


Wang Jian suddenly stood up.

"Feng Xiang, you said rice... how much is the yield per mu?"

"Four thousand pounds!"

"But that kind of rice that originated in Chu and was planted in paddy fields, and we occasionally eat... white rice?"


"This is impossible!

Wang Jian was completely shocked at this moment.

Some don't even believe their ears.

In his memory, such rice is more than 500 catties per mu.

And how much did you just hear?

Four thousand pounds!?

Still the average yield!

This is more than ten times the output!

Feng Quji continued to read: "Julu and other counties in Liaodong have planted more than 500 mu of bean sprouts, with an average yield of 1,000 catties per mu.

"More than 800 acres of chestnut rice are planted, and the average yield per mu is 1,500 catties."

"More than 500 mu of millet are planted, and the average yield per mu is 1,300 catties."5

At this time, Wang Jian's breathing has become rapid.

His whole body trembled slightly from excitement.

Although these crops are available in Daqin, it is precisely because of this that he can more intuitively feel the impact of the output!

Often three or five times, more than ten times.

If the people of Daqin planted this kind of crops, then the problem of food in Daqin would not be a problem!

"Fantastic objects! These are all divine objects!"

Wang Jian's eyes were red, and 843 kept mumbling.

However, Feng Quji suddenly smiled.

"General Wang, these are just some ordinary food crops that can no longer be ordinary."

"The following, listen to you, you have to be mentally prepared. 35

"What, is it just an ordinary food crop?

Wang Jian was startled, and hurriedly sat upright.

"Feng Xiang said that the old man wants to see how special these unusual crops can be!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng and Zhao Tuo both laughed.

If nothing else, the remaining crops should be...

"Then Old General Wang, listen carefully!"

Feng Quji whispered softly, "Shanggu, Yuyang, Guangyang, and Liaoxi counties have a total of 500 mu of corn, with an average yield of 3,110 catties per mu!"

"The three counties of Jiujiang, Hengshan and Lujiang have a total of 500 mu of sweet potatoes, with an average yield of 6,900 catties per mu!

"800 acres of potatoes, the average yield per mu... 9,800 catties!

"General Wang, these... are all food!"

ps: The management of modern high-quality potatoes can easily achieve a yield of more than 4,000 catties per mu, and the Qin Dynasty is 250g per catty. Don't worry about the yield problem, go check it out first.

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