Chapter 153

"What did you say? These are all grains!?"

"Can the grain yield per mu... 10,000 catties?""

Hearing Feng Quji's words, Wang Jian was completely dumbfounded.

Even for a while, there are some unexpected.

What will the yield of ten thousand catties of grain per mu represent?

There is no reason for him.

Just because this number is far beyond the limit of his imagination.

If it were three or four thousand catties of grain, he could barely accept it.

How the 10,000 catties of grain grew in the ground, he couldn't understand at all!


"The yield per mu is ten thousand catties, how is this possible?"

"If there is such food, it will be enough to shake the entire Daqin..."

As soon as the words were spoken, Wang Jian suddenly looked at Zhao Tuo.

I saw Zhao Tuo smiling at this moment.

"General Wang, otherwise do you think that with the loyalty of the Meng family to Da Qin and the emperor, what moved them at the beginning?"

"Could it be that…

"That's right!

Zhao Tuo slowly got up and came to the door of the main hall.

"I took them to see the potatoes everywhere, tasted the fragrant and soft rice, and finally promised them."

"Within half a year, I will calm down the turmoil in Daqin Pass and stabilize the country.35

"Within a year, I will allow all the people of Qin to have enough to eat and warm clothes to wear."

"The Meng family and the Wang family have no need to say much about their loyalty to my Daqin.

"And this... what Zhengda Qin needs most right now. 99

"Your Majesty said..." Wang Jian nodded heavily.

This point, he is even more clear than Zhao Tuo.


This is a very deep and serious question.

Before that, in Daqin, grain production was stretched thin.

Taxes are put on the shelves, and there is not much stock left in the hands of the people.

If there are more natural disasters...

Everyone has seen the horrors of famine...

Hungry for thousands of miles, Yizi eats!

The people of today don't want to eat well, they just want to survive and not starve to death!

He marched and fought for decades and had seen too much.

It is precisely because of this that he also knows too much...

But as long as there is this food, these tragic images will be completely a thing of the past!

"His Majesty.

Zhao Tuo looked back.

I saw Wang Jian's old eyes reddened.

"Your Majesty, the people of Daqin should be worshipped by the old man because of your relief from suffering!"

Having said that, Wang Jian composed the compilation with both hands, leaned over and bowed deeply to Zhao Tuo!

Zhao Tuo was startled and quickly stepped forward to help Wang Jian up.

Today's Wang Jian is the god of the Qin army, even Ying Zhengdu is courteous.

It was enough to see how excited he was at this time.

"General Wang, get up quickly."

Being helped up, Wang Jian looked at Zhao Tuo in front of him, and his heart was filled with emotion.

without any exaggeration.

In today's Daqin, who can get the support of the people and rule the country!

And now, Zhao Tuo has done it.

There is no doubt that once these crops become regular crops in Daqin, they will be planted on a large scale.

In today's Daqin, public opinion will reach its peak!

And this young His Majesty II will also be surrounded by all the people!

Daqin...will be stronger than ever!

"Okay...Okay...Shanghuang, now that Daqin is in charge of His Majesty, the older generation of us can finally feel at ease.

"Hahahaha! What Marquis Wu said is too bad." Ying Zheng stroked his beard lightly with a high-spirited look.

"I'm a year younger and less than fifty this year, Tuo'er also said it, I'm only middle-aged at this time, and I'm still young and strong!"

"Today Tuoer's blessing, seeing how big this world is, and having plenty of food and grass in the future, Marquis Wu, with my temperament, you will be willing to spend the next few decades admiring the flowers in this palace. ?"

"Your Majesty, are you...

Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, and a light called ambition flashed in his pupils.

"Now that I abdicated early, why didn't God give me the chance to win the government and let go of my actions?

"When his ration is full, I will personally lead the army! Conquer all directions!


Hearing these words, Wang Jian immediately regained his senses.

"The emperor has such ambitions, and the old minister is willing to follow the emperor and go into battle again! 39

"If you can expand the territory for Daqin again, even if it is old and dead, what's the harm!""

|| Good!”

Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and said, "It has always been a pity that I have not been able to compete with Marquis Tongwu on this battlefield."

"Now it seems that I finally have a chance to get what I want! Hahahaha!

Seeing that the two of them were relying on a bumper harvest of food and their ambitions were theirs, Zhao Tuo could not dissuade them.

However, if these two can really go out and conquer the world for Da Qin again, then it will be better.

"I really don't know, who else in the world can stop them, the Qin army led by these two."

Zhao Tuo clicked his tongue secretly.

Even from two thousand years later.

For a while, I can't think of any other country in the world that can resist the joint attack of the military god and the Great Qin Zulong...

As the work on Li Si's side continues to advance.

As soon as the crops were harvested, the seeds were collected and spread to all areas of Daqin.

Among them, the most special (Qian Mo Zhao) is rice.

The vast majority of rice species are all moved to the people of Xinjun County and transported to the Red River Plain.

Here, the yield of rice will be maximized!

Three crops a year, three or four thousand catties per mu.

Even if only a small part of the 30 million acres of the entire Honghe Plain can be cultivated, it will bring earth-shaking changes to Daqin!

Of course, it's not just the Li Si cabinet that is busy.

And Meng Yi.

Countless new crops, as well as super high-yield food, are challenging the people's ability to accept.

And what he needs to do is to let the people accept this fact within the time limit of two issues of the newspaper.

And popularize all crops, so that they are completely all over Daqin!

Make the most of the changes of the new crop to Daqin!

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