Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 154 Public opinion is boiling! A hundred year old doctor!

"Sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper!"

"Many new crops are harvested in Daqin, and no one will starve to death in the future!"

"Lower tax on planting new crops! Harvest guaranteed! Come check it out!""

"The good news from the southern border, the remnants of the Baiyue Ou Luo have been completely wiped out! The Daqin territory has been expanded again!

"His Majesty the Second Emperor invites doctors from all over the world to compile a medical book that will benefit the people and spread throughout the ages."

"Today's Hundred Schools Forum is an excerpt from Confucianism... Come and have a look!"

Early in the morning, countless newsboys waving their newspapers appeared on the streets of various county towns.

"Quick, quick! The newspaper is on sale, go grab it!

"Fuck, slow down, wait for me!"

"Children, give me one first..."

"Where are you robbing your grandma? Obviously I'm here first!

"Go away! 39"

"You curse again!

Seeing that the crowd is about to create a riot for a newspaper.

The newsboy hurriedly stopped: "Don't fight, don't fight, there are so many newspapers today, all have a share! All have a share!

"Come on, it's yours."

After hearing this, everyone quickly looked carefully.

I saw that the newspapers in the basket on the newsboy's chest were indeed a lot more than the previous few times.

Not only that, but there were also several newsboys at other street intersections.

"Yes! It is said that the paper mills in various places have opened up. Compared with this, there should be enough paper and more newspapers!"

"No 847 is wrong..."

"Come on, kid, give you the money.

"I want one too. I heard that there is another good news in southern Xinjiang today?"

"Why is there another war? But I'm more concerned about the new crops, and I don't know what it is. I even said that there will be no more people in Daqin who starve to death."

"You'll find out when you read the newspaper.

After learning of the sufficient supply of newspapers, the people were no longer as anxious and anxious as they were at the beginning, and lined up spontaneously one after another.

Even so, after a while, the newspapers in the newsboy's basket were still sold out.

"I don't have it anymore, let's go to another place to see it!"

"Walk around, there seems to be a newsboy over there who sells newspapers, go and have a look.

"One step ahead!

"Wait for me! 99

Those who did not buy newspapers moved to the battlefield one after another.

And those who bought the newspaper, sat down on the spot and carefully browsed the information in the newspaper.

Before they knew it, the illiterate people around came forward.

"Brother, what does it say above? Can you read it to us?

"Good talk! Then I'll read it to you, ahem...(bjba)...Listen! 35'

As the contents of the newspaper gradually spread, there were bursts of exclamations in the entire county town!

"What!? It only took the Qin army five days to capture the Ou Luo country?

"Really or not? I remember the last time I played in Lingnan, it took several years, right?

"Oh! Those are not important! Didn't you see what it said in the newspaper? There is a red river plain there, the soil is fertile!"

"Is there something wrong with my ears? Or is there something wrong with your eyes? Yield per mu... 4,000 catties of rice? What about 9,000 catties of potatoes? Really?"

"If this were true, we would not have to starve any more! 33

"Should... right? This is all open to planting... hey hey, what are you doing?

"Fuck! What else can I do, of course, to bring the seeds!"

"Take me one, I'm going to grow cotton! With cotton, this winter is no longer hard!"9

"You don't have to wait and see for a while? What..."

"What if you send it, didn't you read what it said? If the harvest is lower than what the newspaper said, not only will you not have to pay taxes, but the county government will also give us food rations, so you're afraid of shit?

"Take me one!

"My Daqin is saved! The people don't have to starve anymore! Your Majesty, Shengming!"

All the people are cheering for the victory in southern Xinjiang and the high yield of grain.

you can say it this way.

Every one of the people who got the news is counted as one.

Everyone can't wait to rush to Xianyang Palace right now, bang bang bang, bang bang bang bang bang bang to the present second emperor His Majesty kowtow a few times, and perform a five-body salute to the ground.

This really saved all the people of Qin!

Completely changed the lives of Daqin people!


At this time, when the newspaper was received, it was not only the people of Daqin who were excited.

There are also all the doctors and scholars in Daqin, as well as all the wandering doctors...

"Teacher! Read the newspaper!

In the small courtyard of a certain village, the young man ran back with the newspaper in his hand and sat down in front of the old man.

"Xiaoli, why are you so excited?"

"How many times have I told you, Master, that my heart needs to calm down so that the pulse is accurate."

The old man stroked his beard lightly, looking at the young man with pampering and satisfaction in his eyes.

He has inherited his teacher's last wish, and has been practicing medicine for more than 80 years, dedicating his entire life to the common people and the way of medicine.

Now that he is nearly a hundred years old, he has received such a talented and sensible apprentice, which is naturally a great consolation.

The only regret is that I'm afraid I won't be able to see with my own eyes this medical book compiled by countless masters and ancestors, and it will be completely compiled that day...

"No, master, there is good news!"

"Oh? What's the good news? Wei-shi, this old-fashioned, can't read the words, please read it to Wei-shi. 99


The teenager nodded heavily, and read the newspaper for the elderly teacher word by word...

"Nine thousand catties of grain per mu...good...good!

"To stand on this young and promising His Majesty, the people of Daqin... finally can be regarded as a blessing...

The old man slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Physicians are kind.

Those who practice medicine, what they most despise is the suffering and suffering of the common people.

That's why in such a world where the common people can't look down on illness at all, hanging a pot to help the world.

They don't want money.

I just want people to be happy...

"Okay...Okay...In this way, as long as I can teach you this little millet, I can feel at ease to find your ancestors and the others.

The old man touched the boy's head with contentment in his eyes.

It's just that the young man shook his head and said, "Teacher, haven't you always wanted to read medical books? There is even better news in this newspaper class!

"There is better news? It is related to the medical book for the teacher? 35


The teenager directly said that the newspaper opened to the second side and read:

"Today, His Majesty feels that the people of the world can't bear the hardships, and invites famous medical practitioners from all over the world to jointly write a masterpiece of medicine for the benefit of all people."

"Anyone who participates in the compilation can leave a famous medical book on it and pass it on to the world. 35

"In the other hand, those who have medical books that have not yet been compiled can compile them into the Great World Medical Canon. According to the content and contributions of their medical books, Your Majesty will reward them greatly!

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