Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 155 Gather Confucianism and take charge of the educational affairs of Daqin!

"Xiaoliener...you just said...but is it true?

The old man clenched the boy's hands in disbelief.

In the turbid old eyes, the pupils were trembling slightly.

Millet nodded heavily and handed the newspaper to the teacher.

"Look, teacher, it's written clearly on this newspaper!"

"I'll see, I'll see..."

The old man excitedly picked up the newspaper and moved it far away.

A pair of eyes narrowed into a gap, and it was only then that he could barely read the writing on it.

"Really...~ It turned out to be true..."

"Master has appeared!"

The old man fell to his knees with a thud, and immediately burst into tears.

"It's not in vain that the old man has lived for a hundred years-, waited for a hundred years!

"Teacher! Master! The medical book is expected to be written in the disciple's generation!"

"The people are saved, saved! Woohoo..."

After a while, the old man wiped away the tears on his face and stood up slowly with the help of Xiao Mier.

"Good disciple, bring all the medical books for your teacher! Let's... go to Xianyang!"


"Teacher, I kept you waiting.

Fusu walked into the courtyard with the newspaper and bowed slightly to Chunyu Yue who was drinking tea in the courtyard.

Seeing that the person who came was actually Fusu, Chunyuyue quickly got up and stepped forward, his face filled with joy.

"Teacher, what is the newspaper of this issue in your hand?

"Exactly." Fusu said with a slight smile, "The Hundred Schools Forum in this issue of the newspaper records excerpts from the Confucian Analects of Confucius, as well as excerpts from your Majesty's previous articles.

"And the article that Your Majesty made before!?"

A ecstasy appeared on Chunyuyue's face, and he quickly took the newspaper...

"Learn and learn from time to time, don't you say it? A friend comes from afar..."

"If you enter, you will be filial, and you will be humble. Be honest and trustworthy, love all people, and be kind..."

Lines of Confucian classics that inherit the thoughts of the sages of Confucius appear on paper.

And at the end, it is the signature: the transcriber, Emperor Daqin II.

Seeing this line of small print, Chunyu Yue clenched the newspaper tightly with excitement.

Now that it is published in the newspapers, who in the world does not know that even His Majesty copied the Analects?

This will undoubtedly be the hope for the revival of Confucianism again!


Fusu's voice brought Chunyuyue back to his senses.

"Teacher, now His Majesty has fulfilled his original promise to Confucianism, and now the school affairs have been planned."5

"I don't know how... how are you preparing?

Chunyu Yue suddenly realized.

Feeling to help Su today, but also came here with a task.

However, he didn't care too much, and replied directly: "The master here is ready, and there are at least a few great scholars in Xianyang City who responded and are willing to come to this school to educate the students of Daqin for Daqin."

"As for other places in Daqin, letters are also coming one after another, telling Your Majesty to rest assured.

"And... I believe that with the publication of this newspaper, there will be more Confucian scholars willing to contribute to Daqin's education and transformation of all beings."

A smile appeared on Fusu's face.

His efforts in this incident were finally in vain.

I believe that His Majesty will also be happy about this...

"Your Majesty, please help Su to see you."

"Brother Fusu?" Looking at Zhao Tuo, whose reputation had been credited, he was startled for a moment, and then he reacted.

"It must be because of the Hundred Schools of News Forum? Has the Confucian side prepared the same thing?"

"Well...let him in."


Soon, Fusu walked into the hall.

First he bowed respectfully, and then said: "Your Majesty, the matter of Confucianism has been settled.


Zhao Tuo nodded slightly and motioned Fusu to continue talking.

"According to the teacher, there are now several Confucian scholars in Xianyang City...35

Fusu will report all the things that he just learned from Chunyu Yue.

After listening to this, Zhao Tuo couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, with the good name of Confucianism, until now, this is difficult to change.

"Speaking of which... can you do me a favor, brother?"

"Your Majesty, how can you help me? What Fusu can do is what His Majesty tells you to do.

"Then I'll just say it straight." Zhao Tuo looked at Fusu with bright eyes and said, "Now the Daqin Academy is about to start running.

・・・・For flowers・0

"I hope... you can supervise the teaching affairs of the Hundred Schools of Scholars in the World Academy on my behalf.""


Hearing Zhao Tuo's thoughts, Fusu was dumbfounded on the spot.

After regaining his senses, he quickly declined and said, "Your Majesty, Fusu is a Confucian person, and he has made such mistakes earlier."

"If it's a matter of supervising the army, it's okay, if it's supervising the education of a hundred schools of thought... Fusu admits that he is not qualified and incompetent.

Facing Fusu's refusal, Zhao Tuo waved his hand and smiled.

"Brother's words are wrong. Zuo Zhuan has it. Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference."

"Now that the elder brother has become enlightened, he naturally knows what to do and what not to do.35

"Besides, my brother is a Confucianist, and now he is most aware of the drawbacks of Confucianism, and what I fear most is that those Confucianists will transmit some corrupt Confucian thoughts to my Daqin disciples, so...you come to be this governor. A teaching position is perfect.""


This time, Fusu did not refuse in a hurry, but thought about Zhao Tuo's words carefully.

It seems...it does make sense.

"How is it? Brother?"

After weighing it over and over again in his heart, Fusu finally made an edit: "Fusu is fortunate to have His Majesty's trust, and from now on, he will live up to His Majesty's entrustment and carefully supervise Daqin's educational affairs!"

"So good, hahahaha!

at the same time.

The capital of the Peacock Dynasty: Fahrenheit City, the Peacock Palace.

The seventh Peacock King, King Shari Shuga, was sitting lazily on the throne, looking at Dutt, who was kneeling below.

"Dutt, I heard that you have some good things here that are being sold to the high caste nobles in the dynasty?"

'Take it out and show it to this king. ""

"If this king likes it, I will give you a satisfactory price.""

Hearing this, Dutt was slightly relieved.

It was exactly as Mrs. Qing said.

This Sharipuka king believed in Jainism. Although he was cruel and tyrannical, he was extremely respectful of the chief merchants, trade and handicrafts.

Thinking of this, the corners of Dutt's mouth raised an imperceptible arc.

In this way, the next thing... but it's much easier to handle! Ten.

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