Chapter 156

When Dutt's thoughts turned around, the guards on the side were a little unhappy.

"Sanjay Dutt! The king is asking you something!"


Dutt, who came back to his senses, quickly said: "Yes, King Sarishuka, I have some magical treasures in my hands...

With that said, Dutt took out a wooden box from his arms.

Inside are two clear... Rupert's tears.

Obviously, it was when he left Ba's house that he brought a lot of these things over.

King Sharipuka got up and stepped down from the throne, carefully looking at Rupert's Tears.

"Hey...this thing does look beautiful, what kind of gem does it seem?

"Not much do you want to sell? This king wants it!

"King, I want to buy this thing... 10,000 million barnes. 35

"Eight-five-zero" "Are you playing the king!?" King Sharipuja roared in rage.

The surrounding guards also pulled out their weapons and aimed at Dutt.

It looked like this, as long as King Sharipuja gave an order, these people would swarm up and chop Dutt into a puddle of meat.

King Sarishuka glared at Dutt.

One million bana!

In the Peacock Dynasty, five hundred bar would feed a family of three for a year.

A gem like this, no matter how perfect it is, is only worth 50,000 to 100,000 Barnes in the Peacock Dynasty.

This Dutt, who even opened his mouth to ask for 10,000,000 bara.

Damn it!


However, this is not the first time facing such a threat, Duterte has long been able to keep his face intact.

Seeing that King Sharipuja was about to give an order, he suddenly smiled humbly and said, "Great King Sharipuja, how dare I lie to you?

"This is not an ordinary gem, and its value is definitely not 10,000,000 barnes.


King Sharipuja frowned and said: "Where is the unusual? Give me a reason why he is worth 10,000,000, or this king will execute you immediately!

Hearing this, Dutt's face became even more smiling.

"Rest assured, King, I will show you the wonders of this gem! 35

Dutt carefully took out a Rupert's tear from the wooden box and explained: "These two gems, I call them the Buddha's tear.

"Tears of the Buddha?

The name of this gem alone made King Sharipuja's heart startled.

Buddhism is the most popular religion in the Mauryan Dynasty, no one.

Even the greatest Ashoka of the Peacock Dynasty was a devout follower of Buddhism, and was honored as the king of Buddhism.

Under this circumstance, in the Mauryan Dynasty, the gem called "Buddha's Tears" appeared... No wonder this Dutt dared to call out such a high price.

"It's a good moral, but... just based on this, 10,000,000 bar, you should be damned!" King Sharipuka said sadly.

Dutt, however, still had a smile on his face.

"Wang, this is not just a name, these gems are indeed magical gems formed by the Buddha's grief and tears."

"Hmph... who would believe what you said?"

"King, you will believe the magic of this gem after I show it.

"This king wants to see.

Seeing the Shari Shuga King nodding, Dutt didn't hesitate and started repeating his old tricks.

"King, the head of this gem is indestructible

Just a quarter of an hour later, looking at the crystal powder drifting in the wind, and Dutt, who was safe and sound among the poisonous insects, snakes and scorpions, King Sharipuja was completely stunned.

"Buddha's Tears! Really Buddha's Tears!"

"10,000,000 dollars? This one is left, and this king wants it!

The king of Sharipuka showed ecstasy on his face.

Now the Peacock Dynasty is declining day by day under his tyranny.

He was worrying about how to change the situation, and Dutt brought the tears of the Buddha, who could be blessed by the Buddha.

God help me too!

Dutt's eyes narrowed into crescent moons when he saw the money being carried out in boxes.

Immediately, he struck while the iron was hot, took out a sachet from his arms, handed it over respectfully, and said:

"Respected King Sari Shuka, this is the sachet given by the Buddha when I entered the Buddhist country by mistake. It can wake up the mind and protect the safety. Please be sure to bring it with you."


After taking the sachet, the faint smell drifted away, and King Sharipuka's heart swayed.

good stuff!

Immediately, he suddenly reacted, and hurriedly looked at Duterte and asked, "What did you just say? Buddhaland?

"Yes..." Du Te nodded and began to talk freely: "I was taking a nap one day, and I felt a glorious and peaceful scene in my sleep.

"Look more closely..."

Then came Dutt's free play.

I have to say, the unique mouthpiece is really amazing.

It was just empty vernacular, and it was for King Sari Suga, and the surrounding guards were stunned for a while.

A few people who believed in Buddhism even knelt down on the ground and kowtowed again and again...

"Originally I thought it was a dream, but when I woke up, I was holding these few Buddha's tears and some of the crystal glass bowls used by the Buddhas, and then I realized that it was not a dream. 99

"Crystal glass bowl!

At this time, the eyes of King Shari Shuka were all rounded.

Having seen the magical Buddha's tears and Dutt's fantastic experience, he no longer had any doubts at this time.

From Dutt's words, he keenly captured other things.

"The crystal glass bowl, can you take it with you? How many are the tears of the Buddha?

"Wang, the glazed bowl is fragile, I didn't take it with me."

"As for the tears of the Buddha, I have only three left in my hand. 55

"That's it...

King Sharipuka pondered for a while, and then asked: "After all, how much do you want to sell the Buddha's utensils, this king will also have them!

1.0" 50,000 mbana.

"Okay! A crystal glass bowl, plus a Buddha's tear! Now the royal family only has so much money. 99

"I hope that with this Buddhist vessel and the Buddha's tears, all the Buddhas in the sky can bless my Peacock Dynasty for ever."

"This king also wishes to convert to Buddhism, Amitabha Buddha!

Seeing the devout appearance of King Sharipuja, Dutt was indifferent on the surface, but his heart was already extremely ecstatic.


It really did!

After doing this vote, the next King Sarishuka will bring his reputation out!

At that time, I will harvest the few high-caste nobles who believe in Buddhism in the dynasty...

He will be able to completely complete the task assigned by Mrs. Qing!

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