Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 159 Looting deworming sachets and toilet water! The old and the young


"Crack! 35

Seeing the mosquito that turned into a meat pie on his hand and the blood on his hand, Ji Da felt agitated for a while.

"His grandmother's, my lord is also the ninth emperor of the court, how can he still be angry with this mosquito!

"Even if you can't sleep well at night, those in the daytime also come out to make trouble!

"It really pisses me off!"

Seeing this mosquito, Ji Da didn't get angry.

Throughout the year, the winter is as cold as a grandson, and the summer has to be disturbed by mosquitoes.

In the spring and autumn, I have to go down to inspect the farming and harvesting conditions in various counties.

Is it really not a good day?

In a fit of anger, the loud cries of the family's servants came from the door.

"My lord! Look what I brought you back!"

"Noisy, noisy, noisy! Are you the reincarnation of that mosquito?" Ji Da looked impatient.

But the servant still had a smile on his face.

This adult in my family has always had a bad mouth and a good heart.

No matter how he scolds, the servants in the house have long since taken it seriously.

"How about it, do you have tea and fruit wine today? 99

"Buy it, buy it!"

"I warn you, don't fool my lord with tea and fruit wine from other homes.

"Don't worry, my lord, the pure official tea and 850 fruit wine are just right!""

The servants smiled and handed over fruit wine and tea.

Ji Da lifted the lid and took a closer look...

"Yeah! That's it, not bad!"

The sweet smell of fruit wine made Ji Da's bad mood a lot better.

"Tell me, what was the quarrel just now?"

"Lord, look what this is!"

While speaking, the servant took out two items from the box.

A sachet.

Plus a fairly straight cork pottery bottle.

"Sachet? What are you buying this stuff for?" Ji Da's bright face darkened again.

"Although I have money, I can't spend it indiscriminately, next time you kid...35

"My lord! How can the little one spend money indiscriminately? You put your heart in your stomach.

The servant explained with a smile: "These two are the goods of the official businessman Jia Xinshang today!"

"Insect repellent sachet and toilet water."

“Sachets can repel mosquitoes, and toilet water can relieve itching. 55

"With those two things, you'll have a better summer.""

"Really!" Ji Da's eyes lit up suddenly.

If you are really drowsy, there will be pillows.

He was still worrying about this just now, but he didn't expect a solution!

"Okay! You have some eyesight, not bad!"

Ji Da happily took the sachet and hung it next to the jade pendant around her waist.

By the way, I smeared some toilet water on the big bags that had just been bitten out, and then I lay back on the rocking chair.

"Oh... as expected of something that His Majesty has researched, this thing is really comfortable to lay down and shake...

The next person retreated, only the breeze caressed.

Strange to say.

After using this sachet and toilet water, the bag is no longer itchy, and there is no mosquito nuisance.

With the gentle wind and the gentle rocking of the rocking chair, Ji Da fell into a deep sleep...

Some people are sleeping beautifully, while others are crowded and noisy on the main street.

"Sachets! I want five more sachets!"

"Can you buy less while riding a horse? Are others still buying?"

"It's up to you? My family has a lot of concubines, what's wrong with buying two more? Are you able to line up earlier?

"I want three! Two more bottles of toilet water."

"It's over, it's over, I've bought so much, I won't be able to grab it."

"The lord gave five hundred dollars, and it should be enough to sell two sachets and a bottle of toilet water.

"If I had known that there were new products today, I would have come earlier!

"Don't crowd, do you understand when you line up!"

A group of people crowded at the door of the shop, and the noise spread almost all over the main street.

"Everyone be quiet! Be quiet! 35

Suddenly the shop assistant walked out of the shop, as if (bjba) had something to announce.

The crowd soon calmed down.

"There's an announcement here!

"Next, a large number of new goods will appear in government-run shops, including soap powder, toothbrush, tooth powder for washing and cleaning, as well as white lead powder and rouge for women's makeup.

"These things, including today's insect repellent sachets, and toilet water, all want to be sold in the newly opened daily necessities store! I hope you don't make a mistake by then!"

"In addition, in the future, government-run shops in all parts of Daqin will recruit a large number of hunters and workers to be responsible for the picking and processing of commodity raw materials.

"I hope that people who are interested will come to answer the call, and the wages will be generous!

The voice fell, and the crowd instantly fell into a commotion again.

"I'm going I'm going!"

"Get out of the way, I want to sign up!

"I'm an hunter, look at me!

"Don't crowd! Come one by one, there are a lot of people in demand, everyone has a chance! Register first! 39

"Your Majesty, seeing that the main street is so lively, the sales of the sachets and toilet water must be good.

Li Si, Meng Yi, and Wang Ben accompanied Zhao Tuo, watching the main street from a distance.

Zhao Tuo nodded slightly: "Yes, the sanitation in the county town has not yet been controlled, and there are a lot of mosquitoes, so it is only natural that these things are popular.

"However, the fact that Main Street can flourish so quickly is beyond my expectations."

Looking at the large number of other commodity restaurants that were opened around the official businessman at some point, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It seems that the effect of business law reform is better than he imagined.

At this moment, there was another commotion in the crowd.

Zhao Tuo and others cast their gazes subconsciously.

I saw a middle-aged man lying unconscious on the ground, his face flushed abnormally.

"What happened to this man?"

"I'm afraid it's not a serious illness, is it?

"Hurry to the doctor..."

"Don't touch him, what if this person is infected with some kind of disease?"

"Hurry up and stay away!"

The crowd dispersed, leaving only the men basking in the scorching sun.

Zhao Tuo frowned slightly.

However, just as he was about to say something, an old man and a young man suddenly came into sight.

The old man's hair is white, and it seems that he is old.

But the agility of the feet, it is estimated that Li Si and others are beyond the reach.

The young man was carrying a bamboo basket on his back, and it could be seen from the gap that it seemed to contain some books.

The two quickly cleared the crowd.

Before reaching the front, the old man said.

"This person has a disease of yang heat... Someone will help and carry him to a shady place. 66

"Teacher, prepare to apply needles!"

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