Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 160 Stab people with needles? You, young and old, clearly want to harm people!

Chapter 160

The old man's voice was not loud, but in that vigorous and powerful voice, there was a taste that people could not refuse.

Several men hurried forward and carried the person to the shade on the side of the shop.

At this time, the young man also took out an animal skin bag from his arms.

"Come on fire."

An Orion next to him heard the words and took out the fire-folder from his arms and opened it.

Immediately, the boy's eyes were sharp, and at the moment when the cloth bag was opened, several silver needles swept across the flames, sipped in his mouth, and stabbed the unconscious man directly.

"Severe Yangshuo, Mengxin acupuncture Baihui, Renzhong, Shixuan, Quze, Weizhong, Yanglingquan, Chengshan, Shenli, Guanyuan.

The boy's voice fell, and nine silver needles directly tied the unconscious man into a hedgehog.

This time, but frightened the people around.

"You...what are you doing! Why use a needle to stab him?

"Yes, yes, everyone fainted, you..."

"Pull out the needle quickly, is there something wrong with the old man and the child?

"There must be a problem! I just paid someone back because of the loss. They want to save people. 39

Hearing the words of the crowd around, the young man who had just finished the acupuncture was dumbfounded.

He quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, the teacher and I are saving him!"

However, the surrounding people did not listen to his explanation.

"Why is this kid talking nonsense with his eyes open? You've got this needle in someone's flesh, how can you still say it's saving people? 35

"That's right! I see that you, young and old, clearly want to harm people!"

"Quick, surround them and don't let them run away!"

"Yes, yes, report to the officer! Qin law stipulates that if they, young or old, kill people in the street, we will be punished regardless of whether we see it!"5

"Oops! Don't get around, this person has the disease of yang heat and needs ventilation, you will kill him like this!""

The boy was about to cry.

Although he has used acupuncture to puncture acupoints, the symptoms of this person have been relieved.

But with so many people around here, that's not a good thing for the patient.

"What kind of ventilation, I see that you clearly want to run!

"Catch 'em catch 'em!

"Teacher, you have to say something!" The young man looked at the old man for help.

However, the old man just touched his head and sighed helplessly.

"Little millet, today's world is ignorant, what's the use of how we explain it?

"All we can do is to have the heart of a doctor and do what we are worthy of. 99

"The rest is left for future generations to judge.


The young man held his mouth in grievance, but his body was still in front of the teacher, and his eyes were a little worried and glanced at the unconscious man.

Seeing that the surrounding onlookers were about to come forward to restrain them, the master and the apprentice, Xiaomi Lier only hoped that the crowd would disperse soon after the work was over.

To give this patient some room to recover.

However, at this moment, an angry shout resounded from the outside of the crowd, like thunder on the ground.

"I see who dares to touch them!!!"

It was just an angry shout, and the rolling power rushed over.

All the onlookers seemed to have turned into marionettes at this moment, and the hands stretched out to the old man and the young man quickly retracted.

Looking back, I saw a young man in black robe with an angry look on his brows, and the three people behind him were walking towards this side.

Without anyone to squeak, the crowd of onlookers will automatically separate to give way.

He didn't even dare to speak out.

There is no other reason, just because the clothes and appearance of these four people are all extraordinary.

In Xianyang City, a place where fish and dragons are mixed, it is definitely a wealthy family that ordinary people can't afford to offend!

Zhao Tuo came to the old man and the young man, and the anger in his eyes dissipated.

"Are you all right?

"No...it's all right. The teenager looked at Zhao Tuo, Li Si and others timidly.

ask for flowers.0

I was a little apprehensive.

These should be... some kind of big shot, right?

The old man wrote slightly to the crowd: "Old doctor Ju, thank the four adults for helping.

Zhao Tuo smiled and waved his hand, and immediately gave Li Si a wink.

Li Si understood in an instant, turned to look at the crowd of onlookers and shouted: "If you don't ask about the situation, you will make a rude remark. If it is not because of your good intentions, you will be fined a hundred dollars for this matter!"

"It's all gone! After I go back, I will pay a fine of twenty dollars, and give me a good reflection! 35


Hearing this, the onlookers dispersed in a hurry, not daring to stop here.

And Zhao Tuo couldn't help but look at the middle-aged man who suffered from heat stroke.

"The method of acupuncture and moxibustion, the old gentleman really has extraordinary medical skills." Zhao Tuo's words contained some admiration, and a trace of well-concealed excitement.

In today's Daqin, the method of acupuncture and moxibustion has not yet prevailed, so the scene just now appeared.

Acupuncture and moxibustion was officially popularized in traditional Chinese medicine, and it was well known and recognized by the common people.

This is also the main reason why Zhao Tuo pays so much attention to the old man and the young man.

In this era, there are very few people who are so proficient in acupuncture and moxibustion.

Maybe, along the line of the two masters and apprentices, there is a chance to find the unfinished "Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine"!

Facing Zhao Tuo's praise, the old man just waved his hand and smiled.

"It's just a little trick of carving insects, it's not worth mentioning.

"You are being humble, and dare to ask the old gentleman where he is from?"

"My teacher, Xiuyu Roe, is not famous in the rivers and lakes, so you must have never heard of it."

"Wait! Repair the roe?"

Meng Yi on the side suddenly looked shocked.

"Isn't that... the famous doctor who studied medical books with Bian Que during the Warring States Period a hundred years ago!?" +.

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