Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 161 "Plain Questions"! "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicin

Chapter 161

Hearing Meng Yi's words, Zhao Tuo couldn't help being surprised.

Xiuyu roe, he had never heard of it.

But who knows Bian Que's name in later generations? Who doesn't?

During the Warring States Period, Qin and Yue people were known as the ancestors of medicine.

He even wrote the medical scripture "Nanjing", and also created the methods of TCM diagnosis of looking, smelling, asking, and cutting.

It can be said that it laid the foundation stone for the development of Chinese medicine in later generations.

Moreover, this Bian Que is not only extremely skilled in medicine, but also extremely proficient in acupuncture and moxibustion.

In addition, it is rumored that he has countless forbidden medicinal recipes that have been passed down to his teacher, Chang Sangjun.

However, after Bian Que was assassinated by Li Xi, the imperial physician of the Qin state, these recipes disappeared completely.

And people who can compare with Bian Que can imagine that their medical skills should not be low.


Suddenly "eight five zero", Zhao Tuo realized another problem.

A hundred years ago?

"Old gentleman, I don't know that you are Gui Geng this year?"

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking, Doctor Ju laughed.

"This old man will be a hundred years short of two years old this year, hahahaha. 35


This sentence made Li Si and the others take a deep breath.

Ninety-eight years old!

It is no wonder that the teachers are all characters who have learned from each other with Bian Que.

But immediately everyone was even more puzzled.

Looking at the old man's legs, it is estimated that he is more agile than them, and he is catching up with the young man.

At such an advanced age, is it possible that there is really any elixir of life in this world?

Seemingly seeing the doubts in everyone's heart, Doctor Ju explained with a smile: "In the final analysis, the old man is well maintained, plus some obsessions in his heart."

"However, it is estimated that when I came to Xianyang this time, I had to close my eyes and search for my teacher because of the regrets of my life.

Everyone looked at each other.

To be able to say such a thing in such a relaxed tone.

Such an attitude is truly admirable.

Zhao Tuo pondered for a while, and couldn't help but ask curiously, "The old gentleman and his disciple came to Xianyang on this trip, but for the purpose of compiling medical books?

"Exactly. 35

The old man patted the big basket behind the young man and said, "This old man specially brought a medical book handed down from his teacher and ancestors of the past dynasties. I hope that with the help of the doctors in Daqin, this book can be completely compiled and completed.

"This is also the long-cherished wish of the old man, and the legacy of the ancestors of all dynasties."

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo was shocked, and his eyes fell on the basket behind the boy uncontrollably.

Proficient in acupuncture and moxibustion...

A medical book co-authored by several generations...

Could it be that……

Taking a deep breath and forcibly holding back the excitement in his heart, Zhao Tuo asked softly:

"Old gentleman! This medical book... I don't know if it is convenient to read it?"

"Hahaha... That's natural, medical books are only for people to read, our family is not like some doctors, who have to bring the secret recipes into the coffin when they die.

While smiling, the old man opened the apprentice's backpack, took out a book sewn with cloth, and handed it to Zhao Tuo.

"The old man's eyes are dim, and he can't see which book it is, or His Majesty can choose it by himself."

"Anything. 35

Zhao Tuo hurriedly took the book, and in a trance, he didn't even pay attention to the name Juyi addressed to him.

The book was opened, and two large inscriptions came into view.

So ask!

Really! It's really the emperor's internal scriptures!

Although Zhao Tuo's face did not move, a huge wave was already set off in his heart!

The Emperor's Internal Classic is divided into two parts.

One is the "Lingshu Jing", which focuses on acupoints and acupuncture.

The other is "Su Wen", which focuses on the theory and prescription of disease and medicine!

After a brief glance, he carefully closed the booklet and put it back into the youth's back basket.

Looking at Doctor Ju again, Zhao Tuo clasped his fists slightly.

"It is a blessing for the people of Daqin to have the old gentleman, master and apprentice in the compilation of medical books, and the help of these medical books."

"Don't worry, old gentleman, someone will come to guide the two of you to the place where the medical book is being compiled and rest first.

"I still have something to do, so I won't stay here for long.

"Your Majesty, walk slowly.

Zhao Tuo nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, people are getting old.

Although he did not deliberately conceal his identity.

But being able to discover his identity in such a short exchange is indeed amazing.

Leaving across Zhao Tuo, Li Si, Wang Ben, and Meng Yi were all at a loss at this time.

Wang Ben was outspoken, and took the lead in asking: "Your Majesty, you are only a one-year-old doctor, even though you have been trained by famous doctors, it doesn't make you so polite?

Zhao Tuo shook his head...

"That doctor Ju is no ordinary doctor.

"To tell you the truth, this time I invited doctors from all over the world to compile medical books, and the picture...is the half of the medical books in his apprentice's back!""

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

Listening to His Majesty's words, that medical skill should be of extraordinary quality.

Zhao Tuo continued: "What I just said was not polite, the medical book in his hand and his medical skills were indeed very important to me, Daqin.39

"With the addition of him and this medical technique, once my Daqin Kuangshi Medical Manual is completed, the development of medical care will be at least a few hundred years faster!

The three Meng Yi were shocked.

No wonder His Majesty paid so much attention to it.

It turned out to be such a stake!

"Li Xiang, have the places where the inner city doctors live have been prepared?"

Li Si nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, everything is ready, and a doctor has already moved in."

"General Wang, send more troops to garrison, these doctors are the wealth of my Daqin, and we must not make mistakes. 39


"Go get ready, Li Xiang, Meng Shangqing, do you two have presbyopia?"

"Huh? 35

Both of them were stunned by Zhao Tuo's sudden sentence.

1.0 reacted for a while before Li Si nodded first.

"To be honest with Your Majesty, the old eyes of this minister have indeed been a little blurry in the past two years...but you don't have to worry, it will never delay political affairs."

Zhao Tuo shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, you will definitely not be dismissed from your office, don't forget that you are the one to blame.

"Yes, yes, that's good, that's good.""

"Since you're presbyopia, it's time to save yourself the trouble of looking for someone else." Saying that, Zhao Tuo stepped up and walked towards Ba's house.

"Come on, follow me to Ba's house.""

"It's not rude to come and go.

Zhao Tuo had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Doctor Ju gave Da Qin such a generous gift, and it also saved me a lot of labor costs.

"If this doesn't mean it's a show, it shouldn't be stabbed in the spine?"

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