With doubts and confusion in their hearts, Li Simengyi followed Zhao Tuo to Ba Qing's house.

Seeing the three of them coming, Ba Qing hurriedly greeted them.

"I've seen Your Majesty... I don't know that Your Majesty and the two adults came to Laoshen, but have some orders?"

Zhao Tuo nodded and said, "I want to use the workshop in Ba's backyard to make something.

After all, there was no need for Ba Qing to lead the way, Zhao Tuo walked towards the backyard on his own.

Seeing this, Li Si and Meng Yi, who were confused, quickly followed.

At this point, the two of them had 10,000 question marks in their hearts.

What kind of expression does His Majesty want?

Why come to Bajia?

What is the workshop in the backyard of the Ba family doing?

Why didn't I see any workshops when I came last time?

Three turns and turns all the way to the door of the workshop.

The heat waves caused Li Si and Meng Yi to frown.

so hot? 19

Could it be that steel is being made inside?

Following Zhao Tuo into the workshop, his sight suddenly opened up.

The huge blast furnace was roaring with flames.

Several craftsmen were busy with their shirtless shirts, and did not pay any attention to the arrival of Zhao Tuo and others.

Meng Yi and Li Si looked around subconsciously.

Suddenly, a large number of elites in the corner were clear, reflecting the flickering firelight objects that attracted the attention of the two...

"This is... this is this..."

"Oh my god! Is the old man hallucinating?"

The two trotted all the way to the corner.

Looking at the glassware facing the corner like garbage, and the huge glass plate, Li Si and Meng Yi felt that their three views were completely overturned.

"No...impossible...it shouldn't be true.

Li Si tried to pick up the glass bowl in front of him.

Start heavy.

It is still warm from being baked in the blast furnace.

Everything is so real.

Li Si's hand trembled slightly, Meng Yi also carefully supported the bottom, and the two looked at the glass bowl in front of them together.

Crystal clear and flawless!

It looks so perfect!

"This... this crystal bowl is even more dazzling than that crystal cup!

"Invaluable! Really invaluable!"


The two looked at the pile of "crystal" utensils in the corner, then looked at the crystal bowl in their hands, and stood there for a while.

"I said two, don't make a fuss.""

Zhao Tuo's voice came, which brought the two back to their senses.

I saw Zhao Tuo pointed to the craftsmen who were busy and explained: "These utensils are not natural crystals, but man-made. 99


The two looked in the direction Zhao Tuo pointed...

A mixture of borax and limestone melts at high temperatures and turns into a liquid.

The craftsmen poured it into the mold while the liquid had not cooled down, or plastic...

After it cools down, it becomes a piece of crystal clear "crystal" utensils.

"You wait, I'll explain something to the craftsmen."

Ignoring Li Si and Meng Yi who were in a daze, Zhao Tuo took Ba Qing to find the craftsman.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is down! Put what you have on hand!""

A group of craftsmen rushed up to say hello.

Zhao Tuo nodded and began to explain his main purpose for coming here today.

"I need you to make something out of glass, I need you...

Zhao Tuo said the request here, and the craftsmen over there nodded again and again.

"How about it, is it feasible?" Zhao Tuo asked expectantly.

For this kind of thing, he did not have much confidence in whether it could be successfully produced in ancient times.

After the craftsmen whispered for a while, the leader nodded.

"Your Majesty, it should be feasible, let's try to polish the mold first.""

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news.

Back in the palace, Meng Yi and Li Si still didn't come back to their senses.

It seems that the manufacture of glass, for them who have seen the priceless crystal cup, the impact is still too great.

Suddenly, Meng Yi stood up abruptly, startling Li Si next to him.

"The old man remembers it!

"Your Majesty! You said before that things that are low-cost and worthless, but can be sold at high prices, but is this glass?

Zhao Tuo put down the teacup and nodded.

"That's right.""

"You... just sent this glass vessel to the Peacock Dynasty?

"Well... to be precise, glassware is second, mainly a few gadgets.

Zhao Tuo didn't hide his secrets, and directly told the two about the last time Dutt escaped from the hands of King Anyang.

"I guess, with that Duterte's brain, returning to the Mauryan Dynasty should also make an article about this matter."

"The management is good, maybe the war...will start faster than expected!

Li Simengyi looked at each other silently.

Indeed, the nature of immortal tears, seeing it to someone who doesn't know it, is indeed outrageous.

Coupled with the deworming sachets with realgar, a good person can't resist being so foolish?

"Actually, the usefulness of this glass is much more than you think.

"You will know later." Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously.

And just as his voice fell, the eunuch at the door walked into the store.

And presented the small square box in his hand.

"Your Majesty, Madam Qing just sent someone to send this."

"Oh? So fast!?"

Looking at the wooden box in front of him, Zhao Tuo was overjoyed and quickly opened it.

Meng Yi and Li Si also rushed forward.

I saw that in the wooden box, there was an object wrapped in a piece of silk.

The brocade was lifted, and two pieces of circular glass with a convex surface came into view first.

The two pieces of glass are tightly connected by a traveler.

If there are modern people here, they will be able to recognize the objects in front of them at a glance.

It's not the glasses!

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