Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 164 Gear set, production line! The door to the new world!!

Chapter 164

After a while, the large barrels of light salt water were sent to the steelmaking workshop.

Focused on their work, the craftsmen who had not realized what had just happened were stunned.

What is this situation?

The eunuch on the other side gave an explanation.

"Your Majesty said, you need to drink more of this salty water, otherwise your body won't be able to withstand it."

While speaking, the eunuch made a look.

After being reminded by the eunuch, the blacksmiths noticed the existence of Zhao Tuo, and they hurriedly put down their work and salute.

However, Zhao Tuo waved his hand and said, "In labor, no ceremony is required."

The eunuch continued: "Your Majesty has a destiny. In the future, the blacksmiths in the steel-making workshops will have rice and pasta for three meals, and they must eat enough."

At this moment, all the blacksmiths couldn't help but be happy, was there something wrong with their ears.

Three meals... rice and pasta!?

The blacksmiths present were all excited and their faces turned red.

While working, the hammer in his hand was even more vigorous.

Not for anything else.

Just for His Majesty to be able to measure these blacksmiths so much!

People are iron, rice is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

Those of them who are blacksmiths work with 850 hammers all day long, and they are all high-intensity labor.

Now he can only eat Guo Kui and drink rice soup every day.

After draining the pitiful strength, the rest can only be overdrawn and clenched.

No one knew when he would suddenly fall down and be carried out.

Never thought.

This His Majesty's coming, let them see hope!

"Brothers! Work harder and be quicker! We mustn't let His Majesty down! 99

"Yes, work harder! Otherwise, I will be sorry for the rice and noodles!

For a time, a famous blacksmith in the workshop became more active.

Even if the rice noodles promised by Zhao Tuo have not yet entered the stomach.

The blacksmiths also felt that they suddenly had an inexhaustible energy in their bodies.

Seeing this, Zhao Tuo's face finally showed a smile.

He glanced around, and immediately walked to a very special place in the workshop.

Dealing with the treatment of the blacksmith in the workshop is just a matter of convenience.

He hasn't forgotten the main purpose of this trip...

At this time, Xiangli Yang is instructing the craftsmen to fill the mold with molten iron fired by the bjba method.

These parts, in the future, will be the core mechanisms on thousands of tons of giant ships.

The stress to be endured is huge, and it must be steel with extremely strong metal properties to be competent.

"How's it going, how's it going?"

Hearing the voice from behind, Xiangli Yang looked back.

When he saw Zhao Tuo, he quickly turned around and saluted.

"Meet Your Majesty.

"These parts are a bit difficult to handle because they're not wood.

"In order to save the time for polishing and finishing after pouring, I am focusing on dealing with the problem of molds, so... the progress will be a little slow, please atone for your majesty! 35

Seeing Xiangli Yang's guilty look, Zhao Tuo smiled and waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter, I came here this time to remind you about this, it seems a bit redundant, hahahaha.

"It doesn't matter if you slow down, at least you are going in the right direction. After all, this clipper ship, Da Qin didn't just build one and it's over."

"Go on, the boat will be built, and I will reward you!"

After saying a word, Zhao Tuo continued to stroll around the steel-making workshop with Xiangli Yang.

In the workshop, a newly built blast furnace stands tall.

Steel is constantly being transported out.

In this regard, Xiangli Yang is amazed.

"As expected of Your Majesty, to be able to think of such a method of making steel, it is indeed difficult for me to wait.

Zhao Tuo smiled and shook his head.

"It's just the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors, I'm just an inheritor."

Xiangli Yang Xiaoxiao did not continue, it was all Zhao Tuo who was humbled.

"Your Majesty, I used wood to imitate the structure in the blueprint, and there are some new discoveries.

"Oh? What did you find? Tell me about it?" Zhao Tuo looked at Xiangli Yang curiously.

Xiangli Yang said: "After going back again, I carefully studied and compared the structure on the blueprint and the function of this structure on the big ship."

"It turned out that this should be the part that controls the direction of the ship."

Zhao Tuo nodded; "Yes, this is called a rudder, which can control the direction more flexibly than a building ship that relies on oars to control the direction, and only requires a helmsman. 39

"That's why my minister was curious at the time, how can this big ship be able to control the rudder of such a big ship with only one person?"

"So the minister used wood to restore the structure first, only to find that this transmission mechanism can amplify manpower in addition to changing the direction of power, which is amazing!"

'I wonder if you can ask Your Majesty to clarify?"

"You said that." Zhao Tuo was stunned and explained: "In that transmission mechanism, there is a set of components called the gear set. The smaller the pinion gear, the larger the large gear, the more it can amplify the manpower."

"As for the reasoning... Anyway, you can understand it as the power of the small gear to convert its own revolutions into the power of the large gear."

Xiangli Yang nodded repeatedly.

I don't understand in my heart...

Walking around, the two soon came to a special workshop.

I saw the workers among them, pouring strips of slender steel bars.

After the steel bar was poured on one side, it was sent to the other side, and several workers relied on the stone drum to roll it with universal force to extend it.

Finally hammering...

"Your Majesty, this is the steel bar used by the Epang Palace to build the dormitory." The eunuch who accompanied him explained.

Zhao Tuo nodded slightly, but frowned slightly.

"The manufacturing speed of this steel bar is really too slow, and there is such a waste of manpower...the loss of no automated assembly line. 99

Hearing Zhao Tuo's whisper, Xiangli Yang couldn't help but ask curiously again.

"Your Majesty, I dare to ask you the automated assembly line...but what?"

"Oh, nothing, it's just a production line that can handle production matters fully automatically with the help of external forces, saving time and manpower."

"It's just that it should be difficult to achieve in Daqin..."

Zhao Tuo sighed slightly, turned and left the steelmaking workshop.

Only Xiangli Yang stood there in a daze.

A gear set that amplifies power and can change the direction of power...

With external force...

Fully automatic processing...

For a time, Xiangli Yang only felt a loud bang in his mind.

Immediately, there was a huge wave!

And in front of him, there seems to be a door leading to a new world!

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