Chapter 165

As soon as this side returned to the palace, Zhao Tuo immediately continued to be busy.

"The main body of the ship has been built, and the next is the main sail.

Zhao Tuo rubbed his chin and kept making measurements in his mind.

It stands to reason that ordinary sails can be woven with linen.

However, for a large-tonnage and multi-sail vessel like a clipper, the strength of the linen is a bit stretched.

"Using canvas? Well, there's still some left.

"In addition, canvas should have appeared in ancient Rome in this era, and the production method should not be too expensive."

"The cotton planted this season should be enough, the rest is the canvas~weaving method..."

As he spoke, Zhao Tuo directly turned on the system and searched for the canvas-making method.

[Canvas Crafting Method]: 23,9000 – Reputation.

Thick cotton and linen fabric, good waterproof performance, strong and durable, can be used as sails, tents, backpacks and even tablecloths.

Remarks: Things that have already appeared, deal with low prices...


The corners of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised slightly.

After being inspired by the "Emperor's Internal Classic", he was completely clear.

Everything that has appeared in this world will appear in the system at a low price.

And this canvas is no exception.

As long as you pay mere but ten thousand prestige, you can add a very practical material to Da Qin, why not do it?

The cashing was successful, and the parchment roll appeared in the hand.

Zhao Tuo began to skillfully transcribe the compilation method described above.

Simply this time the content is not much.

In just half an hour, the transcription was completed.

"Come on!"

A eunuch heard the sound and walked quickly into the hall.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?

Zhao Tuo handed the paper in his hand to the eunuch, and instructed: "Send my word to Li Xiang, ordering people to collect all the cotton for this season.

"Let's recruit some people who are better at textile work in Xianyang City."

"This is the weaving method of canvas, and the sails must be made before the main body of the ship is made."5


The eunuchs left quickly with the paper that recorded the canvas weaving method and rushed to Li Si's house.

Zhao Tuo sighed lightly.

Now that Feng Quji has broken bones, for at least the next three months, government affairs will be on Li Si himself.

Although Meng Yi can help share some.

But after all, because the position of Doctor Censor is more sensitive, what he can share is extremely limited.

In addition, Li Si is also getting old.

If this is a high-intensity work, and he is exhausted, and the two prime ministers all strike, then it will be lively.

Besides, take a thousand steps back.

Li Si and Feng Quji are both old now.

It's impossible for him to really make the old legs and feet of the two of them inconvenient, and he is still milling for Da Qin Dong, right?

Therefore, the candidates for the prime minister should be carefully looked for.

"You have to think about it..."

Zhao Tuo let out a long sigh.

Looking for someone to act as Prime Minister, this is definitely not a random thing.

The prime minister should not only have brains, but also have prestige among the officials.

Absolutely not just find someone to put it on the line.

"The available people in the court... hiss.

Zhao Tuo frowned and pulled his hair, and a lot of memories flashed through his mind quickly.

All the characters in the court of Daqin were excluded by him one by one.

Soon, all the current officials in Xianyang Palace were eliminated.

It's not that he is not qualified, it's just that he didn't shine.

"Are you looking for it from local officials...hey..."

After rubbing his temples, Zhao Tuo finally ordered someone to bring the roster of local officials...

Time flies as the roster keeps flipping.

The sky darkened at some point.

But this is the case, Zhao Tuo is still constantly browsing the information of local officials by the dim candlelight.

Suddenly, when he turned to the next page, Zhao Tuo's eyes lit up.

"That's right! How could I forget him! 99

I saw that it was written on the roster: Xiao He, the head of Pei County…

"Xiao He, Xiao He, I met Zhang Liang and sent someone to find Han Xin, but I forgot about the last of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty.

Zhao Tuo looked happy.

At the beginning, Liu Bang sighed.

ask for flowers.0

"In strategizing and strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away, and I am not as good as the ovary."

"To rule the country, to care for the people, to feed the naan, and to never end up with food, I am not as good as Xiao He.

"An army of one million must win in battle and take in attack, I am not as good as Han Xin.

"These three are all outstanding people, I can use them, that's why I take the world.

After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Xiao He even helped Liu Bang stabilize the world, and killed the princes and kings with different surnames.

Even Emperor Hui of the Han said: "So the prime minister of the country Xiao He, the emperor Gao is a great hero, and what he does is for the world."35

From this, it can be seen that if Xiao He's talents can be thoroughly discovered, they will definitely not be inferior to Li Si and Feng Quji, or even surpass them!

Of course, this is according to the historical process of the previous life, Ying Zheng died and the world was in chaos.

At that time, Xiao He will assist Liu Bang and finally establish the Han Dynasty.

It's just that with his ascension to the throne, history is already developing in another new direction.

If he didn't suddenly remembered today, then Xiao He might have been completely buried...

"It seems that it's time to activate them, otherwise, it may be forgotten once more.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo picked up a pen and paper and started writing a letter at his desk.

"Brother Ov:

Today is settled down, Daqin is becoming more and more prosperous, if you don't forget your bet with me, I will come to Xianyang City Ba's house with a token.

"Where is the Iron Eagle Guard?

"His Majesty!"

In the shadow of the main hall, several Iron Eagle Guards from the Black Ice Platform appeared.

After Zhao Tuo folded the letter and handed it over to them, he instructed: "Bring this letter to Zhang Liang. 35

"Also, how about Han Xin?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Han Xin is still as impoverished as before, indulging in indulgence and ignorant of etiquette..."

"Heh... this guy." Zhao Tuo shook his head with a wry smile.

He is aware of history.

If it weren't for this, as an ordinary person, who would think that a person like Han Xin could still achieve great things?

"Well, take him to Xianyang, and I will handle the rest myself.

"Here! 35

"Finally, I passed on my oral decree, and the head of Pei County was recommended by someone to become an official in the court.

"Here! +.

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