Chapter 170

"Your Majesty! The three project prisoners in Daqin, totaling more than 812,000 people, have been completely assembled! 35

"Among them, there are 438,000 prisoners of war from the five countries remaining, and 374,000 guilty ones! 39

At the Qilin Hall, after Li Si reported the situation of the prisoners in Lishan, he returned to his position.

After Zhao Tuo pondered for a moment, he nodded slightly.

"There are more prisoners of war than expected—..."

"Didao Hou. 35

"The last will be here!" Li Xin hurriedly stepped forward when Zhao Tuo called to him.

"How many people can be armed with the copper weapons and the accumulated waste equipment that are gradually being replaced in the army?"

Li Xin opened his fingers and calculated silently in his heart before saying, "Your Majesty, if you count some inferior weapons, it should be able to equip 400,000 people."

"Very good... Wu Liang!

Wu Liang, the internal history of Zhisu, got up in response.

"How long can the treasury money and military rations support an army of 400,000 people to fight?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, if all the grains are replaced with high-quality grain, it will only last for one month." Wu Liang replied.

"Ten days is enough!

A cruel smile appeared on Zhao Tuo's face.

"Now that everything is ready, Li Xiang, let's do the things I explained before!


"Brothers, why do you say that the officials are separating us from the guilty ones?"

In the prison camp at the foot of Mount Li, a group of prisoners of war were discussing something.

Hearing the question from his companions, one of the Zhao prisoners guessed in horror: "Could it be that the construction of the Epang Palace is finished, and we people are useless?


As soon as these words came out, a look of panic appeared on everyone's faces.

I can't help but think of why I killed 400,000 Zhao Jun in one breath?

A large number of combat-capable prisoners.

In addition to being unmanageable and threatening, there is a more critical issue.

That is to eat!

Forty thousand prisoners of war, how much food does one meal consume?

They don't need to do anything, and Daqin will keep them in vain?

This matter is replaced by a person who is not stupid and ruthless, and will do it!

And their situation at this time...isn't that the case.

"It's over, it's over, we might also be killed.

"After so many years, can't you escape death after all..."

"Hey, forget it, that's what happened anyway. After

"No! Resist! We can't just be killed by them without dignity!

"Come on, dignity? After so many years in prison, where does dignity come from?"

"Why do you resist? The Qin army has been replaced with steel weapons recently, but we don't even have the worst iron swords."


For a time, despair spread rapidly among the prisoners of war.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the prisoner of war camp, and only two officials from the palace appeared.

Afterwards, the Qin army came out of the extreme generals, and with the help of the soldiers, began to divide the prisoners of war into batches.

An hour later, the nearly 300,000 prisoners of war in Lishan were divided into dozens of batches, and each batch was divided into dozens of waves.

This time, the prisoners of war were even more panicked.

"It's over, I'm afraid it's going to kill us in batches."

"Definitely, your wave will go first."

"Fuck! If you want to die, you will die first!""

"Could it be that I, someone from Wu, will die at the foot of Mount Li today?

And just when the prisoners of war secretly despaired, a large number of old soldiers replaced by the Qin army were transported over.

Seeing this scene, the hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war who were in turmoil gradually became quiet.

It seems that everyone does not understand what Qin Jun is doing.

Under the incomprehensible gaze of the prisoners of war, a group of deputy generals of the Qin army walked into the group of prisoners of war under the protection of the fully armed Qin army.

"All prisoners of war, listen up!

The loud voices of the lieutenants attracted the attention of countless prisoners of war.

"Now that the Daqin project is completed, you are useless!

In a word, the mood of the prisoners of war fell directly to the bottom.

But the next words of the lieutenants brought them to the sky again.

"So Your Majesty decided to give Erwai a chance to choose freely!"


The prisoners of war were thoroughly boiling.

"Really or not, isn't my ear a problem?

"Let's set us free? Free! We're free!""

"God open your eyes!"

"Why...that's not quite right.

"You found it too? I think there must be something strange here.

"Whatever he is, I just want to get out of this hell.

...... Ask for flowers.0

Countless prisoners of war cheered, but there were also doubts.

But soon, the lieutenants who were responsible for delivering information among the prisoners of war resolved their doubts and unease.

"Of course, your freedom is subject to preconditions!

"That is, you will only be sent to the frontier of Daqin as exiles and go to neighboring countries! You will not be able to return to Daqin for the rest of your life.

"Have you seen those equipment? These things are the parting gifts that Daqin gave you.


Hearing this, the prisoners of war looked at each other in dismay.

The lieutenants continued: "Get your gear, cross the border, and you'll be free after that.99

"As for the rest, whether you wield your weapons and grab a piece of your own territory from a neighboring country, or hide your weapons, linger and die of old age in a foreign land, that is your own choice! 99

"But there are exceptions to everything."

The lieutenant grinned.

"If two conditions are met, you will still be able to return to your homeland, and maybe even enjoy the glory and wealth.

Upon hearing this, all the prisoners widened their eyes.

Back home.

Prosperity and wealth...

Gradually, the breathing of all the captives became heavier.

As prisoners of war, it was their distant dream to survive.

Unexpectedly, there is still a chance for glory and wealth, which is in front of you!

The lieutenant nodded slightly.

Seems very satisfied with the current state of the prisoners of war.

"First of all! You must be able to lay down an area under your own control in a neighboring country!

"Secondly, after Daqin continues to expand around in the future, you have to make a choice!"

"Either, become an enemy of Da Qin again! After enjoying a short period of rule, I finally returned here as a prisoner of war.

"Either, offer the territory, be rewarded by Your Majesty, and crown the title of Marquis of Guanwai with the merits of expanding the territory, even if the territory is large enough and the management is good enough, it is not impossible to be directly conferred the governorship!

"After that, you will be able to take off your status as exiles, return home in fine clothes, and return to your hometown!"

"Of course, you can choose to refuse, then join those guilty and continue to work for Daqin until you die!"

The voices of the lieutenants fell.

All prisoners have already made a choice in their hearts at this time... 10.

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