Chapter 171

In the courtyard of the bedroom, everyone was enjoying the shade in a pergola specially built by Zhao Tuo.

A large number of boxes with ice cubes are placed around, making the temperature in the entire pergola much cooler than outside.


The suet drips onto the charcoal, bursting out with the unique aroma of barbecue.

Several dormitory guys were busy in front of the grill.

Zhao Tuo was lying on the rocking chair, swaying while enjoying the cool breeze fanned by Yu Miaoyi.

"Meng Shangqing, have all the letters to neighboring countries been sent out?"

Meng Yi nodded.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, the letter has been sent to the frontier by Daqin's messenger in person, and it is estimated that it will reach the capitals of neighboring countries in a few days."

"It's just...I'm a little worried.

"Although His Majesty's letter said that the prisoners of war in Daqin rioted, and after robbing their weapons, they crossed the frontier by "eight-five-seven", so I reminded neighboring countries to be on guard.

"But if the surrounding countries ask each other, they will find that Daqin's prisoners of war are not just attacking their own country."

Zhao Tuo waved his hands indifferently and said, "Then tell them that they run a little too much."


"Take ten thousand steps back, even if I tell them clearly that Da Qin did it on purpose, what can they do?"

"The eastern and southern coasts of the Great Qin Pass are without any threat. The northern border has expanded to the North Sea, and further north is the bitter cold ice field. 66

"The rest are Donghu, Gaoyi, Yimao, Jizichaoxian in the northeast, and Qiang people in the southwest.

Zhao Tuo smiled dismissively.

"Although Daqin can't send troops at present, but relying on the Great Wall for defense, Donghu and other countries in the northeast, and borrowing their army of 100,000, will never even think of going over the Great Wall."

"Furthermore, regardless of the Great Wall's defense line and the harassment of prisoners of war, the fact that he has already detoured to the champion Hou in the north of Donghu is enough to make the Donghu people sleepless.

"As for Yelang, Qielan, Qiongdu, etc. near the Qiang people, the population is sparse, and the area is not as large as a county or county in Daqin, and they will tremble three times when Daqin sneezes. 35

"It is estimated that it will be swallowed by the prisoners of war directly."

Zhao Tuo shrugged and said, "The reason why I lied to them is because it's not so nice to say it. 35


This time, Meng Yi was completely speechless.

At this time, Meng Tian came over and patted Meng Yi on the shoulder: "I believe in His Majesty's decision, the biggest threat to Daqin today is only Donghu.

"When you see General Huo leading his troops on an expedition, you will understand why His Majesty is so relieved."

Zhao Tuo smiled and nodded.

According to Huo Qubing's temperament.

As long as he handed over Donghu's military division to him, he would definitely be able to take people directly to Donghu's royal court.

It's just that the cavalry under Huo Qubing's command are all newcomers, and their combat power is indeed not high.

In addition, Daqin Guannei is working hard to develop.

So Zhao Tuo is not too eager to stretch the front too long.

Sometimes being steady is not a bad thing.

"Your Majesty, the mutton skewers are ready."

Feng Quji turned the wheel of his wheelchair with all his might, with a tray full of mutton skewers on his leg, and came to the crowd.

"How about it, Feng Xiang, is this wheelchair good enough?"

Looking at Feng Quji's appearance, Zhao Tuo smiled.

This week, in order to squeeze Feng Quji's sickness, he directly asked the craftsmen to make him a wheelchair.

However, it seemed that Feng Quji was also enjoying it.

"Hahaha, to tell the truth from Your Majesty, after sitting in this wheelchair, I feel that I am walking faster than before."

Feng Go patted the wheel of the wheelchair eagerly.

"You chicken!"

"Huh! Hahahaha! Come and come, take money and take money!"

Ying Zheng's hearty laughter came.

I saw Ying Zheng, Wang Jian, Wang Ben, and Wang Li sitting around the square table.

On the table, there is a pair of mahjong!

Two days ago, Zhao Tuo let the idle craftsmen burn out this mahjong, and handed it over to a few people to play.

Ying Zheng and Wang Jian, the two "retired" people, began to feel a little bit addicted to it.

It's okay to find someone to come around twice.

"Son, you can't do this either, this mahjong has to pay attention to tactics. Wang Jian stroked his beard and looked like a master.

Ying Zheng also nodded in agreement.

"General Wang, you really made it too easy for me and Wu Chenghou to win."


Wang Ben's face turned green.

Oh, is it fair that the Emperor Taishang is with his own father, and he is with his son? It's not fair.

"Father...I don't want to play anymore.

Wang Li had a bitter look on his face.

Why do the Emperor Taishang and Grandpa like to play mahjong so much?

Why does he have no gaming experience at all?

Hearing Wang Li's words, Wang Jian nodded happily.

"Okay, don't play if you don't want to play, it's important that you go back to guard the city gate."

"Hey... grandson thinks, this mahjong... it seems to be quite interesting."5



In order not to stand guard, Wang Li could only succumb to Wang Jian's lewd power...

"Fuck it again! Hahahaha!"

Wang Jian and Ying Zheng were laughing, and they took the money hanging in front of them into their arms.

It seems that the money is more valuable than the gold in their vaults.

"Shanghuang, General Wang, the skewers are ready!"

When Li Si's voice came, Ying Zheng and Wang Jian also got up and walked over.

With a sip of ice needle fruit wine into the throat, this little mood is even more beautiful.

On a hot summer day, the palace is full of green smoke.

Everyone was talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and feeling very uncomfortable.

While Zhao Tuo was eating, he chatted with everyone about the various things he experienced when he wandered around Daqin.

"Tuo'er, the Zhang Liang you are talking about is the thief that Yu Bolangsha sent someone to attack Zhen Luan?"

"It's a good Zhang Liang, but he has a lot of courage, but I don't know if he is really a 1.0 talent as Tuo'er said."

Zhao Tuo said to himself: "Father, don't worry, this person will never disappoint you."35

"His Majesty!"

Zhao Tuo had just finished speaking when an Iron Eagle Guard walked in from outside the palace.

"Report to Your Majesty! Zhang Liang has arrived in Xianyang and is currently in Ba's house!

"Hey, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is coming!

"Your Majesty, who is Cao Cao? Isn't it Zhang Liang?" Meng Yi looked at Zhao Tuo with a confused expression.


Zhao Tuo waved his hands awkwardly.

"That doesn't matter, Father, all the gentlemen eat first, and I will return when I go."

Just as Zhao Tuo turned around and was about to leave, Ying Zheng stopped him aloud.

"Wait! Let's go together.

"I want to see... Dare to make a real idea, Zhang Liang, who is holy!

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