Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 172 The God of Xiapi, the mysterious Duke Huangshi!

"It's just that the emperor came with you, what do you think you all come to join in the fun?

Zhao Tuo looked at Meng Yi and the others behind him, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Meng Yi kicked Feng Quji's wheelchair and whispered, "Your Majesty said that you have trouble with your legs and feet, so what are you doing here? 35


Too lazy to pay attention to everyone, Zhao Tuo stepped into the Bajia compound.

Ba Qing was already waiting at the door at this time.

Seeing everyone's posture, he stepped forward to say hello to her, but was stopped by a look from Zhao Tuo.

How smart is Ba Qing?

I immediately understood what Zhao Tuo meant.

He swallowed the words that came to his mouth directly.

"You guys want to watch the fun, find your own place, don't ruin my good deeds. 99


With Zhao Tuo's words, everyone scattered in the Ba's house.

On the other hand, Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng followed Ba Qing to the other courtyard of the Ba family.

In the other courtyard at this time, a slightly emaciated figure was sitting upright in the shade of the courtyard, flipping through the book in his hand.

Hearing the footsteps, he subconsciously looked back.

"You are... benefactor!"

After a brief doubt, Zhang Liang quickly recognized Zhao Tuo's identity.

Then Zhang Liang19 quickly got up and tidied up his clothes, then came to Zhao Tuo and gave a deep salute.

"Ovry, I have seen the benefactor!" 9

"Brother Zifang, you're already born, I said it a long time ago, you don't need to call your benefactor one by one." Zhao Tuo smiled and helped Zhang Liang.

"That won't work!" Facing Zhao Tuo's proposal, Zhang Liang refused.

"If it wasn't for the help of the benefactor, the ovary might have died long ago. 99

"Besides, this "Plain Book" was also delayed by grace to announce, so it was approved by the old gentleman.

With that said, Zhang Liang gave Zhao Tuo the plain book in his hand.


Ying Zheng suddenly coughed, making Zhang Liang subconsciously look through his eyes.


Looking at Ying Zheng in front of him, a vaguely familiar feeling suddenly flashed in his heart.

This man... have you seen him somewhere?

"Grandpa, this is..."

"This... um, is my father.

"Eun Gong's father!?

Zhang Liang was already in his heart, and hurriedly saluted Ying Zheng again.

"Ozifang, I have seen the seniors, and it was the ovary's negligence just now, please forgive me, seniors.


Ying Zheng gave a light hum, and said nothing.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Liang thought it was because he didn't say hello first, and was unhappy.

Seeing the awkward smile on Zhang Liang's face, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but chuckle.

In fact, Ying Zheng's mind is broad enough.

If you were an ordinary person, I heard that Zhang Liang was the one who sent someone to assassinate him back then.

"Brother Zifang, let's sit down and talk."

Zhao Tuo pulled Zhang Liang to sit down.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, was admiring the flowers in the courtyard by the presence of the old god, and had no intention of talking with Zhang Liang at the same table.

Looking at the plain book in Zhang Liang's hand, Zhao Tuo asked curiously, "How is it, how do you feel after reading this "Sushu"?

When it comes to Sushu, Zhang Liang's energy suddenly comes up.

"That old gentleman is truly amazing! The real book should be a treasure book only in heaven! 35

"The book mentions that morality, virtue, benevolence, righteousness, and propriety should be the fundamentals of governing the country.

"Ozifang has read this book no less than ten times, but he still has an epiphany every time!"

"Now that I have been comprehending this "Su Shu" for several years, I can see the affairs of the world more clearly and thoroughly. 99

"But compared to the old gentleman, it is the benefactor who is even more miraculous! 35

Looking at the extremely young Zhao Tuo, Zhang Liang was full of emotion.

When he first met Zhao Tuo, it was when the assassination of the First Emperor Ying Zheng failed and he was wanted by the entire Daqin.

At that time, Zhao Tuo, who was only ten years old, had a calm mind and was born, even as an adult, he sighed to himself.

After successfully evading the pursuit, the long conversation all night was even more shocking.

Although slightly inconsistent.

But a child who was only ten years old had such a vision and insight, which made him feel ashamed at the beginning.

Of course, these are all little things.

The most incredible thing for him was that before he left, Zhao Tuo told him to go to the Yishuiqiao Bridge and wait for a strange old man.

This old man will inexplicably ask him to pick up shoes, and then there will be a series of various behaviors, just be patient.

At the time, he was still skeptical about it, and even disapproved of it.

Until he really followed Zhao Tuo's instructions and came to the bridgehead of Yishui Yao, he actually saw the old man Zhao Tuo said!

When he saw the old man take off his shoes and throw them under the bridge, he was completely dumbfounded.

It was even once suspected that this old man was specially arranged by Zhao Tuo.

Otherwise, how could there be such an outrageous thing in this world?

It was not until the third night that I got this "Sushu".

He just came back to his senses.

This... is definitely not arranged by Zhao Tuo deliberately.

Otherwise, he wouldn't tell himself how to get the book!

Knowing now, he still clearly remembers how shocked he was at the beginning.

So that when I see Zhao Tuo now, I can vaguely feel that the former is vaguely covered with a mysterious veil...

"Speaking of that old gentleman, if I asked you to help bring it, can it be brought to 857?

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking about this, Zhang Liang shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint my grace.

"At that time, according to the benefactor's instructions, the ovary just called out the old gentleman's name, but he was interrupted by raising his hand.

"I said something was messed up, and then I kept muttering there, I don't know what I was talking about. h

"Oh, by the way, before leaving, the old gentleman specially instructed me... Said that when my fate changed completely, he would show up to talk."

"Hi..." Zhao Tuo scratched his head, this Huangshi Gong made Zhao Tuo a little confused.

That's right, Huang Shigong, the Xiapi god who received the book to Zhang Liang on the ground, was once as famous as Guiguzi, and he was also the one who entered the Taoist theology.

According to later generations, in addition to the art of war, strategy, the way of governing the country, and carving, his first-hand feng shui physiognomy is unparalleled in ancient times, and his skills are amazing.

However, Zhao Tuo sneered at this.

"Why are these gods all vague? I don't understand, I don't understand.

Zhao Tuo shook his head.

However, just when he was about to say something to Zhang Liang, Ba Qing suddenly came over, leaned over and whispered, "Your Majesty, there is an old gentleman outside the door asking to see you."


Ba Qing nodded.

"He said... his name is Huang Shigong.

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