Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 173: Are you the 2 emperor of Qin who has seen through the secrets and changed his life agai

Lord Yellowstone!?

Zhao Tuo stood up suddenly, his face full of surprise.

Zhang Liang was also shocked.

Even Ying Zheng, who was watching the flowers on the side, looked at Ba Qing suspiciously.

Huang Shigong, when he was in the palace today, really heard what Zhao Tuo said.

Said to be an amazing person.

By the way, it is the old gentleman who Zhang Liang said just now.

What does this say, it's really a bit evil...

However, to say that the most shocking moment was Zhao Tuo.

"This Huangshigong...why did he come to the door himself! And he knew that I was in Ba's house!"

"Wait... Zhang Liang said just now that when his fate changes completely, Lord Huangshi will show up."

"Fate has completely changed..."

Zhao Tuo frowned more and more tightly.

At the same time, there were also waves in his heart.

According to the original historical process, Zhang Liang should study the "Su Shu" with peace of mind at this time, and after Liu Bang rises from Pei County, he will help him to make a difference.

However, with his own appearance, history is completely reversed!

Zhang Liang was sitting in front of him at this time...

And this, isn't it the time when his fate was completely changed?

Zhao Tuo took a deep breath.

For a while, he was extremely sure about science, and he sneered at metaphysics, and at this moment, he couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Let's go, I'd like to see what this Duke Huang Shi is capable of! 35

Zhao Tuo got up and tidied up his clothes, then immediately walked towards the door.


Ba's door opened.

Outside the door, an old man with white hair, dressed in linen clothes, but still unable to hide his immortal spirit, came into Zhao Tuo's eyes.

At the same time, Huang Shigong also looked up at Zhao Tuo,


Seeing Zhao Tuo's first glance, a look of surprise appeared in Huang Shigong's eyes.

Immediately pinch your fingers to calculate...

In this way, the two of them took a look at it and sank for more than ten breaths.

In the end, Huang Shigong slowly put down his left hand, and the scenery in his eyes did not diminish, and there was a little more doubt.

"Dare to ask, why did the son appear in the Ba family.`?"


Huang Shigong's words made Zhao Tuo, who has always been a lot of ghosts and thieves, feel that he can't play.

Good guy, he hasn't spoken yet, but did he come up with a trick first?

Zhao Tuo smiled and said, "Old gentleman, you are the one who wants to come to Ba's house, why did you ask me instead?

"Uh... I'm rude! I'm rude! The old man sees that the son's face is a little special, so the old man has doubts in his heart for a while, forgive me!""

Hearing Huang Shigong's words, Zhao Tuo suddenly became interested.

It is said that this Duke Huangshi is a master in Feng Shui physiognomy.

Say nothing else.

It is indeed a bit outrageous to appear in the Ba family at this critical juncture today.

Now I still say that I am facing a special...

He wanted to hear what this Duke Huang Shi had to say about his own face.

"Sir, since you say it's rude, why don't you do it."

"As an apology, tell me what you see from my face? After that, I'll let you in, how about it?

"This..." Huang Shigong hesitated for a moment, and then asked back: "Young master, are you sure you want to listen?"

"Definitely listen.

"Okay, sir, can you let this old man look at your left hand. 55

"no problem."

Zhao Tuo extended his left hand generously.

Huang Shigong hurriedly stepped forward to look up, and at the same time pinched something.

The more he counted, the tighter his brows furrowed.

He kept muttering things like "should not" and "impossible".

On the other side, Ying Zheng, Zhang Liang, Meng Yi and the others all leaned towards this side, quietly looking at Huang Shigong.

At the same time, I am also curious, what will this Duke Huangshi say after a while.

Another ten breaths passed, and Huang Shigong put down Zhao Tuo's hand with a little hesitation, and sighed.

"Since the young master insists on listening, the old man will talk nonsense once."

"Say, I'm listening."

"Looking at the son's face and palm reading, it can be seen that the son was born to be a rich and noble person. If the old man guesses correctly, you... should be the son of Zulong! 35

Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

The people behind them were all shocked.

This Huangshigong does have a bit of a doorway!

However, what Huang Shigong said next really caused everyone to change their expressions.

.|| It's just... Your son looks blessed with fierceness, and palmistry shows that you have been surrounded by villains since you were a child. ""

"It stands to reason that the son should have died when he was five years old...

"This is also the reason why the old man was suspicious."

At this moment, the cold sweat on everyone's face had already come down.

Meng Yi and others who dared to say such outspoken words originally thought that Zhao Tuo had done it when His Majesty the First Emperor was in power.

I didn't expect that today, Huang Shigong also...

Zhang Liang, who was on the side, looked at Zhao Tuo in surprise after hearing Huang Shigong's words.

His benefactor... turned out to be the son of the first emperor Ying Zheng?


If this is really the case, then the father that Engong just mentioned...isn't it...

Zhang Liang slowly turned his head to look at Ying Zheng not far away.

Cold sweat oozes down his spine.

At this moment, he can be considered to know.

Why did (Qian Li Zhao) face his own question mark just now, Engong's father would have such an attitude.

For a time, Zhang Liang had a thousand thoughts...or...

Of course, Zhao Tuo, the party involved at this time, also set off a storm in his heart!

Because if it wasn't because of his own body, he was carrying a soul from modern times.

Then he will definitely die at the age of five, the accident that Zhao Ji ordered to plan!

"Looks like the old man is right..."

Huang Shigong stroked his beard and looked at Zhao Tuo.

"Young master should have died early, but now you can live here, it seems... you should be the second emperor who saw through the secrets and changed the fate of yourself and Da Qin against the sky, right?"

ps: Let me explain here. In the first 211 years, that is, the thirty-sixth year of the first emperor, the title "Zulong" has already appeared. If you are interested, you can check the Chronicle of Qin Shihuang.

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