At the gate of Ba's house, everyone fell into a strange silence.

Ying Zheng, Meng Yi and others were shocked that Huang Shigong could infer everything in the past and Zhao Tuo's true identity based on these things!

On the other hand, Zhang Liang was a little bit overwhelmed by the news that Zhao Tuo was the second emperor of Qin.

As for Zhao Tuo, it can be said that he was the one with the greatest psychological activity among the crowd at this time.

As a serious modern man, he is a top student.

In the past, he was dismissive of things like fortune-telling, thinking that science is the right way.

Today, however, this Huang Shigong has completely subverted his world view!

It would be a mistake to say that what he said to Zhang Liang before would bring about a complete change of fate, and he would show up.

So just because of the remarks made by Fang Cai and himself, he knew that he should have been killed when he was five years old, and that the fate of Da Qin had been completely reversed.

It can be seen that this Huangshigong is definitely not open-mouthed!

"Is it possible... Is there such a mysterious thing in this world?"

"Your Majesty, can you let the old man rest inside?"

Huang Shigong's voice brought Zhao 857 back to his senses.

"It's just that I was negligent, please come inside.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Huang Shigong clasped his fists slightly, then lifted the hemp robe and walked into the courtyard of the Ba family.

And the people watching the lively at the door also came into the eyes of Huang Shigong.

After a brief glance around, Duke Huang Shi's gaze finally settled on Ying Zheng.

"Hey... such a peerless posture, the Great Qin Zulong is also!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but secretly rejoiced when he heard the words of this miraculous Duke Huang Shi.

"good taste!"



"It's just that Zulong had a death calamity linked to the fate of Daqin a few days ago, and it should have been impossible to break it... It seems that His Majesty changed more than just his and Daqin's names. 35

"And Zulong's life! 99

Ignoring Ying Zheng's horrified expression, Duke Huang Shi pointed at Meng Yi and Meng Tian again and said, "You should be two brothers, one in literature and one in martial arts, presumably the imperial censor Meng, and the Northern Jiang general Meng?"


The two hurriedly held (bjba) fists and bowed slightly.

This Huangshigong is really a bit evil.

It was so evil that even the two of them had to be careful with each other.

Huang Shigong shook his head and sighed: "Your brothers should also die soon."5

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Meng Tian and Meng Yi were even more pale.

But before everyone could ask questions, Duke Huang Shi continued: "But don't worry, the two of you are in common with Your Majesty, and this calamity has long since been defeated."5


The two brothers from the Meng family let out a sigh of relief.

In my heart, I scolded the old man for talking and gasping for breath to frighten him to death.

But at the same time, his heart is also very shocking.

If you were an ordinary person, you might still think that Duke Huang Shi was just talking about it.

Saying something that would have happened but didn't happen.

Anyone can talk about this.

However, the people present are all people who clearly know the inside story!

They still remember clearly.

At the beginning, Zhao Tuo had said that if he did not succeed to the throne, Ying Zheng would die on the way to the patrol.

Then Da Qin will fall into dire straits.

And the fact is exactly as Zhao Tuo said, a play of fake death exploded Zhao Gao's tampering with the edict to help Hu Hai come to power.

When he was still in the court, he read out a false edict to kill Meng Yi and Meng Tian in the northern Xinjiang.

and this……

Wasn't it exactly what Huang Shigong had guessed?

You must know that these secrets, but all the ministers in the court did not dare to mention things that the outside world did not know at all!

As their thoughts surged, the eyes of everyone looking at Huang Shigong and Zhao Tuo became more and more strange.

If it is said, Duke Huangshi can count.

Could it be that the current Second Majesty, Zhao Tuo, is really as Huang Shigong said, can... see through the secrets of heaven!?

The more people think about it, the more people think it is possible.

Not to mention the accurate prediction of Zhao Gao's tampering with the will.

Meng Yi and Li Si still remember clearly.

At the beginning, there were no signs yet, so Zhao Tuo suddenly asked them to investigate whether there was any disaster in Daqin.

However, the first investigation showed that there was no accurate information, but they immediately began to prepare for a large-scale famine.

They hadn't noticed it at the time.

But what Huang Shigong said today is outrageous!

"Cough, if you all plan to stand at this door all the time, then I will go in by myself.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhao Tuo quickly turned around and walked into the house because of Huang Shigong's few words.

At the same time, his mind began to spin at this moment.

This Huangshigong is indeed a bit evil.


Today, I don't have to do anything else, but Huang Shigong's bottom line, and how he learned about these things, he has to figure out!

Seeing Zhao Tuo entering the room, everyone, Huang Shigong and Zhang Liang followed.

As soon as you enter the house, the moist cool air blows in, dispelling the scorching summer heat.

Everyone was already familiar with this, but Huang Shigong and Zhang Liang looked around in surprise.

He seemed to be curious as to how the Ba family's mansion could be so cool in summer.

Everyone took their seats one after another, and the icy low-degree fruit wine was directly used as a drink.

With a glass in his throat, Zhao Tuo put down the wine bottle and looked at Huang Shigong.

"I don't know why Huang Shigong came to see me at Ba's house this time?"

Duke Huangshi smiled and got up and said, "This old man came here just to remind His Majesty."

"Today, His Majesty has changed his life against the sky, and Daqin's downturn has disappeared, but the laws of this great world must not be ignored. 99

"how do I say this?"

"Your Majesty, in troubled times, there was an emperor who came out to rule all the heroes, but if the emperor came out today, the troubled times would disappear."


Huang Shigong glanced at Zhang Liang with a smile and said, "You took the luck that did not belong to you, and changed the lives of Da Qin and everyone present that should not have been.

"Don't neglect that emperor.

This sentence caused Zhao Tuo's eyes to narrow slightly, and a cold light flashed in them.


"Liu Bang..."

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