Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 176 The way of heaven is in front of me, Huang Shigong doesn't want to understand?

Chapter 176

"Your Majesty, you have saved the ovary's life, how could the ovary betray you?"

Just as Zhao Tuo's voice fell, Zhang Liang stood up and made a statement.

"Besides, you had a bet with me back then.

"If the world is in great turmoil, you will help the ovary to settle the chaotic world; if the great Qin state is peaceful and the people are peaceful, then the ovary will become an official in the court.

"Ozifang was invited to Xianyang on this trip to fulfill his original promise.39

Having said that, Zhang Liang got out of his seat and came to Zhao Tuo to write with his hands.

"My minister Zhang Liang, I have seen Your Majesty!

A smile appeared on Zhao Tuo's face.


"From now on, you will temporarily stay with Meng Shangqing's Yushi Cheng and follow him."5


"eight sixty"

Zhang Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the reason why he so resolutely chose to stand on the side of Da Qin, who had hatred with him.

A more important reason is Huangshigong.

This Lord Huangshi is a god, and he chose to give the book to himself, probably to help the so-called emperor to overthrow the troubled world and save the common people.

However, he suddenly appeared here today.

In the face of today's Daqin, Huang Shigong not only did not show malice, but also revealed the existence of the emperor who was supposed to be the enemy of Daqin.

This is an unsuspenseful defection.

He Zhang Liang is not a fool.

Even the gods are back in line, there must be a reason.

Although I don't know what the reason is.

But he can't be guilty of taking risks and betrayal for the sake of some emperor...

Suddenly, an Iron Eagle Guard walked into the house, clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, Han Xin has already taken him to Xianyang, I don't know...

Han Xin?

Hearing this unfamiliar name, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Immediately thinking of what Huang Shigong said just now, he suddenly realized.

Presumably this Han Xin should be another person with great fortune, right?

Zhao Tuo nodded slightly, and after pondering for a while, he looked at Wang Ben and said, "General Wang, this Han Xin is a prodigy who leads troops, but he has not yet achieved a great deal, so he still needs your attention. 55

"Fortunately, Your Majesty's trust!" Wang Ben stood up and saluted, looking a little excited.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this son's last general and my father will surely teach him well and make him a fierce general of our Great Qin!



Seeing Wang Ben walking away quickly, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but sigh.

The ancestors of the Wang family were all fierce generals.

Only in Wang Li's generation, the talent is somewhat inferior and mediocre.

It is precisely because of this matter that Wang Ben felt a bit of a lump in his heart, feeling that he was sorry for Da Qin.

Even once he drank too much and went to his bedroom to cry.

What to say that I look old, but I haven't raised a qualified general.

He is guilty.

This is fine.

Han Xin is here, let's teach.

Guaranteed to teach one accurate.

After finishing the business, the atmosphere in the room gradually became less tense and depressing.

The crowd gradually began to talk and laugh.

Zhao Tuo, on the other hand, was silent all the time, his eyes darted to Huang Shigong from time to time, wondering what he was thinking about.

A full hour passed, and the scorching sun began to tilt towards the west.

Huang Shigong also got up and prepared to retire.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, and your lords, it is a great honor to talk about the old one today."

"If it's not early today, and the old man has to hurry, he will retire first.

"Wait a minute.

Zhao Tuo suddenly said, "Why is Lord Huangshi so anxious? With me and all of you Aiqing here, where do you live?

"Why don't you stay...for the people of the world, help me Daqin?"

After hearing this, everyone knew it.

Emotions Zhao Tuo has already made his mind up on the Huang Shigong.

Think about it.

Although this goddess can no longer predict future generations, the way of using soldiers and the theory of governing the country that he just showed really made them look at each other with admiration.

It's just that he looks like he has no desires and no desires, coupled with his personality that seems to be reluctant to be bound by rules.

It's hard to recruit....

as predicted.

When Zhao Tuo was just deep in the olive branch, Huang Shigong politely declined: "Your Majesty, the old man has grown old now, and he is an official in the dynasty...I am afraid that he is not capable of it. 99

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to serve as an official in the court, as long as you have nothing to do, you can go to the palace and have a chat with everyone." Zhao Tuo stepped back.


Seeing that Duke Huang Shi seemed to want to shirk, Zhao Tuo suddenly changed the subject and asked in a persuasive manner: "Eng Huang Shi, have you ever heard of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth?"

"It's natural.

Huang Shigong nodded.

As a Taoist, he is naturally very clear about this.

Zhao Tuo asked again: "Then you know, what is Tao?

Speaking of this, Huang Shigong was very excited.

"Your Majesty, the old man thinks that the so-called Tao is that the sun and the moon are unburned and self-evident, the stars are self-ordered without being listed, the wind moves without a fan, and the water flows without a push.

"The alternation of day and night, the alternation of spring and autumn, are all done by no one. 35

"Gai is like what Zhuangzi said: because it is already, and it is not known, it is called the Tao.

Zhao Tuo shook his head with a smile and said 1.0: "You mean, let it go without knowing why, this is called Dao?""


"Then... Mr. Huangshi is really willing to do this?"

"What do you mean by this, Your Majesty?"

Zhao Tuo got up and came to Huang Shigong's side, and said: "Why is the sun and the moon unlit and self-evident? Why are the stars unlisted and ordered? Why does the wind move without a fan? Why does the water flow by itself without being pushed?66

"Why does no one do it, but there is an alternation of day and night, and the change of spring and autumn?

"Could it be that Duke Huangshi really just wants to go with the flow, and doesn't want to know why?"

"It is said that when you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

"Could it be that the truth of the heavens is in front of us, Lord Huang Shi... don't want to understand?"

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