Chapter 177

Zhao Tuo's words, as if possessing magic power, made Huang Shigong's heart begin to shake violently.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean..."

"What I mean is that I understand all these 'dao', it depends on whether you want to know it or not.

"Of course I do!

Huang Shigong gave the answer without hesitation.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth.

"It's a coincidence that there is a science here called physics.

"This physics is a knowledge that specifically analyzes the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, understands the rules and reasons, and makes use of it.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"And such profound knowledge? 35

"Your Majesty really hides it.

And Huang Shigong's complexion changed slightly, and he frowned and said: "This world should follow the rules and go with the flow, and how should it be used?"

Zhao Tuo shook his head and smiled.

19 "No!"

"If you understand the reason and use it correctly, even if it is the Hongqiao that day, you can be trusted to pick it up by hand."


Everyone looked at each other silently, but their hearts were shaken.

That's the Rainbow Bridge!

Hanging high above the clouds, I do not know how many thousands of miles away.

It is only after the occasional rain and sunny days that they can be seen.

Don't say take it off for him.

It is extremely difficult to find it.

For thousands of years from ancient times to the present, no one has been able to study and understand what this Hongqiao is.

Picking the Rainbow Bridge at your fingertips...

If you can do this, then you won't be a fairy?

"What? Don't believe it?" Zhao Tuo swept the crowd, his face even more smiling.

"Come on!"

After recruiting and calling two servants, after whispering a few words, Zhao Tuo and the crowd said:

"Since the father and you don't believe me, come with me and see how I take this Hongqiao off for you.

After that, Zhao Tuo lifted his foot and walked outside the hospital.

When everyone saw this, they quickly followed.

It was already afternoon, and the sun was slightly slanted to the west.

But the sun is still plentiful.

In the courtyard, the servants of the Ba family had already placed a bucket full of water, and... a blanket.

Including Ying Zheng, everyone present was at a loss.

Didn't you say you want to win the Hongqiao that day?

What are you doing with these things?

"Look well, everyone. 35

Zhao Tuo informed, then picked up the blanket and dipped it directly into the bucket.

When the blanket was completely soaked, he lifted the dripping blanket and shook it violently when he found a good direction...


Under the force, the blanket, which had become heavy with water, made a clear, crisp sound.

The water mist in the sky was shaken and scattered.

And just when everyone was puzzled, an unusual color suddenly appeared in the vast water mist.

"Rainbow Bridge!"

“It turned out to be really Hongqiao!!!35

Looking at the brilliant light in front of them, Ying Zheng and the others were completely dumbfounded.

"It's impossible! This is this..."

"This may be the time when I am closest to Hongqiao in my life, how did His Majesty do it? 99

"Your Majesty... what a strange person! 35


There was another crisp sound, and a thicker mist of water drifted out.

The rainbow light in the original water mist was even more dazzling.

Glittering bright colors in the sunlight.

At this time, it was not just Ying Zheng Huang Shi Gong and others.

Even the servants of the Ba family who were waiting on the side were dumbfounded.

this this this...

Picking the rainbow bridge with your own hands, isn't this the method of immortals?

Could it be that the current Second an immortal?

Seeing the dull eyes of everyone, Zhao Tuo threw the blanket back into the bucket and said with a smile, "You don't have to look at me like that."5

"Didn't I tell you just now? As long as you understand the way, this Hongqiao will be easy to come by.

"Not only me, but all of you."

"If you don't believe me, try it."

With Zhao Tuo's eyes signaling, Meng Tian stepped forward first.

Picking up the stall in the bucket, imitating Zhao Tuo's movements is a flick...


The mist filled the air, and the colorful brilliance reappeared in front of everyone.

Afterwards, Meng Yi, Li Si and even Ying Zheng tried it out with their own hands.

It was exactly as Zhao Tuo said.

As long as the method is the same, anyone can!

"How? Enough?" Zhao Tuo looked at the crowd with a smile and explained:

"This so-called Hongqiao, also called a rainbow, is mainly formed because of sunlight.

"Remember carefully, why does the Hongqiao only appear every time it rains and the sky is sunny and the sun shines?

"It seems to be the case."

"Well... Your Majesty said this, it seems that the Hongqiao does not appear until there is sunshine."

"Yes, yes, it was raining and there was no sunshine some time ago, and I really didn't see that Hongqiao."

"Tuo'er, why is this?"

Zhao Tuo walked back to the cool room and continued to explain 860 in detail to everyone.

What kind of sunlight is composed of several colors of light, different refraction angles of different colors of light, why the naked eye can't see it... and so on.

It wasn't until everyone heard that they were a little dizzy, and then he took a sip of the iced fruit wine and stopped.

Anyway, he explained it.

As for whether everyone can understand... that is not within his scope of consideration.

"I didn't expect a sunshine to have so many twists and turns.

"It's really hard for your Majesty to be able to discover such a profound thing."

"Thinking that it is only Your Majesty who can discover such an extraordinary thing from ordinary things. 35

Facing the crowd of horses, Zhao Tuo has long been able to take it easy.

He just smiled and looked at Huang Shigong.

"How about Mr. Huangshi? My knowledge includes a lot of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. I really don't want to discuss it with me in my spare time?"

This time, facing Zhao Tuo's retention, Huang Shigong nodded without hesitation.

"Thanks to His Majesty's love, since this is the case... the old man will live in this Xianyang City in the future."5

"I'm afraid there will be more disturbances in the future, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive me. 9

"It doesn't matter. 35

Seeing that Huang Shigong agreed, Zhao Tuo finally showed a successful smile on his face.

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