Chapter 178

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Just when the fresh blood of Da Qin was being passed down from generation to generation with the heroes of the older generation, when they asked for advice, the first group of armed prisoners of war had already arrived at the northeastern frontier of Da Qin.

All the way, with the detailed description of the military divisions on their hands, the prisoners of war successfully crossed the patrol area and went deep into the hinterland of Gaoyi.

Gao Yi.

It is a nation rather than a country.

It is also the predecessor of later Goguryeo.

The territorial area is only the size of a county in Daqin.

"Brothers, in front of you is the city of the Gaoyi people."

A group of more than 2,000 Daqin armed prisoners of war stopped one after another.

The leader, holding the blueprint issued by the Xianyang Palace in his hand, looked at the surrounding mountains and rivers and said:

"According to the drawing, their troops are stationed there, a total of 5,000 people.

"Although what we have in our hands are bronze soldiers and old-fashioned short bows that were replaced by the Qin army, according to the description above, their equipment should not catch up with us."

Hearing this, some soldiers below began to question: "It's true or not, these things in our hands are all things from more than ten years ago."

"Yeah, look at this sword, it's all covered with rust..."

"I think it's a bit credible, after all, aren't all the troops on it real?

"It's true


The leader suddenly shouted, stopping the noisy crowd.

He looked around in a circle and said coldly: "Anyway, we are people who are about to die. Now that I have this opportunity, I don't want to be afraid!"

"When we were at the foot of Mount Li before, those Qin army generals said it! 35

"After leaving Daqin, you have the right to choose your own life, whether to survive or fight!"

"Now, if you want to survive, let's go!"

The voice of the leading prisoner of war fell, and more than two thousand prisoners of war looked at each other.

After a while, some people gradually began to leave the crowd.

"Clang clang...

"clang clang...

Armor fell to the ground.

These people turned into ordinary people, and after looking at Da Qin's direction, they finally walked away.

Ten people...twenty people...fifty hundred people.

A quarter of an hour passed, and three hundred people left the team.

The original 2,000-strong team lost 300 before the battle.

However, the remaining 1,700 people looked at each other and smiled.

The leader clenched the long sword in his hand tightly and shouted loudly, "Brothers! In the rest of our lives, we will have to fight with our own hands!"

"Whether it's glory and wealth, or whether it's his mother's reincarnation, it depends on this trembling!

'Kill the one who treads the horse! Laozi has lived for so many years, and today he must be a new man!

"It should have died before this year, and now it is not a loss to fight a wave."

"One thousand seven and five thousand people...hehe, we have never fought such an exciting battle in the first place!

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

The leader's words were echoed by a full 1,700 people.

Among the crowd, the fighting spirit that had been suppressed for an unknown number of years slowly awakened.

Looking at the Gaoyi Barracks looming in the distance, and feeling the unfamiliar and familiar swords in their hands, the prisoners of war only felt that the blood in their chests was boiling.


They are here again!

"Brothers! When it gets dark, let's kill him happily!

The sunset and the moon rise, and the dark clouds unravel the stars and the bright moon.

The whistling wind hung over the wilderness.

Apart from that, only the sound of insects and the sound of broken footsteps could be heard in the silent midnight.

Under the dark night, 1,700 prisoners of war silently approached the defenseless Gaoyi camp.

Look at Gaoyi Camp.

I don't know how many years there has been no war.


There was a faint sound of dead wood, and 1,700 prisoners of war had already drawn bows and arrows in unison...

"call out!!!"

The first arrow was fired, and the sharp whistling sound was the best signal.

In an instant, a rain of arrows rose into the sky and drenched the Gaoyi people not far away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Dodo puff puff‥


"What the hell?

"Why would anyone have an arrow flying in? 35

"Fuck, what and why, it's an enemy attack!"

"Look for cover... ah!

In an instant, the Gaoyi camp, which was still sleeping, was directly frying.

However, there has been no war for a long time, and faced with such a sudden attack, all Gaoyi soldiers were like scattered sand.

Until the second and third waves of arrows hit, let alone an established counterattack.

Some people don't even have their clothes on.

And this scene was completely beyond the expectations of the Daqin prisoners of war.

"6||Damn, brothers! These Gaoyi people turned out to be a bunch of useless people, and they are far worse than the Qin army! 35

"Fuck his grandma!"

"Shoot the arrow!!!"

A round of arrows poured down.

It was not until all the prisoners of war had completely emptied the quiver, and then they carried their short bows again and drew out their bronze swords.



The shouts of 1,700 people, under the blessing of resolute and raging fighting spirit, had the power of no less than 10,000 people.

It just so happened that the Gaoyi people finally reorganized their team.

More than 3,000 people pulled out their weapons and also killed Daqin prisoners of war...

"Come on!!!"

In an instant, the two armies clashed!

One thousand seven hundred prisoners of war, as soon as they came up, they suppressed the Gao Yi army with a disadvantaged number!

I saw prisoners of war rushing into the crowd desperately, waving their shields and long swords recklessly!

The strength and stamina (of King Qian's) tempered by years of hard work have now become their most powerful weapons!

Even the armor that was eliminated by the Qin army still showed some advantages when facing the Gaoyi people.

The Gaoyi Army was numerous.

The prisoners of war were fighting fiercely.

For a time, the two sides fought in a dark and dark place, and it was difficult to understand... things...

After an unknown time, the shouting and killing gradually ceased.

In the battlefield, there were less than a thousand prisoners of the Qin army, watching the Gaoyi army fleeing and fleeing in all directions, with flaming flames burning in their eyes.


The battle is won!

The leader with a scar on his shoulder suppressed his excitement and commanded loudly: "All the wounded quickly use the methods taught by Qin Jun to deal with their wounds!

"We will withdraw when we enter the village to find some supplies!"

"Tomorrow or so, new brothers will be sent across the border, and then let's do another big vote!

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