Chapter 185

Seeing the two books handed over by Mr. Huang Shi, Zhao Tuo was a little emotional for a while.

"Sushu" needless to say.

According to the original historical trajectory, Zhang Liang obtained the "Su Shu", and after understanding the mystery, he assisted Liu Bang in laying the foundation of the Han Dynasty.

As for the "Three Strategies", it is by no means inferior to the "Su Shu", and it pays more attention to the method of employing troops and people, and the way of the emperor!

Looking at the vicissitudes of life of the two books, Zhao Tuo knew.

This should be the original of "Sushu" and "Three Strategies"!

Now, Duke Huangshi can actually hand it over to himself and to the Daqin Academy...

"Your Majesty, why did this old man take out these two books?" Huangshi Gonggong asked with a smile.

Zhao Tuo thought about it for a while, and suddenly there was a flash of light.

Immediately open the Emperor Wang Qi.

In an instant, the realization changes.

A rich golden mist, rising from the sky above the school!

Faintly connected to the pale golden sky.

And the mysterious information of the mysterious and mysterious bursts also passed into Zhao Tuo's mind.

"It must be Huang Shigong who figured out that this school's qi machine is connected to me and my Great Qin Guoyun?

"As expected of His Majesty, he has solved the mystery in one sentence, and the old man admires it! 99

Huang Shigong clasped his fists slightly and said, "The Daqin School is now established, and there will definitely be a lot of talented people here in the future.

"If Lao Xiu's two works can be carried forward in their hands, it will be considered a good thing that Lao Xiu has done for the people of the world.

Both Zhao Tuo and Fu Su are serious heads.

"Brother, add another rule to this school.

"Those who have demonstrated outstanding talents and received recognition can additionally study the "Sushu" and "Three Strategies" to prepare talents for our court.


The corners of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised slightly.

With this big pie, it is estimated that the future Daqin students will definitely redouble their efforts for their own future.

"Your Majesty, Lord Fusu, this is the textbook that the school has prepared.

A great scholar in the school came over.

He also holds six paper books in his hand, and the covers are written "One Year Qin Wen", "One Year Arithmetic", "Two Years Qin Wen", "Two Years of Arithmetic", "Two Years of Qin Lu." "Two Years of Farming" "

"I see how this textbook is compiled.

Having said that, Zhao Tuo picked up a one-year Qin Wen and flipped through it.

Huang Shigong also picked up a two-year Qin Wen...

"Well, the step-by-step process is not bad, and this way of literacy..."

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

He probably looked at Qin Wen this year.

Although the content is relatively small, there are only two articles.

They are the "Disciple's Guidance" and "Thousand-Character Text" that he has revised.

But one of these two articles is dedicated to educating people and the other is dedicated to teaching children to read.

Very reasonable.

Immediately after, Zhao Tuo continued to read.

In addition to continuing to study "Thousand Characters", there is also a "Three Character Classic" and a small historical allusion as a foil.

In the second year of Qin Law, Li Si led a group of legal scholars to compile a detailed explanation of the law and some introduction to the Daqin system.

To pave the way for these children to learn more in-depth legal and political relations in the future.

As for farming...basically, it is the bachelors of the farm family, which are directly sorted out from some knowledge excerpted by Zhao Tuo in "Qi Min Yao Shu" and "Kai Gong Tian Wu".

Huang Shigong, who was on the side, nodded again and again.

"Good! This textbook is very good!"

"If this kind of teaching doesn't work, it's really a piece of rotten wood."

"If one day, all the children of Daqin can receive this kind of education, there will be talents everywhere, a scene of prosperity!

"Don't worry, Mr. Huangshi, this day will not be too far away." Zhao Tuo smiled and picked up a two-year arithmetic.

However, after flipping through it, Zhao Tuo suddenly closed the book and looked at the cover again.

"Two years of arithmetic, right? 39

Zhao Tuo frowned slightly, and after flipping through it, he picked up another year and counted it.

Fusu asked in confusion, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?

Zhao Tuo didn't say anything.

But looking at the one-year arithmetic in his hand, he really shook his head.

For a time, Fusu and Huang Shigong looked at each other.

It seems that His Majesty is not very satisfied with this arithmetic teaching material...

After a while, Zhao Tuo finally closed the one-year arithmetic in his hand and sighed: "Arithmetic is a very important subject, so it is impossible to teach it like this."

ask for flowers.0

"Huh? 39

Fusu's heart sank.

Huang Shigong asked suspiciously: "I have read these two arithmetic books just now, and I think it's not a big problem?

"No no no..." Zhao Tuo shook his head again and again, pointed to two arithmetic books and said, "This year, the whole book only teaches addition!?

"The subtraction taught in the second grade, put together in the past two years, doesn't even add and subtract within a hundred digits?"

"The children of Daqin are not fools? Addition and subtraction can be completely compressed into one year!"

"In the second year, it is normal to start adding and subtracting within 100, and teaching the multiplication table? 35

Zhao Tuo looked incredible.

This kind of educational progress is simply outrageous.

Although it is said that compared with modern people, ancient people are slightly inferior in IQ and learning ability.

But this kind of progress also has the advantage of being outrageously slow.

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Fusu had a wry smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, in fact, it is difficult to compile textbooks like this."

"What's the difficulty?

"In today's Daqin, there are only so many things that can be taught in arithmetic. If the progress is faster, there may be nothing to teach in the next stage of the school.

"Just because of this?" Zhao Tuo suddenly felt a little ridiculous.


The development of arithmetic in this world two thousand years ago was indeed not too ideal.

But since he appeared in Daqin, he would never allow this to happen!

"You can edit the textbook with confidence. You don't need to worry about the more abundant and in-depth knowledge of arithmetic. 99

"This calculation is an extremely important subject, and it must not be sloppy.

Hearing this, Fusu and Huang Shigong were both stunned.

Huang Shi even asked: "Your Majesty, this calculation is nothing but addition and subtraction, how important will it be?"

"How important?" Zhao Tuo said solemnly: "You may not believe it when you say it."

"As far as promoting human development, arithmetic is the most important science in the world!

"No one!" +.

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