Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 186 Use arithmetic and physics to deduce where the bow and arrow will fall!

Chapter 186

The most important science in the world?

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Fusu and Huang Shigong looked at each other.

Questions were written all over his face.

Obviously, he is extremely puzzled by Zhao Tuo's remarks.

This addition and subtraction, how can it be the most important knowledge in the world?

Taking his own words, Zhao Tuo continued: "Arithmetic, also called mathematics, is an extremely important and mysterious subject."

Galileo once said.

Mathematics is the word God used to write the universe.

Zhao Tuo strongly agrees with this.

Modern times two thousand years later.

But all physics, chemistry, and even biology are inseparable from mathematics.

"863", especially in the field of physics, the importance of mathematics is like the importance of weapons to soldiers.

To exaggerate, all sciences that are strictly forbidden without mathematics will become castles in the air.

Take a very simple example.

In the field of physics alone, many key theories are pre-existing theories and conjectures before they are demonstrated.

And these theories and conjectures are calculated by mathematical laws on the basis of known formulas and theories.

To put it a little more wickedly, mathematics is more like the essence of the rules of the universe, an abstract meaning that has existed since ancient times.

It was only after the appearance of human beings that he was revealed in the form of words and numbers, and more mysteries were revealed in the demonstration.

In a sense, mathematics is inviolable and unsurpassable in this universe.

If the result calculated according to the mathematical definition violates the formula that has been demonstrated.

Then this result cannot exist.

"Matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light" is thus deduced.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Tuo explained, "Let's put it this way."

"Math is not so much a subject as it is the embodiment of 'Tao'."

"It is also one of the important tools for analyzing the principles of heaven and earth.

Huang Shigong frowned.

Road, he is familiar.

However, it is completely incomprehensible why Zhao Tuo associates "Tao" with mathematics.

How can this mathematics interpret the principles of heaven and earth?

Looking at the suspicious appearance of the two, Zhao Tuo didn't explain much, and took them all the way out of the city.

He also took out a short bow from the city guards.

"Your Majesty, you are..."

Huang Shigong and the two were even more puzzled.

Doesn't it mean that we need to use mathematics to analyze the principles of heaven and earth?

What do you do with a bow and arrow?

Facing the two people's questions, Zhao Tuo still didn't say a word.

Instead, two arrows were drawn one after another, and the bow and arrow were drawn...


The two arrow shadows shot out successively with different strengths.

"One second, two seconds..."

"Pfft..." The arrow fell to the ground.

"One hundred and twenty-three steps, one hundred and fifty-five steps..."

After measuring the specific landing point, under the astonished and puzzled gazes of Huang Shigong and Fusu, Zhao Tuo drew an arrow again and pulled it up on the ground.

"s=ut+1/2at2...s are 123*3.5, 155*3.5, t is..."

"The relationship between the initial velocity u and the acceleration a is... and t respectively from the binary linear equation..."

"The two forces and the initial velocity are... Well, the kinetic energy conversion ratio of the pulling force is..."

"Well, it's almost there."

Looking at the data on the ground, Zhao Tuo clapped his hands and looked at the confused two people.

"Let's take a guess. If the longbow in my hand is drawn from the angle just now and with a strength of 120 pounds, how far the arrow will shoot?"


Fusu and Huang Shigong smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, Fusu is not very good at using bows, this is really impossible to guess.

"How about you, Huang Shigong, do some deduction?" Zhao Tuo looked at Huangshigong with a smile.

However, Duke Huang Shi also waved his hands again and again.

"The old way of deduction, it's okay to deduce the direction of things and things like this... The old man is helpless. 35

"Can't deduce it?" Zhao Tuo's mouth spread with a smile.

"Look at my calculations using mathematics and physics."

"Oh? 35

Huang Shigong was shocked.

This actually involves the physics mentioned earlier by His Majesty?

He walked up to Zhao Tuo again and again.

I saw Zhao Tuo scratching the ground with the arrow again and calculating.

Soon, a line of numbers and symbols that Huang Shigong could not understand was written.

The answer also emerged in Zhao Tuo's mind.

"I guess it is one hundred and seventy steps, between one hundred and seventy-five steps. 55

"So precise?"

"Where is this going, if conditions do not allow it, I can make it accurate to within one step.

"Looking good!"

When the words fell, Zhao Tuo drew his bow and arrow again, and the strength in his hand was as close to one hundred and twenty pounds as possible.


The arrow pierced the sky, and finally, in a graceful arc, slanted into the ground.

"Come on and see how far." 1.0

Fusu and Huang Shigong quickly walked towards the arrow with Zhao Tuo.

Thirty steps...fifty steps...one hundred steps...one hundred and fifty steps...one hundred and seventy steps...

The final landing point, one hundred and seventy-two steps!

Exactly within Zhao Tuo's guess!

"This this……"

Huang Shigong and Fusu's eyes widened, filled with horror!

ps: It has been demonstrated that matter in this chapter cannot exceed the speed of light. Please don’t say anything about curvature engines, wormholes, or even “The world is so big, how do you know that it must not exceed the speed of light?”

(The equation is interesting, the ballistic formula found on the Internet, please do not take it seriously...).

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