Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 187 Tianji Pavilion! A special department leading the direction of Daqin Technology!

Chapter 187

"Come here, brother, Huang Shigong, I will tell you something."

Zhao Tuo pulled Huang Shigong, who had been stunned, to the front of the formula he had just written down.

"You should be wondering, what exactly are these things I wrote?"

"I'll explain to you, this is called a number, and to put it bluntly, it is the abbreviation from one to nine in seal characters.

"Look, this 1 is one, 2 is two, 3 is three... 9 is nine, and there is a 0, which means none"


Fusu and Huang Shigong nodded again and again to show their understanding.

But then Fusu asked: "Your Majesty, since these are numbers, what does it mean to put 120 together? And what do these horizontal and vertical verticals mean?

"This is not 120, but should be read as 120." Zhao Tuo continued:

"These numbers can be flexibly combined with each other, for example, 1 and 3 are put together, which is thirteen."

"678 put together is six hundred and seventy-eight, the three-digit number is in the hundreds of tens, the four-digit number is in the thousands, hundreds of tens, and so on.


Fusu and Huang Shigong nodded again, expressing their understanding.

"As for these vertical and horizontal, you may call them mathematical symbols. 39

"The + stands for addition, and the − stands for the former minus the latter.

"Put these together, for example, two plus six is ​​eight, and it can be written as 2+6=8.

Zhao Tuo's tongue blossomed with lotus flowers.

After a while, the two of them had a general understanding of basic numbers and mathematical symbols.

Huang Shigong Fuxu said with emotion: "As expected of your Majesty, the numbers and symbols that you have come up with are indeed extremely convenient and easy to understand when applied to arithmetic."

"Old admiration! Admiration! 35

"That's admiration? It's too early."

Zhao Tuo smiled and pointed to the formula he wrote down at the beginning.

"The symbols on this are not numbers anymore, it doesn't matter what they are, what matters is what they represent. 99

"For example, this represents the flight distance of the arrow, this represents the acceleration, oh, that is, the value of the arrow's speed changing with the flight time..."

"Then substitute the numbers corresponding to these things, and then perform calculations according to the mathematical operation rules..."

Zhao Tuo pointed to the final calculation.

"Look, the final result is out. Jingjing

If Zhao Tuo introduced numbers and symbols to them before, Fusu and Huang Shigong could still understand the words.

What Zhao Tuo said this time seemed to them like a book from heaven.

Huang Shigong was silent for a long time, and then he asked tentatively: "Your Majesty's meaning...is it the lord...gong..."


"Yes, formulas, whether these formulas are not, can be understood as Dao itself."

"And the way Tao works, manifested as mathematical operations? 99

"Well... it can be understood in this way. In short, the more you understand mathematics, the more you understand the way the world works." Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

It's alright, but it really made Huang Shigong understand it.

"So it is... so it is!"

Huang Shigong kept mumbling, but there was already a frenzy in his eyes.

Zhao Tuo knows without guessing.

He should be thinking about starting to learn mathematics now.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huangshi, after I have sorted it out during this time, I will compile the knowledge of physics and mathematics that I am familiar with into a book."

"When the time comes, you will study it.


Huang Shigong was shocked, and immediately bowed deeply to Zhao Tuo.

"Your Majesty's kindness of preaching, teaching and solving puzzles, Huang Shigong will never forget it!"

"Hey, hey, why do you need to do this big gift? 35 Zhao Tuo smiled and lifted Huang Shigong up, and said angrily: "Didn't I and Huangshigong have an agreement earlier?"5

"You stay in Xianyang, and occasionally I make plans for Daqin, and I will tell you about this 'Tao'.


Huangshigong nodded again and again.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful for the decision he had made.

If not for this, he would not have had such a breakthrough change in his understanding of the nature of the "Tao" as he is today.

It was noon when I returned from the school.

Fusu went back to deal with the arithmetic teaching materials and the new system, while Zhao Tuo and Huang Shigong went straight to the palace.

As soon as he turned the corner, Zhao Tuo's eyes twitched slightly when he saw the scene at the entrance of the bedroom.

I saw Meng Yi with Zhang Liang, Wang Ben with Han Xin, and Li Si and Feng Quji who was in a wheelchair, all piling up at the door, not knowing what they were talking about.

"I said you guys are addicted to rubbing food or what?"

"Come here at noon every day. 39

Hearing Zhao Tuo's voice, everyone quickly put smiles on their faces and turned to look at Zhao Tuo.

"Where did your majesty say this?"

"A coincidence, it's just a coincidence, Your Majesty, this is just in time for this.

863 "Yes, yes, Mr. Meng is right."

"Come on, come in quickly, don't stand in my way here."

"Okay! 35

With Zhao Tuo's words, everyone rushed into the palace.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhao Tuo wiped his face again.

He was still calculating, why did he come, but he didn't see the shadow of his cheap old man.

Ying Zheng, a lover, came in a long time ago, and was sitting in the shade, drinking iced fruit wine and eating snacks.

"Tuo'er, ladies and gentlemen, are you back?"

"Yes, Father."

Zhao Tuo forced a smile.

This is obviously his own bedroom, right? Why does it seem like he has arrived at Ying Zheng's bedroom.

Shaking his head, throwing the messy thoughts out of his mind, Zhao Tuo came to the main seat and sat down.

"Since everyone is here, it just so happens that I announce something."

As soon as they heard something serious, everyone quickly restrained their smiles and sat upright.

Looking around, Zhao Tuo said: "In view of some things I have seen in the past two days, I have decided."

"In addition to the system of the Three Dukes and Nine Ministers, a separate special agency similar to the Black Ice Platform was established. 35

"An independent department dedicated to leading the direction of Daqin Technology.

"Tianji Pavilion!"

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