Chapter 188

Tianji Pavilion?

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

No matter the name of the department or the function, this new organization made everyone present feel strange and confused.


what is that?

Only Huang Shigong's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed something.

Zhao Tuo said: "Your Excellency Tianji governs the Tianji Courtyard and the Shenji Hall, and the divisions study the natural principles of heaven and earth and create mechanical structures."

"The royal father and all the Aiqings may not know why I suddenly made this plan."

"Huang Shigong, can you please tell us what happened today?"

"Nature." 9

Huang Shigong got up with a chuckle, and explained Zhao Tuo's accurate prediction of the arrow range that has not yet been shot with mathematics and physics today, as well as the relationship between these two subjects and nature.

"This math and physics are so amazing?"

"Even I didn't expect that this little arithmetic would actually imply the truth of heaven and earth."

"As expected of His Majesty, he has reached such a field that ordinary people cannot reach.

"Ashamed and ashamed, the old man has lived in vain for more than sixty years."

For a time, some people present were amazed at the magic of mathematics and physics.

Some people lamented that Zhao Tuo was able to discover such an obscure connection at such an age.

"Your Majesty, I am very curious. If Da Qin's mathematics and physics developed to an extremely good level, what would it look like?" Feng Quji asked curiously.


A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth, and his thoughts fell into memory...

"If mathematics and physics, as well as chemistry, which specializes in the study of changes in matter, develop to a very good level, communication, transportation, medical care, and manufacturing will all become unimaginably developed.

"The transmission of a message no longer takes time, even if two people are separated by thousands of miles, they can communicate instantly at any time, and even see each other's images.

"It's a thousand miles away and can be reached in half an hour, and even the two most distant places in the world can only take a day at the fastest.

"People will drive horseless carts on roads that are far smoother than galloping roads. 99

"You can also ride a vehicle made of steel and fly above the clouds at a height of thousands of miles.

"Stubborn diseases will no longer be incurable. The appalling plague in Daqin is nothing more than a small cold, and women's childbirth is even more difficult to worry about their lives."

"No one is bothered by the problem of eating anymore, everyone is pursuing spiritual prosperity.

"The sage's expectation of being taught and indifferent has become the norm, and everyone can fight for their own future...

"As long as people want, mountains can be moved, seas can be filled, flames can be controlled, and lightning can be tamed.

"Even to leave this world, set foot on the bright moon and stars, and even the far side of deep space.

Until Zhao Tuo finished speaking, the entire hall was silent.

All of them had expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

Obviously, for what Zhao Tuo said, it is difficult to even the most basic acceptance and understanding

After all, those things, in the eyes of them who were born in Daqin, have even been out of the scope of human ability.

Heaven and earth.

Move mountains and reclaim the sea.

Even flying above the bright moon...

Isn't that what the legendary gods can do?


Zhao Tuo suddenly laughed softly.

"However, these are still too far away for the current Da Qin.

"It is estimated that only after Da Qin has mastered the first thunderbolt can he be further away from this goal?


At this moment, everyone didn't know what to pick up.

If you just said these words, it was someone else's words.

It is estimated that that person has been treated as a lunatic by now.

However, Zhao Tuo is clearly not a lunatic.

It is far better than everyone present combined to understand the world better.

"So, is this the power of the 'technology' that His Majesty spoke of." Li Si pondered slightly.

Immediately, he stood up and said, "Since Your Majesty wants to establish a new institution, I will give my best assistance.

"Sir, you should give your best assistance!!!"

Everyone suddenly spoke together.

At this moment, Zhao Tuo seemed to hear the thoughts of everyone present.

They want to see a world where communication is not hindered.

They wanted to see a time when the people were no longer suffering from hunger.

Let's see how the mountain is moved?

How should the sea be filled?

What is the scene on the bright moon of the nine days, and how strange are the stars in the deep space!

When later generations recalled the establishment of the Tianji Pavilion in the Daqin Dynasty.

No one will sigh.

The drastic changes in this world started from the establishment of this special institution...

With the issuance of another round of newspapers, the second round of crop planting in Daqin kicked off in an all-round way.

The Quyuan, Plough and Aquilegia wheels go into battle.

The seeds of the new crop are sown.

The methods of intensive cultivation accumulated by several newspapers were also used one after another.

Weeding, fertilizing, deworming...

Although I don't know what the effect will be, the people greeted each other without hesitation.

Anyway, it won't grow out, and there is still the Xianyang Palace guarantee.

At the same time, the news that Daqin's first official school was about to start recruiting students in Xianyang City spread rapidly.

The admission criteria are also indicated.

Three hundred people (Qian Wanghao) were recruited, including two hundred orphans of the Qin army on the frontier and one hundred ordinary children.

Age limit six to nine years old.

Originally only these contents could not arouse the interest of most people.

After all, it is a well-known fact that reading costs money.

However, the people of Daqin have only just been able to make ends meet and guarantee taxes because of the papermaking workshops and the increasing number of merchants in various places.

Where can I get the extra money to pay for the reading of the children at home?

This is also the main reason why nine out of ten people in Daqin are illiterate.

However, the last two news about the enrollment in the newspaper really made all the people of Daqin red eyes.

||Students who study in the school will not be charged any fees, and those who perform well will receive ten "scholarships" every month.

"Note: The talents that Daqin will use in the future will be preferentially selected from those who have graduated from the school.

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