Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 190 The old and rot10 election system, it's time to end it!

Chapter 190

Fusu's voice immediately made the people outside the school agitated.

The handymen and soldiers also hurried to maintain order.

Here, Fusu picked up the notice and read aloud: "Your Majesty the Second Emperor ascends the throne today, the chaos in the Qin Dynasty will be subsided, and the people will be enlightened~ This will be the general trend in the future.

"The Daqin Academy came into being, and starting today, it will take charge of the important task of teaching and transforming the people."

"Today, we will recruit children between the ages of six and nine to the common people of Daqin. Regardless of their status, any innocent person in Daqin, their children and heirs, can enter the school."

"School teaching hours are from now until the next.

'In addition, the following regulations of the school must be followed by students and elders. Violators will be punished and demerited. If the circumstances are serious or three demerits are recorded, they will be directly expelled!""

"Academic and outstanding performers will receive ten scholarships per month."

"If there is an accident or an illness, Mr. Yu needs to ask for leave, be late for no reason, leave early, and be deprived of the scholarship for that month."

Fusu read out the rules of the school one by one.

All the ordinary people in front of the school listened intently, for fear of missing a word.

After all, it's not just about the education of the children at home.

It's more about the family's income.

As for the remaining dignitaries and nobles, although there are many of them who take it seriously.

But for the most part they seemed a little careless.

They let their children come to the school, and the more significance is that this school is run by His Majesty.

In addition to being able to express themselves as little people, he is very supportive of the decisions of these bigwigs, and can also be gilded by the way.

In this way, it will be more pleasant to say it out when it is recommended to be promoted in the future.

As for the ten-money scholarship.

They really don't care...

This little money is nothing to them.

After reading the contents of the hemp paper notice, Fusu shouted:

"All those who enroll their children in the school shall show their children and their own body photos according to their respective teams, and record them on both sides of the courtyard gate. 39

At this time, the servants of the school had already placed tables and futons on both sides of the courtyard gate.

When Fusu's voice fell, the two great Confucians who taught in the school came to the table and knelt down, ready to start recording.

The queuing crowd also consciously divided into two waves.

In the less row, there are all men and women with children.

Many of the cards were won, and all of them were women with children, and there was not a single man in sight.

the reason is simple.

With the exception of their husbands, all of them died on the frontier battlefields when they were garrisoning the frontiers...

Under the shock of Qin soldiers, although the gate of the school was overcrowded, the order was not chaotic.

The registration process is also over soon.

The two booklets prepared in advance have already been filled to the brim.

This means that the school's first enrollment, a total of 300 people, has been recruited!

However, at this time, outside the gate of the academy, there were still elders in the long queue waiting to save their lives.

But the number of places is limited.

Those who are late are destined to wait for the next opportunity.

"Everyone, today's enrollment has ended, please come back!

"Hey... I really didn't get a spot.

"It's almost! I'd come here earlier if I knew it."

"I don't know when the next time will be... hey.""

Seeing a large number of demoralized people leaving with their children one after another, the corner of Fusu's mouth raised slightly.

Originally, everyone was not too open-minded about Daqin's official opening of a school.

But look at the situation today.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that Xianyang City and even other counties in Daqin will continue to open many schools.


The premise is that the national treasury can support the daily consumption and scholarship expenditure of the scholarship school, and that there are enough scholars called for it.

The next morning, Zhao Tuo got up early to write, put on his iconic makeup, and left the palace with the accompanying eunuch.

Sitting on the luan car, Zhao Tuo had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

"The opening speech... tsk tsk tsk, it seems that the last time was when I was just in college. It's been almost twenty-five years."

"Time flies so fast.

As the first school in Daqin, some formalized things still have to be done.

Although this matter is done by Meng Yi Li Si and the two of them, it is not a bad idea.

However, as the second emperor of Daqin's own personal visit, it can better reflect Daqin's attention to the school.

・・・・For flowers‥0

What's more, here he still has a major event related to the Daqin system to reveal.

Luan Jia came all the way to the school under the protection of the Buddha Army.

At this time, the outside of the school was like yesterday, full of people and nobles.

But compared to yesterday, the order is more orderly.

The 300 Daqin students had already counted all together, and they all looked in the direction of Luan Jia with their big eyes of curiosity.

"His Majesty is here!!!"

"Meet Your Majesty!!!

In the really sweet voice, Zhao Tuo got up slowly on his car, and glanced at the people and students present.

"Free gift!"

"I am very happy today!"

"Although it's just a school to teach three hundred Qin students, but, apart from that, it's still a beginning.

"A beginning with teachings and no distinctions, and Daqin's talents are full of talents!"

Saying that, Zhao Tuo turned to look at the three hundred Daqin students.

"You, in the future, will either become the mainstay of the court, or you will take over the armor of your predecessors and lead the army.

"As long as you study hard, your destiny will change!

Listening to Zhao Tuo's words, the three hundred young children's clear eyes were full of excitement and longing.

The parents outside the school were also excited with red eyes.

Zhao Tuo waved towards the team.

Soon a large, beautifully carved piece was carried over.

There are many inscriptions on it.

"The red sun is rising, and its path is bright;

The river flows out and flows, pouring out Wang Yang;

Hidden dragon soars into the abyss, scales and claws flying;

The roaring valley of milk tigers, the beasts tremble;

Even though there are ancient times, there are eight wastes;

The future is like the sea, and the future is long in Japan!"

"This monument will be erected in this school from now on. I hope that all students will be diligent and eager to learn. I promise you and the people of the world!

"Anyone with talent, no matter how humble his status, can enter the court and become an official!

"Anyone who is incompetent, no matter what their background, who recommends them, will not hold an official or a half position in the court!

In Zhao Tuo's eyes, there seems to be a raging flame burning.

School opens.

It's time for the old and rotten election system of Daqin to end! Ten.

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