Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 191 Have you ever heard of what is fishing law enforcement?

Chapter 191

Zhao Tuo's remarks instantly aroused the emotions of all the people.

In the future, Daqin Xuanguan will not see his identity again?

As long as there is talent, regardless of status, can enter the court as an official?

Then the common people, can't they also see hope!?

For a time, all the people in front of the school cheered.

Especially the children at home who have entered the school are even more excited and weeping.

However, contrary to their performance, it is a group of dignitaries, squires and nobles in the crowd.

"Why is Your Majesty doing this?"

"Regardless of origin? No matter what the watermen recommend?"

"This is... to abolish the electoral system! 99

"Weakening the power of the nobles within Daqin and consolidating the rule..."


These "eight six seven" people don't say that their faces are extremely ugly, but they all have stiff faces.

But the one who said this was His Majesty the Second Emperor of the present day.

What can they do?

Dare to force one more sentence in front of the people on such an occasion, and it is estimated that there is no need to go home.

Just pack up and get ready to drop your head.

After some tossing, Zhao Tuo returned to his bedroom.

However, he came back on the front foot, and Ying Zheng took Amenyi and others on the back foot and killed him.

"Tuo'er! Why don't you discuss it with me and all the Aiqings at this time?"

"This decision...was made too hastily!"

Looking at Ying Zheng's frown, Zhao Tuo smiled indifferently and said, "The news of the royal father is well-informed.

"Royal father and everyone are worried that after I said these words, the interests of those big families will be affected?"

Ying Zheng nodded without hesitation.

"Today's Daqin implements an election system, and the forces among the officials in the DPRK and China are even more complicated."

"If you are not careful, you might completely anger the nobles of the Six Nations who had already surrendered to Da Qin!"

"Father, let's not talk about this, I just want to know, if the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty and even the local government all choose talented people who have received professional education, will the Great Qin become better? 35 Zhao Tuo asked.

Hearing this, everyone including Ying Zheng nodded.

This is the obvious thing.

"Then let me ask again, if I do this, will the people of the world support me?"

The crowd nodded again.

This is a good thing done for the people, and will naturally be supported by the people.

"Isn't it over?"

Zhao Tuo got up and sneered: "Da Qin, you never need waste. 35

"Father and all of you are worried about what will happen if the officials in the court disapprove, and what will happen if you anger the nobles of the Six Nations who have already surrendered to Da Qin.

"I don't think it's worth worrying about."


Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

"I don't know if you all remember how many officials supported me on the day when I was granted the throne of Emperor Father's Zen?"

Hearing Zhao Tuo mentioning this matter, Ying Zheng's face darkened.

But I can't help but think of the scene from that day.

In addition to Meng Yi and Feng Quji who took the lead, there were also many key ministers in the court who chose to stand on Zhao Tuo's side and asked Ying Zheng to make concessions.

Zhao Tuo said with a smile: "At least these people don't have to worry at all."

"They either sincerely hope that Da Qin will be better off, or they have seen Zhen's methods."

"Naturally I will not or dare not object to my decision. 35

"As for some of the other trash fish in the court... If you dare to force it, it will be abolished!

"And then there are those nobles from the Six Nations, hum... After this period of time, the people's livelihood in Daqin has gradually improved.

"If they dared to jump out at the cusp of this turbulent situation, our Buddha army would rush into their house, and the people would only applaud. 99

Ying Zheng and others are now completely clear.

Why is Zhao Tuo so confident.

To put it bluntly, whoever dares to disobey will beat you!

In fact, the current Daqin seems to be exactly what Zhao Tuo said.

For the people of today's Xianyang Palace, it is called a support.

It is to make money, to give seeds for high-yield crops, and to teach the people how to farm the land.

Even the corvée was cut a lot at once.

It is estimated that at this time, whoever jumps out to say no, does not need Zhao Tuo to make a move.

The spit of the people could drown him.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Si finally said: "Your Majesty, even so, you still need to be careful.

"If a large number of officials are lost in the court at the same time, and the operation of the entire Xianyang Palace and even the local county governors, problems will inevitably arise."

"Come here... it's your own safety, I'm afraid people will miss you."

"Relax Li Xiang." Zhao Tuo smiled indifferently and said, "These things have been thought of long before the establishment of the school. 99

"My dear fellows, do you remember that when your father was in power, suddenly there were a lot of officials who accepted goods into the dynasty one year?

To accept goods into the dynasty, to put it bluntly, is to buy officials.

As long as the money is in place, the official position is easy to say.

"Your Majesty said this, but I have some impressions." Feng Quji recalled in a wheelchair:

"It is true that there has been such a year that there have been a lot of people entering the dynasty, and they are all very talented.

"Although these people have not taken on important responsibilities in the DPRK, they are also the key to the operation of the DPRK... um, don't tell me..."

Feng Quji said halfway through, and suddenly raised his head to look at Zhao Tuo.

The eyes of the others gradually became strange.

Especially Ying Zheng, an old face is getting more and more smelly.

Zhao Tuo raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It seems that I guessed it, yes, these are my people."

"I kept this hand in the first place just in case. If Hu Hai Zhao Gao succeeded in usurping the throne, I would still have a chance to turn the tables. 35

1.0 "..."

Everyone was completely speechless this time.

With these previously prepared backers, even if a large number of officials in the DPRK and China leave, it is estimated that those cronies will be able to take care of the operation of the Xianyang Palace as soon as possible.

Li Si was in a cold sweat.

Even more regretful.

At the beginning, my brain was really kicked by a donkey... mainly because I really didn't expect it.

There is also a Zhao Tuo hidden in the dark.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhao Tuo continued: "As for my personal safety, oh, those despicable little people are nothing more than finding some assassins and wanting to assassinate me.

"For this...I don't know if the royal father and all of you have heard of it.

"What is Phishing Law Enforcement?"

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