Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 192 The last Mr. private school had his leg broken by my father!

Chapter 192

While everyone was discussing matters in the palace, the Daqin students in the academy were also seriously taking their first day of classes after entering the academy.


The bell rang for lunch break, and all the young students burst out of the classroom cheering and playing on the playground.

However, these students played more or less clearly.

Several children, who could clearly be seen from their clothes as children of nobles, gathered together and looked at the children of common people who were playing in the distance with disgust.


under parental indoctrination.

The feudal class distinction began to be reflected in the school...


"Dinner! 35

As soon as they heard the word "open meal", all the students ran back to their classrooms one after another.

At this time, a sumptuous meal was placed on everyone's table in the classroom.

Stewed meat, cold tofu, mixed vegetables, egg soup, and a bowl of rice.

In addition to this, there is a small portion of fruit.

"Wow!!! 35

"A lot of delicious food... can we eat it? 39

"Looks like I can't wait any longer.

"These...can I take them home, I want to take them home for my mother to taste."


Most of these students in the school are of common origin. When have you seen such a rich dish?

One by one blinked big black eyes, which were full of longing.

Not just them.

Facing these fresh dishes that Daqin had never had before, even the noble disciples secretly swallowed their saliva.

This smells... but it's more fragrant than home cooking.

The Confucian teacher walked into the classroom and looked at the students in front of him with love in his eyes.

It seems that in a trance, I returned to the description in the book, when Confucianism was at its peak...

"Okay, we're all seated and we can have dinner."


The children cheered for a while, and immediately picked up the chopsticks and ate.

Immediately, the delicious and delicious Fangcai caused the classroom to exclaim again and again.

I even forgot that I had lunch from home in my bag...

Looking at these children, the corner of Mr.'s mouth raised slightly.

It feels so good...

After watching for a while, the husband turned and left the classroom, ready to go to the toilet.

However, just as he walked on the front foot, something happened in the classroom on the back foot...

"Hey you."

A noble boy kicked the table of a little girl from a common household at the adjacent table.

The table shook, the soup in the bowl spilled a lot, and the hot little girl quickly retracted her little hand.

"Ah...what...what's the matter?"

In the face of these noble children, the little girl did not dare to say anything even if she was burned.

Seeing the girl's timid appearance, the noble disciple became even more arrogant.

"I see you haven't eaten yet, give it to me.


"Can't understand the words? I asked you to give me those two dishes! I don't have enough!

"But...but I also..."

"Why so much nonsense.""

The noble disciple pushed the girl away angrily, took her bowl of meat and tofu, and put it in his bowl.

Seeing that it was still a bit unsatisfactory, he put the rice that the girl was not willing to move to half of the boss in his bowl.

In the end, the girl was left with a pitiful small mouthful of rice and less than half a bowl of soup.

and some vegetables and fruits.

Looking at the meat dishes and rice that she was not willing to eat, she was forcibly taken away, and the aggrieved girl burst into tears.

But he didn't dare to make a sound, so he had to take out the Guokui that he brought home, nibbling on the blunt Guokui while wiping his tears.

When all the students saw this scene, they dared not to speak out.

Only that noble disciple happily picked up the food in the bowl...

Soon, Mr. Convenience finished back to the classroom.

As soon as he came in, he was keenly aware that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the classroom.

After looking around, he frowned and came to the crying little girl.

"Your name is Yaoding, right? Why are you crying?

"Why are you eating Guo Kui? Hey... how about your food?

Seeing that the husband asked, the little girl trembled and looked at the noble disciple subconsciously.

But after hesitating for a while, she still choked and said, "Teacher, I... I've finished my meal.

"It's wrong to lie." The gentleman sighed slightly.

There are no signs of use on the chopsticks.

Looking at the bowl of the noble disciple next to him, the pile of meat and tofu overflowed.

The rice is even more than at the beginning.

How can this kind of thing be hidden from the eyes of adults?

"You! Stand up! Apologize to her!"

With a loud voice, all the students were shocked.

As for the noble disciple who was reprimanded, seeing that the husband actually scolded him in front of everyone, and even asked himself to apologize to a commoner, he immediately felt that he had lost face.

"Why should I apologize to her?"

"Because you did it wrong!" Mr. frowned deeper.

"How did the teacher teach today? Love all the people! Where did the learning go?"

"Besides, your family has never taught you, what is it called respecting teachers and respecting Taoism, what is your attitude?

"What's wrong with my attitude? You're just teaching, why do you point fingers at me?"

That noble disciple's temper will also come up at this moment.

"I tell you! My father is the Jiuqing of the court!"

"A gentleman from a private school in my family broke his leg because he scolded me, and was thrown into the Wei River outside the city by my father!"

"Now you admit my mistake, otherwise..."



Before the noble disciple could finish his words, the teacher directly slapped his dogma at the thigh of the wealthy disciple.

The rich boy who was in pain screamed while clutching his lower buttocks.

"Don't say that your father is Jiuqing or Sangong, if you are wrong today, you are wrong!

"Get out of the school! Daqin's school doesn't accept scum like you!


The noble disciple covered his buttocks and looked fiercely at the husband and the little girl who had been robbed of the meal.

"Let's go, who cares about this broken school."

After saying that, the noble disciple kicked over the table and food in front of him, got up and limped to the door.

Suddenly, he stopped, pointed at his husband and said, "If you dare to beat me, I will tell my father about this when I go back today!

"You wait and see for me!

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