Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 193 Looking for a teacher theory? Please come back!

Chapter 193

"Ruzi can't be taught! Ruzi can't be taught! Really angry old man!

Seeing the back of the noble disciple leaving, the gentleman trembled with anger.


The gentleman was in a fit of anger when he suddenly heard the voice of Yao Ding, the little girl beside him.

He turned to look.

I saw that Yao Ding's small face had already cried into a cat.

"Teacher, otherwise... I'd better go home woo woo woo, I'm afraid... I'm afraid he will find trouble with the teacher woo woo. 35

Hearing this, Mr.

He touched Yaoding's head and said, "Don't be afraid, good boy, Your Majesty has protected us well, and the bad guys won't dare to come."


"Stop crying, the teacher will go and bring you some more dishes. 35

On the other side, Xianyang City and Weifu.

Tai servant Wei Yao is sitting in the lobby of his home, holding his breath secretly.

"I really don't know what Your Majesty thinks, is this sincere and I can't get along with Wei Yao?"

"Just stepping on grandma's outrageous!


The table was overturned by Wei Yao.

The anger in my heart grew more and more.

He Wei Yao, as one of the imperial servants of the dignified nine ministers, was in charge of the emperor's carriage and horses, and should have been the closest to His Majesty among the nine ministers.

But what's the result?

There was Zhao Gao in front of him, who was a chariot commander under his command, but he directly passed over him and went to the first emperor.

However, people are both powerful and favored, and as a boss, they have to bow their heads and bow their heads and call them adults.

Shit on the top of your head, you don't even dare to put a fart.

It wasn't until that Zhao Gao publicly rebelled and was abolished on the spot by His Majesty II, that he felt a bad breath in his heart.

However, he originally thought that without Zhao Gao and the new emperor ascending the throne, his good days would come.

Never would have thought that the third prince and two generals would always be by his side of His Majesty II.

He cheekily approached him several times, but he was directly slammed back.

It felt as if I had as much excess as I wanted.

That's fine, he, Wei Yao, thinks that he really doesn't deserve to be with others.

And maybe His Majesty doesn't need a character similar to Zhao Gao like the Emperor does?


The slap in the face happened again.

Your Majesty, even personally transferred a small official from a place to his subordinates, and succeeded the position of the commander of Zhao Gao's car!

It was nothing, it was quite normal.

But rather!

But history repeats itself again!

That little official, Xiao He, was summoned into His Majesty's palace the next day together with Lord Ji to discuss business affairs!

It is even said that he is still staying in the palace, eating and drinking with His Majesty and the adults!

Before leaving, His Majesty always gave him a jar of fine wine brewed by himself!

Such treatment, but he dared not even dream of it!

"I'm so mad! I'm so mad at me!!.!"

Thinking of how old he was, yet still continuing to nod and bow down to a subordinate junior, Wei Yao's lungs were going to explode with anger.


The gate of the mansion was pushed open as if venting, which startled Wei Yao.


"Wouldn't the door be fucking soft?"

The servants outside the house hurried into the house and whispered, "Sir... it's the son who is back. Nian

"Fen'er? Shouldn't he be in the school now? Why did he come back at this time?"

Before the servants could answer, the little boy limped into the lobby, clutching his butt.

Is it that noble disciple from the previous school, Wei Fen?

"Father! I was beaten!

After the first sentence, Wei Fen complained directly.

As soon as Wei Yao heard that his son had been beaten, he quickly got up to check.

He took off his trousers, and when he saw a red mark on it, Wei Yao, who was already angry, became even more angry.

His grandma's.

I am old enough to have a son, and I usually can't bear to talk about my son.

Does anyone else say hit and hit?

"Fen'er, say it! Who beat you!

"Father, he is the teacher of the school. Nian

"Teacher?" Wei Yao hesitated for a moment, then asked subconsciously, "You didn't say that your father and I were in the ranks of Jiuqing? 35

"Father, I said it, but the teacher said that Jiuqing is a piece of shit, and it's not easy to use the third master.

Hearing this, Wei Yao's face darkened completely.

"Your Majesty doesn't take me in his eyes, Zhao Gao doesn't take me in his eyes, and the new Xiao He doesn't take me in his eyes."5

"Could it be that a mere Confucian scholar doesn't take my dignified servant in the eyes of me? 99

"I, Wei Yao, are too easy to bully!"

"I'm going to see today, which Confucian scholar has such a big tone!"

As soon as the words fell, Wei Yao rushed out of the Wei residence and went straight to the school.

What? Lunch break?

What's wrong with Wei Yao?

Today, the Confucian scholar's trouble has been settled!

Let's see who can stop...

".|| Chong!"

Long Ge staggered, blocking the way.

Just as Wei Yao came to the entrance of the school and was about to enter, he was directly stopped by two Qin soldiers.

"Who is coming, please show the relevant order if there is something important."

"No! Get out of the way!"

"No, you can't go in, go back!"

Wei Yao was so angry that the veins on his forehead were bulging.

But in the face of these Qin soldiers who directly belonged to Tongwu Hou Wang Ben and His Majesty, he still pressed his anger and said: "My lord is the servant of the palace! Get out of the way!"

The soldier still shook his head and said, "Your Majesty has an order, no matter who you are, you are not allowed to enter the academy if there is no important business!"

"My son was beaten, and I want to ask their teacher to reason!

"This kind of thing...No, please go back, my lord.""


Taking a deep breath, Wei Yao nodded, pointed at the two and said, "Okay, okay, you all colluded, right? No wonder that scholar dared to be so arrogant."

"Don't think that you are General Wang's people, I can't help you (Qian Wang Zhao). 39

"Wait, wait until the Confucian scholar is finished, let's see how my lord finds the Marquis of Tongwu and talk about it.

"Light, would you like to speak to our general for you?" One of the soldiers sneered at the toilet.

He seemed to understand.

This Wei Yao is here to find fault.

"Remember this to my lord!

Wei Yao left a harsh word, turned his head and quickly disappeared at the intersection.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm scared to death." The soldier made a frightened expression exaggeratedly, causing the other person next to him to laugh.

"Tai servant, it should be Wei Yao, right? It's fine if he doesn't go to the general, but if he does, the general will know that it is such a thing, and he may be scolded by the general.

Hearing this, the other person next to him shook his head slightly.

"Look at the appearance of this Lord Wei, but don't make any crooked ideas.""

"Otherwise... he's afraid he won't have the chance to go to the General's office to sue us. 95

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