Chapter 194

"Okay, that's it for today's lesson, after school. 55

"School is over!"

"Yeah! I'm going to teach my parents the seal calligraphy that I just learned today!

"Yes, yes, I want me too.

"Children, don't forget to tell your parents that you don't need to bring food rations to school in the future."

"I know the teacher, goodbye teacher. 99

"goodbye teacher.

"Go slowly, go back and pay attention to safety."

The teacher watched the students in the classroom leave one after another with a smile.

Outside the school gate, many parents are looking forward to it.

The whole school was full of laughter.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the students in the academy dispersed, and the gentlemen in charge of teaching packed up their textbooks and left the academy.

As the sun went down, Mr.'s figure was stretched long under the shadow of the setting sun.

On the remote streets, there are very few people to be seen.

At this time, the gentleman was walking, thinking about how to go to tomorrow's class.

I didn't notice at all, there were a few more malicious figures behind me...

"Hey, old man..."

Hearing the voice behind him, Mr. subconsciously looked back.

I saw a few men dressed as servants in the mansion, and surrounded him.

"Qu Ye, the teacher of the school?

Hearing how many people handed over their names, the gentleman frowned slightly, but 867 replied politely, "It's right here, what are you doing?


Several servants looked at each other and smiled.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the adults in my family want to invite Mr.

"Your family?"

"Jiuqing in the DPRK, Master Yao of the Imperial Servant Guard is also!


Qu Ye couldn't help being silent.

Wei Yao, the father of his student Wei Fen.

Anyone with a brain will know what to do.

In fact, as soon as he saw Wei Fen looking at himself when he left, he knew that such a thing would happen to him sooner or later.

However, he was not afraid of it.

After all, His Majesty said it before.

If you encounter this situation, you can rest assured that the discipline is, and they don't have to worry about the rest.

So, this time he chose to believe His Majesty.

"Master Wei, isn't it? The old man went for a walk.


The servants in the family raised their hands to lead the way with a smile, and hurried back to the Wei residence with Qu Ye.

Besides, Wei Yao was sitting in the courtyard with a gloomy face.

He has never been so angry in his life as he is today.

It turns out that (bjba) is just a Zhao Gao who is running wild on his own head.

Today is a good day, not only that Xiao He, but also sees himself as nothing.

Even a little Confucian scholar and two Qin soldiers dared to be so presumptuous in the face of them!

It's the opposite!

"Yes! It must be because His Majesty wants to weaken the family. They have already known in advance, so they are so confident!"

"This is just getting the news. If your Majesty really changes the announcement system, wouldn't those commoners have to jump on us?

"No! Absolutely not!"

Thinking of this, Wei Yao picked up the pen and paper and wrote quickly.

"My colleagues, have you heard that His Majesty mentioned in the academy today about the selection of future officials? If this is done, there is fear that the class will be chaotic and the heavens will be rebellious, and the people of famous families and nobles will be no different from the common people.

In the Hall of Heaven in the future, I should persuade Your Majesty not to do this self-destructing thing. I don't know what you think? If there are people of the same way, you can come and discuss this matter in the lower house tomorrow. "

"Come on!"

"What are your orders, sir?"

"Copy this letter and distribute it to all the lords in the court.

"Here! 35

The next person goes down with the letter.

How about more people and more efficient?

A letter was transcribed a dozen times in just a moment, and was taken away from the Weifu.

Just as the messenger left the front foot, the gate of the guard house was slammed again.

"My lord, I have brought it back!


Hearing the voice of the servant, a cold light flashed in Wei Yao's eyes.

"Bring it up!"

The voice fell, and several servants from the palace brought Qu Ye to the lobby.

Seeing the teacher in front of him, Wei Fen's face on the side showed a stern look that did not match his age.

"Father! He beat me!

"Fen'er, sit down first."

Wei Yao gave his son a look, then got up and came to Qu Ye, looked at Qu Ye briefly, and then smiled politely:

"It is rude to take the liberty of inviting Mr.

Qu Ye's complexion changed, and he asked knowingly, "I don't know why Lord Wei ordered someone to bring him here, why?

"Harm, it's just curiosity." Wei Yao waved his hand and smiled: "My lord just heard that this school is very special, presumably the teacher who teaches in it is also an extraordinary person. 35

"Dare to ask where did you come from? Who did you learn from?"

"Being only a commoner, I will learn from two sages.

"Oh~ a self-taught scholar..." Wei Yao nodded with a smile, and immediately turned his face.

"That being the case, you know that this is my Wei Yao's son, yet you still punish a lowly commoner?"

"Who gave you the courage! Who gave you the right!"

Facing Wei Yao's anger, Qu Ye took a deep breath and said, "This right is naturally given by Lord Fusu and also by His Majesty."

"Mr. Wei, this old man is just following the rules of the school and educating people, what's wrong with him?"

The veins on Wei Yao's forehead jumped up.

"It's a good school's rules, the rules can be said, you ordinary people can hurt my son's son?"

It can be said in the rules that you, a commoner, can arbitrarily decide whether or not my son will go or stay?"

"You are a fart! 35

"Master Wei, these rules are written very clearly." Wei Yao said in a deep voice:

"School education is a precious resource for Daqin. Regardless of one's background, those who are not aggressive and disrupt the order will be punished!"

"Those who bully others, have a bad attitude, don't listen to discipline, fight!

"Those who are not filial to their parents, who have no teachers and teachers, and who lightly insult the country will be expelled!"

"The above situation should be dealt with mainly by the teacher, and then reported to the general manager of the school.

"Master Wei, your son bullies classmates, doesn't listen to discipline, and insults teachers.

"Dare to ask, what did the old man do wrong?

Seeing Qu Ye's upright appearance, Wei Yao's fists creaked.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, that's right, you just follow the rules of the school.

"However, your school has the rules of your school, and my Wei family has the rules of my Wei family."

Wei Yao poked Qu Ye's chest with his fingers, and said word by word: "My lord, whoever hits my son will die! 35

"Since you have come according to the rules, my lord will also come according to the rules.

"Come on!"

Wei Yao gave an order, and the servants from the surrounding family rushed forward.

"Break his arms and legs to pieces! Tie them to rocks and sink me into the Wei River!

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