Chapter 198

As soon as these words came out, all the people and nobles present were not surprised.

Because many of them came here today with this purpose in mind.

On Fusu's side, hearing the parent's request, he just smiled bitterly.

"Withdrawing from's okay, but can you tell me why?

The parent said, "'s mainly because of the school's meals."

"Huh? 99

Fusu was stunned.

Isn't this what he expected?

The parent continued: "In fact, the family originally brought food for the children... But the husband said that we must eat the school's meals."

"Yes, there is such a thing." Fusu nodded.

This rule was made by His Majesty himself.

The purpose is to allow these children who are in the growing stage to be supplemented with nutrients.

This is good for physical development.

Second, it is also conducive to the efficiency of learning.

But...why is this one of the reasons why students drop out?

Fusu asked suspiciously: "Is the child unappetizing? 35

"No, no, it's not like this." The parent waved his hands repeatedly:

"The food in the academy is good, but... we ordinary people really can't afford it.

Immediately, the parent's words aroused strong voices around him.

"Yeah yeah……"

"Adult, or...let the children bring food.

"Yes, my lord, otherwise this study... we really can't afford it."

Obviously, many ordinary people present had the same idea as this parent.

At present, the people of Daqin, some people with extremely superior conditions, can only eat three meals a day.

The rest of the people are all over.

And poor people like them are basically a staple meal every day, and the rest is a simple meal.

It is a blessing to be able to starve to death.

Although recently they can rely on picking up deciduous bark up the mountain to improve their living standards.

But it is still far from being able to eat three meals a day.

Listen to the description of the child returning home, there are not only three dishes, but also meat in it.

Assortment of vegetables, a portion of fruit.

Plus the boss a bowl of chestnut rice, and egg soup.

How much does this cost?

Don't get the scholarship by then, but instead get in a lot.

This goes against the original intention of these poor people to send their children here.

Hearing what everyone said, Fusu was slightly startled.

Soon after, I realized that it might be that when I started school, some things were still not introduced.

Therefore, the elders of these students have some misunderstandings.

So he hurriedly continued to add: "Everyone, please don't worry, the school will not charge money for this lunch.

"Once students enroll, there is no fee."

"Including pen and paper for practice in the academy are provided by the academy."

"No...don't charge?

Hearing Fusu's explanation, everyone present, including the nobles, had incredible light in their eyes.

There are more than 300 students in this school.

Not only do they not charge any tuition fees, but they also have the opportunity to get a ten-dollar scholarship every month.

Now even a hearty lunch at noon is free.


Could it be that the current Daqin treasury is so solid?

"You don't have to worry about the school's meals, you still drop out?" Fusu asked with a smile.


The parent hesitated for a while, but finally nodded.

"My lord, I'm really sorry."

"It's mainly us commoners... in the same classroom as those noble children, we... we..."

The parents wanted to say they were unworthy, but they were full of humiliation and unwillingness.

Everyone present looked at each other.

The common people bowed their heads and held the child's hand with a gloomy expression.

The nobles looked proud and kept their distance from the commoners.


Fusu sighed inwardly, but he felt a certain place in his heart.

Because the note that Zhao Tuo gave him yesterday was to tell him how to break the game.

"What is the difference between the children of the common people and the children of nobles?"

As soon as Fusu's words came out, all the commoners and nobles present were shocked.

Everyone's face is not very good-looking.

As for the reason, that's not the same.

However, regarding this, Fusu continued to say, "Your Majesty said it yesterday.

"The construction and development of Daqin requires talented people, not people with status and family affairs.

"So in the school, the only thing that judges the high and the low is the grades of the homework!"

"If you are good enough, even if you are a commoner, you may be able to worship the three princes and nine ministers in the future, or lead hundreds of thousands of troops to guard one side."

"But if you don't have talent..." Fusu's voice paused, his eyes swept to the nobles present intentionally or unintentionally.

"If there is no talent, the common people can only continue to be common people, and the princes and nobles can only be succeeded by the latecomers!"


For a while, all the people present fell silent.

Fusu couldn't help but sigh.

Although this is said to children, it is somewhat cruel.

But no way.

Survival of the fittest.

This is competition.

The competition of class and status is ignored.

Good is good, bad is bad, and will no longer have identity and class as a fig leaf.

Although this school is only a primary school in modern society.

But it is different in Daqin.

Daqin's teenagers matured earlier and became sensible earlier.

Such ideas will be rooted in their hearts.

In the future, after leaving the academy, no matter in all aspects, he will be firm in the belief that continuous self-optimization is the right way.

Instead of leaving the school, because of class, too lazy to change, too lazy to make progress.

Students with such beliefs will definitely be better than their predecessors when they grow up.

And with their help, Daqin will be even stronger.

This is the main reason why Zhao Tuo still insisted on doing this, knowing that (Qian Zhao's) doing this would cause all kinds of problems!

Just when all the parents present were hesitating.

Fusu suddenly said again: "Your Majesty knows what the parents are worried about.

"Please rest assured, no bullying will be allowed in the school, and no elders will be allowed to interfere in the problems between students.

"If there is any violation, once found, it will be dealt with strictly!"

"Perhaps everyone still doesn't know, something happened in the school yesterday..."

Fusu briefly recounted what happened yesterday, and focused on Wei Yao's identity.

"Even if this Wei Yao is one of the nine ministers of the court today, and he violated the taboos of the school and the Great Qin, His Majesty has also given him a heavy punishment!"

"Do you know what the punishment is?"

Everyone pricked up their ears.

They wanted to know how His Majesty would deal with this great man of the Jiuqing government.

Fusu smiled slightly.

"Cracked car!"

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