Chapter 199

car crack!!!

Hearing these two words, all the parents present, whether they were commoners or nobles, changed their expressions.

Although the popularization of the law in these two issues of newspapers gave them a general idea of ​​what kind of crime hiring a murderer is.

But as a dignified ninth master, killing a teacher is about to die, this...

"Da Qin wants to rule the country by law, so everyone doesn't have to worry about the children's problems."

"Every student is the focus of Mr. Xuetang. If there is any situation, it will be reported as soon as possible."

Fusu's words were like a reassurance pill, completely calming the unease in the hearts of the common people.

However, for those nobles, this is not a reassurance.

But a deadly poison.

It was given by His Majesty!

Looking at the surrounding commoners and their children in shabby clothes, many nobles frowned subconsciously.

Tell the truth.

In their hearts, they do not want their children to mix with these commoners.

But just now, Lord Fusu also revealed it.

In the future Daqin, the selection of officials will definitely give priority to talent-oriented.

If his family's 870 children do not study in the school and fall behind these common people's children, what awaits them in the future may be the decline of the family!


Absolutely not!

"Everyone, if there are still people who need to drop out of school, please come here to record with the photos of parents and children."

Fusu's voice sounded again.

But this time, everyone hesitated.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

In the end, a few nobles came forward with their children.

Fusu smiled and asked, "Really think about it?

"After thinking about it, our private school should be no worse than the school.

"Well then, good luck to you."


Looking at Fusu's smiling face, the nobleman felt that something was wrong.

However, Fusu did not remind him again.

Isn't private school worse than school?

After the first grade, new subjects gradually appeared in the children's curriculum, and it was too late to react to anything...

After a few people dropped out, Fusu made way.

"Okay, it's getting late, everyone, let's go to class."

Besides, the officials from the DPRK and China who received the letter from Wei Yao yesterday came to the Wei House early in the morning.

However, they found that the gate of the Weifu was closed.

Usually the servants on both sides do not know where to go.

What's even more outrageous is that no one agrees to what they call the door.

People came one by one.

In a short while, the four officials from the court and the central government in front of the gate of the Wei Palace chatted.

"What's the situation?"

"The old man feels that something is not right about this matter, why do you think there is no one in this manor?

"Isn't Wei Yao playing tricks on us?"

"It's not impossible, Master Wei and us, Ha can't do such an unreasonable thing."

"What can I do? Seeing the court tomorrow, Your Majesty may have to talk about this matter, but the person who discussed it doesn't know where to go."

"Who said it wasn't? It burned my eyebrows.

"It's not good! The big thing is bad!"

Everyone was chatting, and a slightly old voice came.

When I heard the sound, I saw a carriage driving towards this side, and another official in the middle was sticking out his head and shouting to the crowd:

"Go to the execution ground of the market to see! Lord Wei is about to be executed!


As soon as they heard the news, the other four palace executives present changed their colors one after another.

This Lord Wei was fine yesterday, and asked them to talk about business.

Why... are you going to be executed all of a sudden?

"Quick, quick! The execution will come as soon as noon!""

"Go, go, go!


The four of them called their servants and the carriage one after another and rushed all the way to the execution ground (bjba)...

At this time, the execution ground was surrounded by onlookers.

Wei Yao, the once glamorous maid, is now wearing prison uniforms and kneeling on the execution platform with five flowers tied up, accepting the people's guidance.

Li Sizheng sat on the top with an icy expression, and closed everything in his eyes.

"Who is this person? What's the big deal? Look at the carriage in front of you, it's going to crack!

"You don't know? I heard that this person is a servant in the palace."

"Ah? Grand servant? Isn't that the high-ranking official who waits for His Majesty's chariots and horses, what's the matter..."

"We don't know, is it a rebellion? Or something?"

"Don't be blind, this man sent someone to kill the teacher of the school because his child was disciplined by the teacher of the school, and was discovered by His Majesty."

"Just such a little thing?"

"Damn little things! It is said in the "Qin Law" that the mastermind who hires a murderer to kill the car splits, and the murderer dies; what's the matter, their life as an official is life, but the life of the common people is not life? Your Majesty did the right thing!

"Yes, yes, support Your Majesty! A bowl of water is level, it should have been done a long time ago!

The people were talking.

And the several officials from the DPRK and China who came quickly have also had a general understanding of the situation from the people's mouths.

Hearing that Wei Yao went to the execution ground just because of such a little "hour".

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly.

But looking at Li Si sitting on the high platform at the top of the clearing field, they also dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Think with your toes.

He Li Sisui is the Prime Minister of the DPRK, but how can he be qualified to handle Jiuqing's affairs?

All this is absolutely what Your Majesty means!

Several people exchanged glances, and finally they all calmed down the resentment in their hearts.

Soon, several more officials arrived.

These people just discussed what happened yesterday and today on the periphery of the execution ground...

Time passed little by little, and the sun was hanging high.

"Li Xiang, the time has come.


Li Si got up slowly after being reminded by a small official next to him.

The people present also fell silent.

"Wei Yao, the imperial servant of the former dynasty, arrogantly abused his sons and insulted the people, was disciplined by Mr. Xuetang and hired murderers to kill!

"According to the "Law of Qin", the punishment of car splitting shall be imposed!

"Those present, do you have any objections?"

Hearing this, the people didn't say a word.

How could they possibly disagree with such a delightful deed?

Only a few officials in the periphery were stunned when they heard about it.

Is there any objection to the execution?

But since you ask this...

"Li Xiang!" One of them shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

Including Lis.


"Okay, it looks like no one has any objection." Li Si glanced at the officials over there, his voice very flat.

"It's noon, execution!"

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