Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 200 Don't object, it's useless to object!

Chapter 200

Looking at Wei Yao with a face of despair, his limbs and head were covered with ropes and hung on the carriage.

The faces of the officials on the side of the execution ground were so ugly.

They know it.

Feelings Li Si asked that sentence just now~, that is to ask them.

They speak, but don't ignore it directly, this is not telling them.

Don't object, it's useless to object!



Wei Yao's heart-wrenching screams came.

The limbs and head were pulled in different directions, and the pain can be imagined.

"Cock bang... puff!"

First the bones and joints were torn off, then the flesh cracked and blood splashed!



Accompanied by another crack, and a large amount of blood shot out.

Wei Yao's screams stopped abruptly.

Looking at the tragic situation below, Li Si sighed slightly, and finally stepped off the high platform and left the execution ground.

After watching the excitement, the people gradually dispersed.

Only a few officials with gloomy faces were left, watching helplessly as the tragic long sleep was cleaned up and the blood was washed away.

Everything is back to original again.

It seemed... like the calm after the end of the nobility's era.

They exchanged glances with each other, and they all realized from their own eyes.

In any way.

Absolutely stop His Majesty from making this happen!

Otherwise, their era, the era of nobles sitting in the sky, will be gone forever!

In the Xianyang Palace, Zhao Tuo sits on the throne.

Everyone has arrived.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Tuo solemnly, and said, "Tuo'er, has this matter been fully prepared?

"If you still need time, I will buy you some time.

"Hmph... those rotten nobles, I can still shock them.

"Many thanks to the royal father, the royal father does not have to worry, everything was ready yesterday." Zhao Tuo said sternly.

"Although dismissing and recommending and limiting the generation of hereditary will hurt the nobles of today's Daqin to the greatest extent.""

"But it is also an opportunity for Daqin to make a complete change. 35

"It can even make the nobles in Daqin think about it, what they should really do!

Everyone nodded.

In the morning, under the leadership of Zhao Tuo, everyone has brainstormed and perfected the policy to be announced tomorrow.

The rest is to wait and see what happens, and soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil!

Huang Shi Gongqing sighed deeply: "Your Majesty's courage and determination, this old man admires!

"If you can survive this calamity, Daqin will definitely be reborn with desire and soar into the sky!

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly and said: "Huang Shigong, you have a sentence but you said it wrong."

"Oh? 35

"Ze... this time is not worthy of this word.

When the voice fell, Zhao Tuo beckoned the person who had called the Heixingtai Net.

"General Fengxian was ordered to temporarily stop the expansion of Nanyue County, and the troops returned to defend the five counties in Lingnan.

"I ordered General Xiang Yu to lead an army of 100,000 to return to the pass and enter a state of preparation. 95

"Also, I ordered Chun Xia Qiu Dong and Wuming five people to start doing the things I told you to do.


The snatcher was ordered to leave.

The crowd looked suspicious.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, nameless? Who is that?

Without waiting for them to think too much, Zhao Tuo continued to order:

"General Wang, Li Xin, Feng Jie, Han Xin. 99

"The end is coming! 35

The four quickly got up.

Among them, Han Xin's face was somewhat dazed.

Why... would you bring yourself?

"The four of you lead the 300,000 defenders in the pass to join Xiang Yu, and they are stationed in the major counties and counties in the pass. Remember to keep the army low-key and try not to startle the snakes. 39

"General Meng, you lead the remaining 200,000 people and are responsible for garrisoning the inner history of Xianyang.


Han Xin was surprised.

He never expected it.

You will be able to lead the army so soon!

Although not necessarily able to fight.

But this also fully demonstrates His Majesty's confidence in himself!

It's not just Han Xin.

Li Xin and Feng Jie were also excited.

・・・・For flowers‥0

This is no small matter today.

If it doesn't work out, both the DPRK and China will face a major purge.

The fact that they are here fully shows that His Majesty has given them full confidence in them or their family.

As for Wang Ben, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi and the others... I don't know how many elders of the dynasty, they have always been the most important thing for the people.

As long as it is the right policy, they are absolutely in favor.

At this point, Zhao Tuo has no worries or doubts at all.

"Xiao He.""

"The minister is here. 35

"Now that Wei Yao is dead, you will temporarily assume the post of Tai servant.




"The minister is here!"

"After you leave the palace later, you will follow the list I gave you, go to those dark sons in the palace one by one, and explain the matter to them.

"Once there is a change in the dynasty, I need them to be able to replace them directly and operate seamlessly.


"As for Meng Shangqing and the two prime ministers... I will delegate the authority of the Heibingtai net to you, and be responsible for helping me keep an eye on the movements in the DPRK, China and other parts of the Qin Dynasty."

"As soon as there is a special situation, report it immediately!"

"By the way, if there are no accidents during this period, there should be many correspondence between these officials in the DPRK and China and various places.

"Don't worry about it, and even help under certain circumstances.

"Healing... must eradicate the root!


After some arrangements were made, everyone said goodbye and left.

In fact, according to Zhao Tuo's habit of loving the lively, after the busy work at noon, everyone must be left to eat and drink.

But business matters.

The following things must be handled properly!

Looking at the empty courtyard, Zhao Tuo's eyes flickered.

In the history of the last life, some dynasties were destroyed because they touched the interests of the nobles.

There are also dynasties that are extremely powerful because they overthrew the rule of the nobles.

"Da Qin, it must be the latter!

"And all of this will start tomorrow morning!" Ten.

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