Chapter 20

"His Majesty is here!

"Meet Your Majesty!!!"

On the Qilin Hall, the officials respectfully saluted, and finally sat back to their seats under Zhao Tuo's gesture.

Zhao Tuo sat on the ninth-order dragon platform and glanced sharply at the people below.

"Let's present all the political affairs today."

One after another memorials were handed over, and government affairs issued orders one by one.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

However, this is just the tranquility before the rain comes.

After half an hour, the trivial political affairs were dealt with.

Zhao Tuo put down the memorial and looked around.

At this moment, the entire hall was quiet.

"Next, I will announce two new policies."

"You loving ministers, make a good note, and immediately perform their respective duties after retiring from the DPRK to implement and implement them."


Those who knew the inside story couldn't help looking at each other.

Some more frowned.

The meaning of His Majesty's words is that "eight seven zeros" doesn't give them room for negotiation?

But...isn't it just a matter of choosing an official position?

What are the two new policies?

What else do they not know?

"First of all, I announce that in the future, Daqin will completely abolish the two selection systems of nomination and acceptance of goods, and only retain the system of expedition and military merit.35

"At the same time, the imperial examination system will be implemented in which talents are widely selected from all the people, and the specific implementation rules of the imperial examination system will become the main political affairs that Daqin needs to discuss next.

"Before this, all you love Qing need to do is to gradually close the election system, can you hear it clearly?"


Hearing this news, many officials were stunned.

Completely abolishing the election and acceptance of goods is equivalent to abolishing the shortcuts for the descendants of the aristocrats to enter the dynasty and become officials!

At the same time, what kind of imperial examination system... is equivalent to building a ladder for the common people to directly lead to the top of the nobles' heads!

Thinking of this, all the ministers in the court suddenly couldn't sit still.

"Your Majesty! You should think twice about this!

"I thought that..."

"Okay, the second thing." Zhao Tuo ignored the people who got up and wanted to speak, and continued:

"The second thing is to completely reform the hereditary system of titles.

"In the future, the hereditary titles of Daqin will be limited to three generations; those who have made significant contributions can be awarded the honorary titles of ten generations, but the titles and salaries are also limited to three generations."

Hereditary is the core system for the nobility to guarantee their status.

However, a word from Zhao Tuo today directly limits it to three generations!

Speaking of the first policy, it only brought a group of nobles to a crisis.

Then the second policy is tantamount to inserting the sword directly into the heart of the noble!

"Not at all, Your Majesty!

"Your Majesty, once this policy is implemented, the world will be in chaos!

"Yes, Your Majesty, please take your life back!

"I agree with this minister! 39

"Think again, Your Majesty!

In an instant, many officials in the DPRK could not sit still.

Among them, some were really worried that Daqin would become chaotic again because of these two policies.

There are also those who are worried that the status of their own noble descendants will be challenged.

In short, except for a small number of Zhao Tuo's die-hards, and the officials who were deterred, everyone stood up but responded to Zhao Tuo's policy.

However, at this time, Zhao Tuo's expression did not show joy or anger.

"Shut up for me."

The fluttering but chilling words instantly made everyone quiet down.

"Presumably all of you Aiqing already know what happened to Wei Yao yesterday?

No one spoke.

But it can be seen from the micro-expressions of the civil and military officials.

Apparently they had learned of this from various sources.

"Now that you know everything, I would like to ask, how do you Aiqing think about this? Say it with confidence."

As soon as Zhao Tuo finished speaking, one of the officials stood up.

This person was one of the few people on the edge of the execution ground yesterday.

"Since Your Majesty asked, I dare to say a few words! 35

"Well, let's hear it. 35

"I think this is really wrong!

"Master Wei Yao is one of the Jiuqing Emperors of today's Great Qin. He has a high position and plays an important role in the operation of Xianyang Palace in all aspects. Besides, Master Wei has been in the palace for decades, and there is no credit and hard work."5

"Just because of a common people Confucian scholar, it is really inappropriate to make such a big fight and let the common people see a joke!

"Oh... that's really nonsense.

The corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised an arc.

"Good one 'just because of a commoner Confucian scholar'

"Well, starting from today, you don't have to be an official anymore, all your family wealth will be confiscated and returned to the state treasury, from today onwards, you will be a commoner.

"I want to see if you will say such things when you become a commoner!

As soon as Zhao Tuo said this, the official below was dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this joke is not allowed!

"You think I'm joking with you again? Humph." Zhao Tuo snorted coldly, "You don't joke, come here! Take off his official seal!

"Go immediately to confiscate property and confiscate it. If anyone dares to stop it, it will be punished for the crime of obstructing government affairs!"


The court officers in the Qilin Hall left with their swords in hand.

Several other people came to this official and directly forcibly took his official seal and ribbon!

"Your Majesty! Disobey! Disobey!!!

The man knelt on the ground and screamed hoarsely.

It all came so suddenly.

There's nothing left!

Just because I said two words!

Thinking of this, he looked up at Zhao Tuo and shouted: "Your Majesty! If you do this, you won't be afraid of chilling the hearts of the officials in the court and the people!

"Not afraid."

Zhao Tuo leaned his chin and his tone was flat.

It seems that all this can't make his heart fluctuate.

"Those who are cold-hearted are all problematic, and the people know my decision, and they will be surrounded by them.

"Do you know why?"


The deprived official bowed his head, not daring to meet Zhao Tuo's eyes.

Not just him.

There are still many people in the DPRK who stopped talking.

"Whether it's Wei Yao, or you, you people, have you never realized your own problems?

"Why do you stand in such a high position? Because of your age? Because of the wrinkles on your face? Or because you are arrogant?

"Look at the Daqin unified pass so far, how many of you have really done something serious?"

"Do you know why since I took the throne, I have always discussed business affairs with Meng Chengqing and others? Because you guys are useless at all!"

"It's not good to say it, just pull it over on the street and throw it in the school, she knows better than you!"5


This time, some officials in the DPRK and China directly broke the house.

With his head down and his old face blushing, his pair were all clenched tightly.

"You still make me think twice? Ha..." Zhao Tuo sneered, got up and pointed at the officials below and said:

"Look at what a bunch of stuff has been launched in the electoral system now?

"There is no talent and talent, and no one is bullying one to ten!"

"You said! Should this system be changed!"


"What did you say just now? There is no credit and hard work? I have suffered you? You didn't get a salary? Or did you not enjoy your status?

"Do you have the common people who suffer from farming under the scorching sun, or do you have the soldiers of the convenient generals who put their brains on their belts to fight?

"You're quite old, do you want to make a face?"


"Don't speak now?" Zhao Tuo got up and looked at the group of ministers below.

The emperor's breath-seeking technique has not been opened at any time.

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