Chapter 203

"Sir! Someone helped you find it!"

When Sima Kuo, the lieutenant of Chao Zhongwei, heard the reply from his confidant, his face brightened.

"Okay! Ask him to meet him at the station outside the city today.

"Here! 39

After the confidant left, Sima Kuo sneered at the corner of his mouth.

As an old official who served in the Qin state during the pre-Qin period, he also occupied Xianyang City for many years.

After generations of management, the entire Sima family and even the entire Daqin are now well-known.

There is not much difference between Wang, Meng, Feng, and Li.

However, today I heard that His Majesty wanted to weaken the power of the nobles, and even limited the hereditary algebra of the titles.

This is going to completely cut their way back.

"Your Majesty, don't blame me for being cruel, I can only blame you for being too young and stretching your hands too long!

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the sun is shining.

Sima Kuo dressed in a low-key dress, and walked to the inn outside the city to look for it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

I saw a very ordinary-looking young man drinking fruit wine in a bowl at the restaurant downstairs.

Occasionally, a roasted locust was pinched and sent into his mouth.

A delicate jade pendant was placed on the dining table by him.

Sima Kuo recognized at a glance, this is his jade pendant!

"It should be him.""

Sima Kuo stepped forward.

"The moon is hanging high?"

"Little Myrtle Star Falls."

After the man answered the code, he gave the jade pad to Sima Kuo.

"Dare to ask the hero Gao's name?

"In our line of work, no name, no name, but you can call me jackdaw, tell me, what's the matter.

"Brother Jackdaws..." Sima Kuo nodded in satisfaction.

From the young man named Jackdaw, he felt a ruthless aura comparable to that of the Iron Eagle Guard.

Must be a good hand!

"I have such a job, do you think you can eat it?"

"Heh... There is no work in this world that we can't eat at midnight! Jackdaw's eyes were cold.

However, there was a trace of indiscernible playfulness in his eyes.

"Have courage! That's what happened..."

Sima Kuo sat down and glanced around, and then whispered to Jackdaws the whole story.

"How? Dare to take it?

" guys are really brave." Jackdaws squinted at Sima Kuo.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"No problem, but I'm not the one to take the role of, you look at the price..."

"Don't worry about money, you can make an offer.

"Very good, I have to go back and discuss this matter with the leader, the specific price, and wait for my news.

Having said that, Jackdaws got up and left.

After leading Sima Kuo to chase out, the Jackdaws had disappeared.

"Te Niang's, is it reliable or not? It doesn't say how to meet next, won't it be running away?

Sima Kuo frowned.

He did not reveal his identity from beginning to end, but he was not afraid of being sold by this jackdaw.

But this doesn't mean what to do next, and it's really a little lost.

The matter of simply not bothering Sima Kuo for too long.

That night, he was in the room doing things together, when he heard a bang on the door.

When he raised his head, Jackdaw was already standing in front of him.



Jackdaws made a silent gesture, signaling Sima Kuo not to make a sound.

On the other hand, Sima Kuo quickly covered his mouth.

At the same time, he was even more shocked.

He never revealed his identity.

In addition, as a Weiwei, he is in charge of the palace garrison.

Although the defensive power of his mansion is not as good as that of the palace, it is not so bad!

Looking at the appearance of this jackdaw, it seems that no one has been disturbed when he came in!

Say nothing else.

Just gathering information like this and the ability to hide and hide is enough to be called a top assassin!

"Our leader said, 30 million dollars.


Sima Kuo was slightly taken aback.

This price seems to be lower than he imagined.

"Sir Sima don't have to wonder." Jackdaws seemed to see through Sima Kuo's mind, and explained with a smile: "This time, you are not the only one who wants that fate.

"So the price will be much cheaper than usual, you know what I mean?

"Anyone else found you? Who is it? Also from the palace?"

Home.||The rules in the line, sorry to tell you. ""

"It's okay, understand, understand! Hahaha! 99 Sima Kuo laughed.

At this time, there was a joy in his heart.

He was not the only one who found Midnight, which also showed that Midnight's signboard was indeed loud enough and solid enough.

This might be possible!

"Okay! Thirty million is thirty million!

"How much shall I give you first?

"No hurry, just wait until it's done. 35

After speaking, Jackdaws left Sima Kuo's room with a smile.

And Sima Kuo was dumbfounded.

"Will you ask for money after it's done? As expected of a big organization, it seems that I'm not worried at all about my default."5

"That's right, how many people in the world dare to rely on these mysterious and powerful assassin organizations?

When he came back to his senses, Sima Kuo's face showed a ferocious look.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, only when you die can we nobles continue to survive (Qian Zhao's)."

"But don't worry, Your Majesty, when you are dead, the ministers will surely write a condolence letter so that the people of the world will remember your great deeds.


Days go by.

The fifth edition of the newspaper is published.

The academy's policy, as well as things related to Wei Yao, were also spread all over Daqin with the newspapers.

At the same time, the new policy implemented by Daqin chassis is also well known to the people.

For a while, the atmosphere of the whole Daqin became a little subtle.

The people wanted to cheer and praise, but they were afraid of the nobles who were getting angry.

The nobles, on the other hand, seemed to be motionless.

But in fact, there is a turbulent undercurrent inside.

Two days later, Sima Kuo and the others suddenly received a summons.

"Sir, something big has happened in the palace, please enter the palace quickly! Fen.

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