Chapter 204

"Sir, something big happened in the palace, please enter the palace quickly!""

Something big happened?

Sima Kuo looked happy.

He was just thinking.

Why haven't the people in Midnight started yet?

As a result, I received the news that something big happened in the palace.

What's the matter, do you still need to think about it?

Holding down the ecstasy in his heart, Sima Kuo hurriedly pretended to be nervous, put on his clothes and went straight to Xianyang Palace.

Coincidentally, on the way to Xianyang Palace, he happened to meet two of the officials who had discussed countermeasures together before.

"Did you get the news too?"

"It seems that Lord Sima is the same, but I don't know what it is, it is so urgent.

Hearing this, Sima Kuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You really don't know?"

"Should we know?"

"This old man thinks you should know. The corner of Sima Kuo's mouth raised slightly.

When the two of them saw this hidden smile, a smile appeared in their eyes.

"It seems that Lord Sima is not idle either.

"I heard that there are other people looking for Midnight, I don't know..."

"Hehehe, Lord Sima can just keep this matter in his heart, and everyone who understands understands it. 39


Sima Kuo nodded slightly at 873.

He has an idea now.

The two people who were traveling with him must have found someone from midnight.

Now that His Majesty is dead, the next step is to persuade His Majesty the First Emperor, who will come back to power, not to continue trying those two policies.

But I believe that with the shrewdness of His Majesty the First Emperor, he should not make such mistakes...

Sima Kuo thought on this side, everyone has come to the door of Xianyang Palace's bedroom.

At this time, there were six or seven ministers standing outside.

Looking closely, it turned out that they were all ministers who were extremely dissatisfied with these policies.

"Master Sima is here too?

"What a pity, God is jealous of Yingcai!"

"That's right, this Great Qin is in His Majesty's hands, it's growing stronger day by day, but now it's... hey.

"Everyone calm down, I will definitely catch the real culprit in this matter, and punish them severely!


The ministers chatted in low voices.

Although the words are quite indignant.

But looking closely, these people's eyes are full of schadenfreude smiles.

Not long after Sima Kuo arrived here, he walked out of the palace thinking (bjba) an eunuch.

He checked the list in his hand, glanced around the crowd, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Everyone is here, let's come in together.

With that, he turned his head and walked into the bedroom.

However, these words really made the people present stunned.

Are you ready?

Shouldn't all the officials in the DPRK and China have come here?

How many people are there?

and many more……

Looking at these people, Sima Kuo suddenly felt a shudder in his heart.

The family knows their own affairs.

These people... but they were the masters who were extremely opposed to the policy at the beginning.

Why just let them into the palace?

Could it be that……

In Sima Kuo's mind, the previous scene of Ying Zheng's suspended animation appeared involuntarily.

Immediately, an ominous premonition came to mind.

But when he turned to leave, it was too late.

"Sugar palm! 35

The door to the bedroom slammed shut.

The scene behind the shadow wall also followed a group of ministers into the palace and caught their eyes.

Immediately, all the ministers' hearts fell to the bottom.

I saw that in the courtyard, Tie Ying Guard was standing all around.

Ying Zheng sat on the side with a dark face, and on both sides were Meng Yi, Li Si, Feng Quji and other important officials in the court, looking at them strangely at this time.

As for Zhao Tuo, who they thought was dead, he sat safely in the main seat, sipping the cup of tea with a smile on his face.

And it was the people standing behind Zhao Tuo who made the hearts of the ministers here the most chilling.

Jackdaws, Ye Xiao, Chun'er, Qiu Niang, Zi Ye are four!

These... are the midnight assassins they contacted at the beginning!

Now it is here.

Anyone who has no problems with their brains knows what's going on.

They were sold at midnight!

"Aiqings, seeing seem very unhappy?"

Zhao Tuo put down the teacup with a bright smile on his face.

"You heard that there was a big incident in the palace, did you all think that I was dead?

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so old, how can you be so naive?"

All the ministers were silent.

Because fear has flooded all their thoughts.

The only one who was still calm was Sima Kuo.

Now that the trouble has reached this level, he can't care about other things, and directly points to the jackdaws and asks:

"Thank you for making a statement on the rivers and lakes in the middle of the night, all your leaders do things like this?"

"It's really a good move!

"That's what I do, what's your patience with me?" Zhao Tuo leaned his chin and looked at Sima Kuo with interest.

After hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Sima Tuo and others were obviously stunned.

"Isn't it clear? Midnight itself belongs to me, but you contacted the people of Ziye to kill me, hehe.

Zhao Tuo smiled and shook his head, holding up the teacup again.

Meng Yi and the others looked at the ministers who were standing there at this time, and their eyes were full of pity.

The original so-called fishing law enforcement is actually the case.

Let the already famous Zi Ye frequent activities in Xianyang, revealing traces.

As a result, all those who wanted to find someone to assassinate His Majesty brought them to the door themselves.

This move is not ruthless!

But then again, it is no wonder that these ministers were fooled.

Even their cronies, it is only now that they know that His Majesty still holds such an outrageous hidden card in his hand.

Despair, panic, fear... all kinds of negative emotions are intertwined in the hearts of the ministers.

They never thought of it.

After a lot of work, it turned out to be such an end.

Sima Kuoqiang said calmly: "Your Majesty, we have indeed committed a capital crime, but if you directly execute us all, I am afraid that Xianyang Palace and even the entire Daqin will be in chaos."

"It's better to give us a chance to redeem our past..."

"Sima Kuo, Sima Kuo, you are definitely the most courageous person I have ever met."

The smile on Zhao Tuo's face slowly subsided.

"Failed to kill me, do you still want to talk to me? Are you worthy?"

"Just because you guys hold the key to Daqin's operation?""

"I still don't believe it, this Daqin... I can't do it without you!

Zhao Tuo got up and clapped his hands.

"Come out!

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