Chapter 205

Zhao Tuo's voice fell, and several young officials walked out from the side of the bedroom.

Seeing these people, all the ministers present were instantly terrified.

Could it be that……

"You should be familiar with these people, right?" Zhao Tuo stood with his hands behind his back and asked indifferently:

"Do you think that their replacement for your position will affect the operation of Daqin?"


All the ministers were silent.

Including Sima Kuo, the explanation was pale.

These people, they are all too familiar.

A few years ago, the young people who had entered the palace as officials were quite talented.

Coupled with the help of some officials in the DPRK and China, the worst of these people is now their capable generals.

The better ones have even become their deputy.

It is precisely because of their existence that these ministers have basically handed over the work at hand to them in the past two years.

So much leisure.

However, they never expected that these people would become their life-threatening charms today!

"So, is there anything else you want to say?" Zhao Tuo looked at the ministers coldly.

It seems to be looking at four people one by one.


Sima Kuo knelt and sat on the ground, his face turning ashen.

He is very clear.

In front of him, there is only one dead end.

He looked at Zhao Tuo in despair and showed a tragic smile.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, you can get rid of us today, but you can't get rid of the bane of Da Qin."

"Your strategy of weakening the nobility will not only not make Da Qin better, but will make the world in chaos!"5

"Look at it, Daqin will suffer the consequences immediately, hahahaha!!!

Sima Kuo's laughter did not move Zhao Tuo at all.

That is, at this moment, a person in a net from outside the palace walked in.

"Your Majesty, there is a battle report from the front.

Battle report?

All the ministers looked at Zhao Tuo in unison.

Now that Daqin has not fought against the heat and place, where is the report of the battle?



"General Wang Ben, General Feng Jie, General Li Xin, General Han Xin, and General Xiang Yu are here to report. The large armies from all over the country destroyed 27 nobles and nobles of the six countries who had the intention of rebelling and turmoil, totaling more than 73,000 people."

"General Meng Yi wiped out the nobles and nobles of the Six Kingdoms who had the intention of rebelling and turmoil in the vicinity of the internal history, totaling more than 29,000 people.

"At present, all the nobles who have rebellion intentions in Daqin have been suppressed.

"very good."

Zhao Tuo smiled and looked at Sima Kuo and the others.

"This is what you call the chaos in the world? This is what you call the evil result?

"You think I can't think of this?

Sima Kuo and the others were completely dumbfounded this time.

It was also at this moment that they reacted.

Whether it is Zhao Gao Huhai, or the remnants of the original Six Kingdoms, or the nobles they are now.

All of them were dug by the young His Majesty early, and then jumped in voluntarily.

They should have realized...

How could this Second Majesty, without any preparation, implement a policy that would obviously lead to chaos in the world?

To blame, you can only blame them for losing their minds.

I can only blame Ziye for hiding too deep!

"Come on!"

Zhao Tuo looked at the ministers in front of him coldly, and said without any hesitation: "Press down these sinful ministers and wait for their fate!"


Above the court, a group of officials in prison uniforms knelt at the front with shackles.

Behind them are the officials of the court.

Among them, more than a dozen newly promoted Zhao Tuo cronies have seamlessly replaced the positions of these criminal ministers.

The operation of the entire Xianyang Palace and even Daqin was not affected by half.

Zhao Tuo looked coldly at the shoe minister below.

"As a court official of the Great Qin Dynasty, knowing the law and breaking the law!"

"Not only did he intend to murder me, but he also rebelled against the rule of the dynasty! He even contacted the nobles of the six countries privately to disrupt my Daqin rule!

"If the order goes on, the sinful minister Sima Kuo and others will not be forgiven for their crimes, and they will be the three tribes of the barbarians!

"As for them, they will be beheaded at noon today!"


・・・・For flowers・0

A group of court officers rushed out from behind the ninth-order dragon platform, and went straight to the outside of the palace in one wave, and took Sima Kuo and other criminal officials away in one wave.

The rest of the court officials were secretly shocked when they saw this scene.

As expected of His Majesty the Second Emperor, who had forcibly ascended the throne.

He looks so easy to get along with on weekdays, but at a critical moment, he can copy the homes of more than a dozen ministers in the DPRK without changing his face!

How cold-blooded and courageous is this?

It seems that this city of Xianyang, which has just subsided for a long time, is going to experience another bloody storm...

Just like what the court officials thought.

A large number of court officials poured out of Xianyang City, and the Buddha Army directly and completely blocked the city gate.

More than a dozen ministers in the DPRK also posted notices all over the city to assassinate His Majesty and disrupt the order of the Qin Dynasty because of their policy intentions.

What followed was an extremely tragic home raid...

More than a dozen important officials in the dynasty meant more than a dozen great nobles.

Six or seven hundred family members of various families were led out of the city in screams and pleadings.

As for what they will face next, it is self-evident.

The turmoil this time completely shocked Xianyang City and even the entire internal history area.

However, all the people, not only were not frightened, but their support and praise for Zhao Tuo grew louder.

There is no reason for him.

Even the important officials in the court were executed cruelly, one can imagine that it weakened the determination of the nobles to support the common people.

Such a good emperor must be supported!

"I didn't expect to gain a lot of prestige like this."

Looking at the rapidly growing balance, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but smile.

This time, I couldn't help but make up for the consumption of the previous extensive inspection of the military map, and there was even a surplus.

Not bad for this wave!

Zhao Tuo was secretly delighted, when a man with a net suddenly walked into the hall.

"Reporting to Your Majesty! The original "Nanjing" in the tomb of the ancestors of medicine has arrived in Xianyang, together with the forbidden prescription for medical techniques!"


Zhao Tuo stood up in surprise.

"Send the medical book directly to the doctors, and I'll be there right away!"


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