Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 206: The World! The Forbidden Recipe of Lost Medicine!

Chapter 206

After receiving the news, Zhao Tuo quickly changed into his casual clothes, left the palace, and walked straight towards the city where the doctors were compiling medical books.

When they came here, a group of Iron Eagle Guards were placing a wooden box in the center.

However, such a special scene has never been watched by anyone.

All the doctors gathered around the many recorders in groups of three, busy with the compilation of medical books.

Even Zhao Tuo's arrival did not attract attention.

But this is a good thing for Zhao Tuo.

"His Majesty!

"Well, when the box is opened, I would like to see what is so special about this "Difficult Classic" and the lost prescription for medical skills."


The wooden box was opened, and the whole box was slightly moldy, and the booklet with the faint smell of corruption of "Eight Seven Three" came into Zhao Tuo's eyes.

Ignoring the stains and smells on it, Zhao Tuo picked up a book and flipped through it.

"Fever reduction...Children's convulsions...Fever epidemic..."

"Well, there are also prescriptions, which should be good things."

Zhao Tuo looked over and nodded with satisfaction.

Although he does not know medicine.

But this did not prevent him from understanding the importance of these medical skills to today's Daqin.

As for the more professional stuff...

"His Majesty?"

Zhao Tuo was thinking about it when suddenly the business of Doctor Ju could be heard from behind him.

"Doctor Ju? You are here at the right time, look at this.


Doctor Ju subconsciously took over the medical skills.

However, as soon as he glanced at it, his complexion changed drastically.

"Hey...this is...

He turned over the writing and looked at the familiar note above, and suddenly he was dumbfounded.

"It's hard! It's really hard! I know the handwriting of Uncle Bian Que!

Saying that, he didn't care about Zhao Tuo's presence, and hurriedly came to the wooden box and looked through it.

"Right! It's all here! It's really all here!"

"This is... a forbidden recipe for medical books handed down by the ancestors?"

"Anesthesia wine... Birth-delivery method... Even these are there! 35

"It's not that these medical books are already... wait!"

Doctor Ju was stunned for a moment, and then he got close to the medical book and smelled it...

When he looked at Zhao Tuo again, Doctor Ju looked very strange.

"Your Majesty... found the tomb of Uncle Bian Que? 35

"That's right, the tomb is too obscure and narrow, and the medical ancestors made a huge contribution to the people, so I ordered people to renovate the tomb to show respect. 66


Doctor Ju smiled helplessly.

He could naturally hear what Zhao Tuo meant.

"Your Majesty, this old man thinks it's better to transcribe these medical books as much as possible before taking them out.

"Otherwise, if it is known to outsiders, it may cause gossip.


Hearing Doctor Ju's suggestion, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but nodded.

"Doctor Ju is right, then tomorrow the medical book will be transcribed, and I will order someone to deliver it.

"Your Majesty can be so attentive about medical books, it is really the well-being of the people in the world."

"As a ruler, I naturally have to seek blessings for the people. Doctor Ju is busy, so I will go back now."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!

Zhao Tuo hurried back to the palace with the medical book.

As soon as he entered the palace, he ordered people to summon more than a hundred literate people in the palace.

"These medical books, I need you to transcribe them within a day.""

"Don't worry, Your Majesty..."

In fact, a whole box of medical books seems to be very numerous.

But there are cloth and silk books and bamboo slips.

To be honest, aside from the existing parts of the "Nanjing", the rest of the content plus the rest of the forbidden prescriptions of medicine really isn't too much.

Coupled with the large number of people who copied it, the books were split and copied.

In just one afternoon and one night, the medical books found in Bian Que's tomb have all been re-transcribed and re-bound.

And Zhao Tuo didn't delay.

Just after trying breakfast, he brought the medical book to the side of compiling medical books again.

As soon as Zhao Tuo arrived this time, he saw a large group of healers gathered together, seemingly waiting for his arrival.

On second thought, Zhao Tuo knew.

Mostly, Doctor Ju told everyone yesterday that he had found the original "Nanjing" and the forbidden prescription for medical skills. . . . . . .

That's why these doctors, who have nothing in their minds except medical skills, are so excited.

"Meet Your Majesty!!!"

"No need to be polite."

Zhao Tuo waved his hand, and then motioned for those accompanying him to carry the medical book over.

"Muwa, Meizi, you are descendants of medical ancestors, come and read these medical books."5


The two stepped forward excitedly.

As early as last night, I heard that Doctor Ju said that His Majesty had actually found the "Nanjing" and the forbidden recipes in medical books that should have been lost.

The two of them hadn't slept well all night.

Now I finally have to try these medical books!

Just looking over it, the two brothers and sisters became more and more happy.

"Although it is a transcript, the content is absolutely correct! 39

"Yes, this is the word order commonly used by the master!"

"The entire book of "Nanjing", as well as these forbidden prescriptions for medical techniques, are all here! All are here!"


The two brothers and sisters were extremely excited.

When the surrounding doctors heard the good news, they also congratulated each other.

The complete version of the "Nanjing" and the forbidden prescriptions of the medical ancestors can be added to the compilation of this medical book, which is undoubtedly a huge good news for the current medical book!

"Looking at your appearance, 1.0 Zhen probably didn't work in vain." Zhao Tuo smiled slightly.

"How's the medical book? Take me quietly."

"Okay! Your Majesty, please." Doctor Ju smiled and led the way ahead.

Soon, under the leadership of Doctor Ju, Zhao Tuo came to a heavily fortified house.

Around the entire house, there were actually ten soldiers guarding it.

Opposite is the 500 Qin army station guarding the doctors.

It can be said that even if a fly flies in here, it will be found.

"I have seen Your Majesty! 35


Entering the house, the large table of two chapters came into Zhao Tuo's eyes.

Above, there are stacks of one hundred fifty or sixty cloth books!

"Your Majesty, these are medical books.

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