Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 207 "Medical Classic"! "Pharmacopoeia"!

Chapter 207

"It's all medical books!?"

Looking at at least 150 or 60 books in front of him, even Zhao Tuo felt a little incredible.

Although I know the volume of this medical book will be very large, but this is also a bit outrageous, right?

Does it seem to see Zhao Tuo's doubts? Doctor Ju pointed to more than 40 books and introduced:

"Your Majesty, all the medical experts and scholars who have gathered in Xianyang now have all the medical skills they are good at or the medical books they have done are all summarized in these temporary booklets."

"Next, the physicians will re-edit these books in terms of the number of diagnoses, methods of treatment, methods of acupuncture, and miscellaneous techniques according to their respective areas of expertise. 35

"So it ended up being a book, far less so.

Zhao Tuo suddenly realized.

I see.

But this approach is indeed very reasonable.

What everyone is good at is taken out first, and finally the essence is taken out.

This also avoids omissions.

"At that time, these contents will be compiled into "Medical Classics"."

"Without those fancy names, 19 is meant to trace its origins to Chongben."

After speaking, Doctor Ju brought Zhao Tuo to a larger table.

Hundreds of books are stacked neatly on it.

Doctor Ju continued to introduce: "These are compiled by all of you who have a deep understanding of all kinds of medicines and stones.

"In these nearly 100 books, there are more than 800 flavors and more than 4,000 prescriptions of various types of medicinal stone Cordyceps.

"Detailed drawings of most of the herbs and records of their efficacy and taboos."

"At that time, after your colleagues have verified the efficacy of the medicine, these hundred books will be jointly compiled into the "Pharmacopoeia""

While listening to the introduction of Doctor Ju, Zhao Tuo flipped through the books on the table.

I was amazed.

Shen Pesticide Classic, maybe the content and essence of "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" are also condensed in these hundreds of classics.

Eight hundred herbs and more than four thousand prescriptions.

Among these hundred medical books, the number of medicinal materials and prescriptions covered has far exceeded the "Shen Nong Baicao Jing" decades later.

It has even reached half the number of medicinal materials and prescriptions in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" after a thousand years.

Don't underestimate this half.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" was compiled by Li Shizhen after summarizing thousands of years of medical classics and the experience of predecessors.

The accumulation of such a long time is definitely not comparable to the current Da Qin.

But Zhao Tuo believes.

With the current development of Daqin, in the next period of time, there will be more medicinal herbs, and more prescriptions will be discovered and invented.

It won't take too long, this "Shen Pesticide Dian" will surpass the "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Become the medical scripture of this world!

"Not bad, really good..." Zhao Tuo exclaimed softly.

It has to be said that the fact that a group of doctors in the world co-authoring medical books is indeed a wise move.

God knows how much money this will save.

But then again, the more than 100 physicians and scholars gathered from all over Daqin really had two brushes.

With the help of the people sent from the DPRK and China, it was possible to advance to such a progress in such a short period of time.

According to the normal work efficiency, I am afraid there must be at least dozens of transcribers every day to transcribe.

In this regard, Ju Yi also gave the answer.

The general meaning is: in the first few days, physicians and scholars were divided into groups.

Those who are good at one category are divided into a group, and a person with the best medical skills is selected, and the results of this group's discussion are relayed to the full-time recorder.

Under such a division of labor, both the number of medical books and the professionalism of each category can be guaranteed.

At the same time, during the multi-person discussion, most immature or unfeasible solutions can be excluded, and some rare and unique therapeutic prescriptions can be shared.

It can be said that the co-authoring of medical books by a group of doctors in the world is also a great opportunity for medical experts and scholars to learn from each other and increase their medical skills.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo was overjoyed and waved his hand: "Come here, take 100,000 yuan and distribute it to all the doctors!

"In addition, prepare some high-quality tea leaves and jade silk and silk, and send them over together!

With a wave of Zhao Tuo's hand, it was a reward worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Now Da Qin is rich.

Even a mere hundreds of thousands of rewards can still be obtained from the national treasury.

Medical scholars and scholars have made such a contribution, and they can't let their hearts be chilled, can they?

As long as these classics can be screened and compiled as soon as possible.

Even if it is a million dollars, he Daqin can take it out!

Besides, I have raided the homes of more than a dozen ministers in the past two days. Now that the treasury is short of everything, there is no shortage of money!

Zhao Tuo looked at Doctor Ju beside him and asked casually, "Have the names of these two medical books been decided after they are finished? 873"

He can see it.

Although these two medical books are currently divided into two parts.

But the content is still relevant.

Presumably this "Medical Classic" and "Pharmacopoeia" will be like the two classics "Su Wen" and "Acupuncture Classic", and will eventually be combined into a unified work.

Hearing Zhao Tuo ask, Doctor Ju nodded and replied, "It's settled."

"These two works, the future belongs to "Medical Tao". 35

"Is the medical book titled "Doctor of Medicine"? Not bad!" Zhao Tuo nodded in agreement.

Apparently he was very happy with the neat and tidy name.

The name "Medical Dao" has the meaning of returning to the basics.

And it indeed summed up all the essence of Daqin's current medicine.

The name of the medical way is well deserved.

After visiting for a while, Zhao Tuo left after being escorted by Juyi and other doctors.

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with going back. It's all out, so why don't you just go for a walk."5

With this mentality, Zhao Tuo dismissed his followers and walked towards the main street with his hands on his back.

But he didn't find it.

A thick cloud of lead is approaching from a distance...

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