Chapter 208

Today's Main Street is much busier than before.

On both sides of the main street, the original families also put up plaques and started business.

Now the DPRK has ordered that the merchants' status is restored to the level of commoners, and there is no longer the risk of being recruited for corvée service after the business fails.

Therefore, the people trying to start a business have gradually increased.

Coupled with the official business and merchants, the entire main street has become the most densely populated place in Xianyang City.

Generally speaking, as long as you are not too stupid to start a business, it is not difficult to have an income of one or two hundred dollars a month.

Tailors' shops, shoe shops, those who sell a lot of millet, those who sell fruit, those who sell herbs, those who sell the flesh of game...

With all kinds of newly opened shops, shopping on the main street is not as boring as before.

Although there is still a long way to go before it is prosperous.

But it is not easy to develop from nothing to this appearance in a few months.


Suddenly, bursts of muffled thunder sounded.

A thick cloud of lead loomed over the sky at some point.

"It's going to rain! Everyone, close the stalls!"

"Go home, go home

"walk away...

In an instant, the originally bustling streets, the silhouettes of people disappeared in an instant.

Only Zhao Tuo was left looking around, unable to recover for a while.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A light rain fell from the sky.

Zhao Tuo stood there as if he didn't realize it.

But soon behind him, the Iron Eagle Guard walked quickly and held up an umbrella for Zhao Tuo.

"Your Majesty, it's raining."


Zhao Tuo raised his head to look at the animal skin bronze umbrella in the hands of Tie Yingwei, then looked at the deserted streets, and asked subconsciously:

"You said, now that Daqin's business is more developed, how much tax will be affected by this rainy day?"


Tie Yingwei was stunned.

He is a martial arts practitioner, and he is fine with swords and fists.

But the business tax... how does he know this?

However, Zhao Tuo obviously did not intend to get an answer from him.

Instead, he walked in the direction of Xianyang Palace in contemplation...

As soon as he arrived in the palace, he ordered Xiangli Yang to come over.

"Xiangli Yang, if you don't rest like this, you may die suddenly.

Looking at Xiangli Yang with a big black eye, Zhao Tuo's face was so ugly.

"Come on, keep an eye on this guy in the future, you must eat three meals a day as usual, sleep on time, and increase your flexible time by up to half an hour.



Xiangli sheep is a little confused.

He never expected it.

He escaped the nagging of the mother-in-law at home, but failed to escape the supervision of His Majesty.

"Okay, get down to business. 55

Zhao Tuo got up and came to the door of the main hall.

The light rain that had been pattering has turned into a downpour.

Intensive rain fell to the ground, causing bursts of water mist.

"I need you to do two things."9

"The first is an umbrella that uses bamboo as its bones and can open and shrink freely.

"The second type is an iron frame, which can be installed on the eaves and can be stretched freely. 99

Saying that, Zhao Tuo ordered someone to bring a pen and paper.

Simply explain the structure of the umbrella and the shed for Xiangli Sheep.

This modern common structure is naturally not difficult for Xiangli sheep.

The only thing that puzzled him was listening to what Zhao Tuo meant. It seemed that these things were meant to be popularized among the common people.


"Your Majesty, this structural thing is easy to say. After it is made, some skilled craftsmen can imitate it."

"But such umbrella and shed surfaces must have a certain degree of softness and toughness, and at the same time they must be waterproof."

"Today's Daqin can meet these conditions, I am afraid that only animal skins are available."

"But this animal skin is quite valuable, this..."

However, when faced with the question of Xiangli Yang, Zhao Tuo waved his hand and said: "I leave this question to me, you only need to make the skeleton of the structure.

"After the fan and shed are ready, I will order someone to send it to you.

"Here! 35

"By the way, how is your research on the bearing and the screw and nut?

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking about this, Xiangli Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for selling out."

"In two days, the minister will bring you a few gadgets while the umbrella canopy is completed. 39


This aroused Zhao Tuo's appetite.

How many gadgets?

Listening to the meaning of Xiangli Yang, I am afraid that this bearing nut not only has a good look, but also seems to be able to be applied?

If so, it would be interesting...

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

The fact that the central government and a dozen ministers were raided, and that the nobles with wicked hearts were suppressed by thunder, even if they didn't catch up with the publication of the newspapers, it is now spread all over Da Qin.

The people cheered and cheered for this.

What kind of people are nobles to them?

Exploitation, domination, ruthlessness.

Coupled with the original class confrontation and the hatred of the rich that exists in all eras.

This is definitely something they would love to see.

As for the rest of the nobles, they were all in turmoil.

Some are busy selling their properties and gathering power in order to protect themselves.

Some simply threw all human, material and financial resources on their children.

Look for the giants, go to private schools, pay attention to education...

After all, His Majesty said it.

In the future Daqin, the selection of officials should be based on talent.

If they don't want to step on the common people under their feet, they can only rely on their current advantages to make their children better than the common people's children!

However, some nobles in Xianyang City were already watching the second academy under preparation at this time.

The most exaggerated thing is that even if the school is only spreading the news internally, the internal classrooms have not been planned at all.

The big families have already started to arrange their families to squat at the gate of the school every day.

It would be foolish to show Fusu directly.

What is this for?

Haven't even written the eight characters yet? Are you waiting to sign up?

And the reason why these nobles were able to change their previous and disdainful attitude towards the school (Qian Zhaozhao).

The main reason is that during this period of time, they gradually learned the content of the school textbooks and teaching methods through various means.

In addition to the curriculum that will gradually increase in the future, and the recent changes in children studying in the school.


This school can say anything!

At this time, in the Xianyang Palace, Zhao Tuo and everyone were discussing the issue of taxation.

Today, Daqin Business is developing rapidly under the reform of "Business Law" and the support of government-run businessmen.

Together with a large amount of patent tax and normal business tax revenue soared rapidly.

In just two months, the business tax, which was originally insignificant, has reached the level of 50% of the tax!

Although it is still only 50% for the time being.

But this means that Daqin can reduce taxes on a large scale!

At this time, Zhao Tuo and everyone were discussing this matter.

While we were chatting, the eunuch came in from outside the hall.

".|| Your Majesty, Lord Xiangli brought some of the items you asked for." Zhuan.

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